[comp.windows.x] Need help with X11 on Sparc 2

ric@ace.sri.com (Richard Steinberger) (05/14/91)

	I am trying to get X11R4.18 running on a "new" SUN sparc 2 that
has SunOS 4.1.1 installed on it.  I built the X11 distribution with no
changes in any configuration file, and everything seemed to go fine
based on the log of the "make World" session.  I did a "make install",
the ran ldconfig.  [LD_LIBRARY_PATH was NOT defined during compilation.
<sundev/cg6reg.h> was retrieved from a SUN running SunOS 4.1.0.]

	All is not well however, and I could use some help.  


	I have not been able to get xinit to start at all from the console.
I type "xinit" or "xinit -- Xsun" and variations of these.  /usr/bin/X11
is in my path.  (path vaviable is: /bin /usr/bin /usr/ucb /etc /usr/etc 
/usr/local/bin /usr/tools /usr/bin/X11 /usr/openwin/bin /usr/openwin/demo .)
The following message appears on the console monitor:

  xinit: No such file or directory (errno 2): no server "X" in path.

I then typed: "ln -s /usr/bin/X11/Xsun X" and tried "xinit" again.  This time
I got:

  fatal server bug
  no screens found

Can anyone explain what else I need to do to start X11 properly using xinit?
I have been trying to use the mit/server/ddx/sun/README file as a guide.


When I start clients like xeyes or xclock on my X terminal, they seem to
start up and run fine.  When I start them on the SUN monitor (from an openwin
session), I get the following:

  Warning: Widget class Eyes version mismatch (recompilation needed)
  widget 11004 vs. intrinsics 11003


  Warning: widget class VendorShell version mismatch (recompilation needed)
  widget 11004 vs. intrinsics 11003.

Presumably this would not happen if xinit had started things properly and
I weren't in the openwin environment?  Anyone know?

Thanks in advance for any advice, suggestions, comments or whatever.


	Ric Steinberger

