[comp.windows.x] pure text windows

hermann@lasso.rz-berlin.mpg.de (05/14/91)

Hi experts,

in porting a PC version of a crystallographic visualization program I have
a problem which may be trivial for the expert but isn't for me:

in addition to graphics my program does a lot of ascii output which I
want to display on a separate window. However, I don't want to fiddle with font, 
scrolling etc. definitions and use a default like the vt100. So I tried
xterm. How can one include xterm in an application program and make sure
that it will run on various systems (we have Convex, DEC stations, Mips...) ?
Is there a better way to open/close a separate ascii window? 

Further, my program system is a mixture of fortran (numerics) and C
(X11) code where the ascii output comes from the fortran part. How do I
define the fortran unit number for a window opened with xterm?

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

Klaus Hermann

 Prof.Dr. K. Hermann                             Tel.: (Ger)-30-8305-526
 Abt. Theorie, Fritz-Haber-Institut                    (Ger)-30-8305-522
 Faradayweg 4-6                                  Fax.: (Ger)-30-8305-520
 D-1000 Berlin 33
 Germany                          e-mail: hermann@fhi-berlin.mpg.dbp.de
                                internet: hermann@LASSO.RZ-berlin.mpg.de