[comp.windows.x] Looking for X11R4 binaries for HP9000 Model 330C

eesrajm@cc.brunel.ac.uk (Andrew J Michael) (04/17/91)

We have an old HP9000 Model 330C at work, running HP-UX 5.5.  It is a "hack"
machine in that we don't intend to spend any more money on it; it has been
superceded by a network of Suns - no comments or flames required, thanks :-)

Anyway, to make the machine vaguely useful we could do with a copy of X11R4
for it.  We have the MIT sources, but the machine doesn't have enough disk
space to compile X, and because we don't have NFS on it we can't get at the
machine where our sources are anyway.  Is there any kind soul out there who 
could let me have a copy of the binaries for access by ftp ? 

Thanks in advance

Andy Michael                                     "You might think that.  I
85 Hawthorne Crescent                             couldn't possibly comment."
West Drayton					    - `House of Cards'
Middlesex            email: eesrajm@brunel.ac.uk                             
UB7 9PA           or Andrew.Michael@brunel.ac.uk