[comp.windows.x] xperfmon won't run

D_GONZALEZ@upr1.upr.clu.EDU (04/24/91)

	I am trying to use the program xperfmon to keep an eye on the 
traffic on our network.
	When I run the program on our SPARCsever390, it will run without
any kind of problem. But, if I go to one of the SPARCstations, I will
get the following message:

[root@ceenet7] [49]: xperfmon
vmstat: Disk init info not in namelist
[root@ceenet7] [50]:

	I checked the man pages and it mentions that it must have 
access to the /dev/kmem file. I have changed the permisions for 
this file as follows but I still get the warning:
	[root@ceenet7] [51]: ls -al /dev/kmem
	crw-r--r--  1 root       3,   1 Jul 11  1990 /dev/kmem

	Any comments??

David Gonzalez		internet:"d_gonzalez@upr1.upr.clu.edu"
CEENET Lab Staff		   lestat@rmece01.upr.clu.edu
University of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez Campus -- Engineering School