[comp.windows.x] Different keyboard mappings in different windows !

per@upnet.se (Per Agren) (04/24/91)

Hello Xperts !

I have some problems here with my keyboard and some national characters.
What I want is to setup the Motif Window Manager in such way that when 
I choose to connect to a computer I set the keymap for that session 
without changing the X-Servers default keymap.


When I connect to a Sun I want some Modifier key on the left Alt key
and when I connect to a VAX I want it as a Multi_Key.

Is that possible ??

Kind regards
Per Agren		Upnet AB		email:	per@upnet.se
Tech Support		Karlsbodav. 18		phone:	+46 8 986373
Sweden			161 70 BROMMA		fax:	+46 8 987067