[comp.windows.x] fb to snf converter

don@atlantis.coral.COM (Don Dewar) (04/17/91)

I know I have seen this asked on the net before, but I don't remember
seeing an answer, nor can I find anything regarding it in the FAQ.
Is there a utility to convert OpenWindow FB fonts to fonts that can be
used with X, such as SNF.

  | Coral   |
  |@@*@@**@@|     Don Dewar
  |*@@**@@@@|     Coral Network Corporation, Marlborough, MA
  |@***@@@@@|     Internet: don@coral.com
  |@@**@@@@@|     Phone:    (508) 460-6010
  |*********|     Fax:      (508) 481-6258
  |Networks |

don@atlantis.coral.COM (Don Dewar) (04/22/91)

) Return-Path: <uunet!NMSU.Edu!mleisher>
) From: uunet!NMSU.Edu!mleisher
) Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 18:06:22 MDT
) To: don@atlantis.coral.com (Don Dewar)
) In-Reply-To: don@atlantis.coral.COM's message of 17 Apr 91 14:17:11 GMT
) Subject: fb to snf converter
) The OW "convertfont" utility will generate a BDF font from an FB font.
) You can use "bdftosnf" to get the SNF file from there.
) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
) mleisher@nmsu.edu                      "I laughed.
) Mark Leisher                                I cried.
) Computing Research Lab                          I fell down.
) New Mexico State University                        It changed my life."
) Las Cruces, NM                     - Rich [Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grille]

Because many people have now answered this question for me and others
requested that I forward the answer on, I thought I might post it.
Thanks to those that answered my question.  It enabled me to get
Wordperfect working under mwm.

  | Coral   |
  |@@*@@**@@|     Don Dewar
  |*@@**@@@@|     Coral Network Corporation, Marlborough, MA
  |@***@@@@@|     Internet: don@coral.com
  |@@**@@@@@|     Phone:    (508) 460-6010
  |*********|     Fax:      (508) 481-6258
  |Networks |

mouse@lightning.mcrcim.mcgill.EDU (der Mouse) (05/02/91)

> I know I have seen this asked on the net before, but I don't remember
> seeing an answer, nor can I find anything regarding it in the FAQ.
> Is there a utility to convert OpenWindow FB fonts to fonts that can
> be used with X, such as SNF.

Speaking strictly to the technical issues, ignoring possible legal
reasons you wouldn't want to do this....  (I'm not a lawyer.)

You could always use getbdf to connect to the OW server and generate a
BDF representation of the font at some particular size.  (getbdf is
something I wrote to do precisely this: produce BDF for a font from an
arbitrary X server.  You can ftp it from, in X/getbdf.c, or
via mail from me if you can't ftp it for some reason.)

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

brsmith@cs.umn.edu (Brian R. Smith) (05/04/91)

In <9105021312.AA18146@lightning.McRCIM.McGill.EDU> mouse@lightning.mcrcim.mcgill.EDU (der Mouse) writes:

>> I know I have seen this asked on the net before, but I don't remember
>> seeing an answer, nor can I find anything regarding it in the FAQ.
>> Is there a utility to convert OpenWindow FB fonts to fonts that can
>> be used with X, such as SNF.

>You could always use getbdf to connect to the OW server and generate
>a BDF representation of the font at some particular size.  (getbdf is
>something I wrote to do precisely this: produce BDF for a font from
>an arbitrary X server.  You can ftp it from, in
>X/getbdf.c, or via mail from me if you can't ftp it for some reason.)

You can use "convertfont", which is included in the OpenWindows
distribution to convert any OpenWindows bitmap font into an snf font.

What's more, you can create any size bitmap font you desire from the
scalable Folio format font (.f3) files with "makeafb", also included in

(After doing it, though, "getbdf" sounds much easier... :-)

bruceb@ingres.com (Bruce Badash) (05/04/91)

In article <9105021312.AA18146@lightning.McRCIM.McGill.EDU> you write:
> I know I have seen this asked on the net before, but I don't remember
> seeing an answer, nor can I find anything regarding it in the FAQ.
> Is there a utility to convert OpenWindow FB fonts to fonts that can
> be used with X, such as SNF.

	If you have access to an OpenWindows installation, use its
	included convertfont program to create .bdf files (using
	"convertfont -x fontname.fb").  Use bdftosnf to convert from
	bdf to snf format.