[comp.windows.x] Looking for third-party source for MOTIF on Sun

timv@ccad.uiowa.edu (Timothy VanFosson) (04/16/91)

Our research center has standardized upon MOTIF as the GUI for all
software produced by the center.  Some of our industrial participants
have Sun workstations, and as we do not want to get into the
MOTIF support business, we would like to find a third-party source
where they can obtain MOTIF for Sun workstations.  If you know of,
or have experience with, third-party MOTIF solutions for Sun (or
any other vendor), I would appreciate hearing from you.

If there is sufficient response, I will post a summary to the net.

Timothy VanFosson                   E-mail   : timv@ccad.uiowa.edu
Senior Systems Analyst              US Mail  : CAD-Research
University of Iowa                             228 ERF
Phone : (319) 335-5728                         Iowa City, Iowa 52242