[comp.windows.x] Test release

mtr@ukc.ac.uk (M.T.Russell) (05/08/91)

I have put a new release of the ups source level C debugger on
export.lcs.mit.edu (  The main changes in 2.30 are
that it should run under Ultrix 4.0 and 4.1, and it should work
with XView applications.  The XView problem was caused by a bug
to do with deeply nested recursive #include directives.

This is a test release (although I believe it to be reasonably
stable).  I'd be grateful if people who are already using ups 2.28
would try it out in the next few days and mail me either to report
bugs or to say that it works OK.  I'm particularly interested in
reports from people running Ultrix 4.1.

If there are no problems I will post a full announcement to
comp.windows.x in about a week.  By then I will hopefully have
arranged a European FTP site.

The release is available by anonymous FTP from export.lcs.mit.edu
(  The files are:

    contrib/ups-2.28-to-2.30.patch.Z    Patch from 2.28 to 2.30
    contrib/ups-2.30.tar.Z              The full 2.30 release
    contrib/ups-2.30.README             A copy of the top level README file

People in the UK with JANET access can get the release by ni-ftp.
The files are:

    <NETLIB>unix/ups/ups-2.28-to-2.30.patch.Z from uk.ac.ukc.harrier
    <NETLIB>unix/ups/ups-2.30.README from uk.ac.ukc.harrier
    <NETLIB>unix/ups/ups-2.30.tar.Z from uk.ac.ukc.harrier

    user guest
    password <your email address>
