[comp.windows.x] Lispview and apollo

alc@athene.srl.ford.COM (Alan L. Clark) (04/13/91)

I have an application written using Sun's Lispview package that
I want to deliver on an Apollo.  If I run the thing on a
Sparc (under OpenWindows) and set my DISPLAY environment variable
to an Apollo (using Motif [mwm] on top of Xapollo) I get the
following error from Lispview:

  ;;; Creating a display for XView ... 
  XView warning: Unable to allocate colors for colormap segment (Color package)
  XView warning: invalid object (not a pointer), xv_get
  XView warning: invalid object (not a pointer), xv_get
  XView warning: invalid object (not a pointer), xv_get
  >>Error: (:POINTER (:ARRAY XVIEW:XV-SINGLECOLOR (0))) is an unknown foreign-type

     Keyword arg 0 (TYPE): (:POINTER (:ARRAY XVIEW:XV-SINGLECOLOR (0)))
     Keyword arg 1 (ALIGNMENT): 1
  :A  0: Abort to Lisp Top Level

Any ideas?
This runs fine if my DISPLAY is a Sun.  I suspect this has something to do
with Xapollo.  Yet, other OpenWindow based applications "deliver" just fine
from sun -> apollo.

Thanks in advance,

  __       ___
 |  | |   |                   alc@athene.srl.ford.com
 |__| |   |        Al Clark,  or                           "What, me worry?"
 |  | |__ |___                clark@srlvx0.srl.ford.com