[comp.windows.x] xmh

pinkas@happy.intel.com (Israel Pinkas ~) (07/21/88)

Does anybody have s et of sources for XMH?  I need a copy for both X10.4
and X11.2.  If you are willing to send them, please send me your name.  I
will request them from the closest site.

Disclaimer: The above are my personal opinions, and in no way represent
the opinions of Intel Corporation.  In no way should the above be taken
to be a statement of Intel.

UUCP:	{amdcad,decwrl,hplabs,oliveb,pur-ee,qantel}!intelca!mipos3!cadev4!pinkas
ARPA:	pinkas%cadev4.intel.com@relay.cs.net
CSNET:	pinkas%cadev4.intel.com

joel@pyr.gatech.EDU (Joel Rives) (07/23/88)

Speaking of Xmh, does anyone have a fix for the "Create Folder" bug for
the X11R2 version of this useful program?


		The thief
		  Left it behind--
		    The moon at the window.

hsg@pbinfo.UUCP (Joerg Hoyer) (10/24/88)


i have a novice question about xmh.
I installed the Mailer mh now on my system, and i want to use the xmh,
but every start of xmh have the same result:

 I got a window with no label in the fields.

What is wrong ???

I used the original xmh.Xdefaults.
Please help me.

Many thanks


UUCP:  ...!uunet!unido!pbinfo!hsg        |  Joerg Hoyer
       or hsg@pbinfo.UUCP                |  Universitaet-GH Paderborn, FB 17
CSNET: hsg%pbinfo.uucp@Germany.CSNET     |  Warburger Str. 100
ARPA:  hsg%pbinfo.uucp@uunet.uu.net      |  D-4790 Paderborn, West Germany

PJS@GROUCH.JPL.NASA.GOV (Peter Scott) (04/25/89)

I really like the user interface to xmh, and would like to use it; only
problem is, we don't have mh(1) and don't know how to get it.  It seems
that it would be logical for someone to be developing a program called
_xmail_; is anyone doing this?

Peter Scott (pjs@grouch.jpl.nasa.gov)

lee@iris.ucdavis.EDU (Peng Lee) (09/15/89)

  Our version of xmh (X11 version 3.1)  can't insert the old 
message into the reply window. It just insert the filename of 
the old message to the window.  

1) Is anyone else has the same problem?
2) If so, is there a patch for this problem?

-Peng (lee@iris.ucdavis.edu)
P.S.  I'd like to hack the code if this is indeed a xmh bug.  

converse@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Donna Converse) (09/17/89)

>   Our version of xmh (X11 version 3.1)  can't insert the old 
> message into the reply window. It just insert the filename of 
> the old message to the window.  

Hmm?  X11 version 3.1?  Anyway, read about the ReplyInsertFilter
under "Customizing xmh" in the xmh man pages.  The insert button
doesn't insert the message until you define a filter to do it.

> P.S.  I'd like to hack the code if this is indeed a xmh bug.  

Well, would "cat" be a better default filter than "echo" ?  If you
come up with a interesting solution, send it to xbugs@expo.lcs.mit.edu.

This is what I use --

xmh*ReplyInsertFilter:	/users/converse/Mail/replfilter

And replfilter contains this --

# Skip headers, then print out the body lines prepended with "> "
sed -n '
/^$/b eohdr
b header
b body
s/^/> /p
b body' $*

raveling@isi.edu (Paul Raveling) (09/19/89)

In article <8909162004.AA22122@expo.lcs.mit.edu>,
converse@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Donna Converse) writes:
> >   Our version of xmh (X11 version 3.1)  can't insert the old 
> > message into the reply window. It just insert the filename of 
> > the old message to the window.  
> > P.S.  I'd like to hack the code if this is indeed a xmh bug.  

	Here's the bug fix that's required in msg.c:

<       argv[2] = (char*)sprintf(command, "%s %s",
>       sprintf(command, "%s %s",
>       argv[2] = command;

	The obvious problem is that sprintf returns an integer
	to report the number of bytes formatted, not a char pointer
	to the bytes.

> Well, would "cat" be a better default filter than "echo" ?

	Yes, when combined with the bug fix above it "works" to

		xmh*ReplyInsertFilter:  cat

	I haven't reported this to xbugs because surely it must be
	a moot point.  This must have been spotted and fixed long ago,
	and the same section of code probably has been rewritten
	anyway.  This is what should handle prefixing included lines with
	"> " or some other string, and should allow stripping header
	information out of the included message.

Paul Raveling

auvspea@auvc2.Berkeley.EDU (Derek Spears) (06/16/90)

	Wher would I find the MH routines that xmh uses? I don`t seem
to have them on my SPARC running 4.1 


cahuja@arco.COM (Chander Ahuja (214)754-3895) (01/11/91)

   Anybody have an idea why I cant see the 'insert' cursor (sometimes I 
see it flash by and guess its a ^). Am running the X11r4 tape version of
Xmh and have its sample file installed in app-defaults and about 10
extra command buttons. Changing the font with -fn didnt do anything except
now I can see underscores (_) in the mail message. Its darn hard to find
where you are typing specially if you want to back up and retype something


email:: cahuja@inetg1.arco.com
- Chander M Ahuja

ben@nynexst.com (Ben Chigier) (04/30/91)

Does anyone out there know how to customize xmh??
What I would like to do is have a line/bar (that is a different 
color) that separates the list of messages in the current folder 
from the customized buttons. There are currently bars that 
separate the main buttons from the folders, the folders and the 
list of messages/custom buttons, and between the messages/custom
 buttons and the message window. It seems that there must be a
resource for this??

Ben Chigier.

converse@expo.lcs.mit.EDU (Donna Converse) (05/01/91)

> Does anyone out there know how to customize xmh??

There's a book published about customizing mh and xmh, titled
"MH & xmh E-mail for Users and Programmers", by Jerry Peek, 
published by O'Reilly and Associates.

> What I would like to do is have a line/bar (that is a different 
> color) that separates the list of messages in the current folder 
> from the customized buttons. There are currently bars that 
> separate the main buttons from the folders, the folders and the 
> list of messages/custom buttons, and between the messages/custom
>  buttons and the message window. It seems that there must be a
> resource for this??

There's no resource for this.  You could hack the source; look in
MakeTocAndView in the file clients/xmh/screen.c.