[comp.windows.x] _XtGetPerWidgetInput dumps core on Sun

dseismo@infoac.rmi.de (Lennartz Electronic ) (04/23/91)

Hello everybody,

I have a problem running an application using the Xw widgets (of which I only
have the R3 source) on a Sun SLC (SunOS 4.1.1, Open Windows 2). Sometimes when
I use the TextEdit widget, the Sun dumps core. This always happens in the
function _XtGetPerWidgetInput, but not always for the same reason (sometimes
SEGV, sometimes BUS). Also, the history right before the core dump is not
always the same; sometimes it's _FindFocusWidget, sometimes it's _XtCheckServerGrabsOnWidget.
The same application used to run fine under 4.0.3, Open Windows 1 (which,
if I'm not mistaken, was R3 based anyway). It also runs fine under HP-UX
with HP's X11R3 implementation.
Do you think I *have* to use the Xw that's distributed with R4 (IS it still
Any pointers appreciated.

-- Dieter Stoll

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