nat@drao.nrc.ca (Natalie Prowse) (05/22/91)

		     25th Annual DECUS Canada Symposium
 	        Calgary Convention Centre and Palliser Hotel
			    February 10-14, 1992

Deadline Dates At-A-Glance.......................

1.   Invitation to Participate - Seminar/Session 
     Submission Form (completed in full)	      July 31, 1991

2.   Original copy of Session Notes
     to DECUS Canada Office			      January 15, 1992

3.   Original copy of Seminar Notes
     to DECUS Canada Office			      January 15, 1992

Copyright 1991 Digital Equipment of Canada Limited.  All rights 

"The information in this document is subject to change without notice 
and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment of 
Canada Limited or DECUS (Digital Equipment Computer Users Society) and 
DECUS assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this 

DEC, DECnet, PDP, PDP-11, DECUS, DECwindows, RSTS, RSX, RT-11, ULTRIX, 
VAX, VMS and the Digital logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment 

The following is a trademark of American Telephone & Telegraph 
Company:  UNIX

The following is a trademark of M.I.T.:  RISC
Fellow DECUS Member,

Calgary has been chosen for the honour of hosting the 25th Annual 
DECUS Symposium. February 10-14, mark these dates for this Silver 
Anniversary Event to take place at the Calgary Convention Centre and 
Palliser Hotel.

Since this is the 25th Symposium for DECUS Canada, our theme reflects 
how far DECUS Canada has come, from early scepticism to having over 
6,500 members across the nation.  Thats Progress!

Everyone has their own reasons for attending Symposium. Some come to 
take in technical sessions and seminars. Some attend for the network 
of contacts in all levels of computing.  Whatever the reason, we all 
realize that Symposium is a uniquely valuable forum to share 
information and knowledge.

Your participation has always been critical to DECUS Canada's success. 
In this our silver anniversary year, we urge you to get involved by 
presenting a session or seminar.  Select a topic in one of the 
Interest Streams, fill out the submission form enclosed and mail or 
fax it to us by July 31st.

Thank you for your continuing support!  We look forward to seeing you 
in Calgary February 10-14, 1992 to join us in CELEBRATING A QUARTER 

         	   Brian Clarke	       Pat Stroman

              Calgary 1992 Symposium Planning Committee

(Note: If you are not a DECUS member, it is easy and costs nothing to join!
 Just request a membership application from the DECUS office listed at the
 end of this message.)
Session Submission Format

Session presentations may come in many different formats, from formal 
papers to panel discussions, from general discussions on an 
application to a question and answer session.  All play an important 
part in the make-up of a symposium and all are invited.  Feel free to 
select the method which best suits you and your topic.

Included along with this message is an application form for you to 
describe your proposed session.  Please fill out the form and mail or 
fax it to the DECUS Canada office no later than July 31, 1991.

Submission Deadline Date

The closing date for receipt of session proposals is July 31, 1991.  
Forms must reach the DECUS Canada office in Toronto by that date to be 
included in the program scheduling.

Session Notes

Session notes is a pre-printed collection of presentation material 
from symposium speakers.  They are a useful vehicle for notes, 
diagrams, outlines and other material to support a presentation.

This year, Session Notes will be sold by stream during the Symposium.  
If you wish to have your notes included in these packages, please 
submit an original copy of your handout to the DECUS Canada office no 
later than January 15, 1992.

DECUS Canada will not provide photocopy services after this date nor 
during the Symposium week.

Audio Tapes

All speakers will have the option to have their symposium session 
audio-taped.  These tapes will be made available for sale to symposium 
attendees onsite.

Once the sessions have been scheduled, you will receive a Speaker 
Confirmation Kit.  Included will be an "Audio Tape Approval Form" that 
should be completed and returned immediately to the DECUS Canada 
office ONLY IF you wish to have your session taped.

Symposium Seminars

Seminars are a very important part of the DECUS Canada Symposium 
Program.  This year, we plan to provide a wide range of topics  
presented as one day seminars scheduled on Monday and Friday of the 
symposium week.  If you are interested in providing a full day 
presentation, please review the interest stream descriptions for 
potential topic ideas.  Presentations for topics which are not listed 
are also welcome.  Please complete the enclosed submission form and 
return it to the DECUS Canada Office by the submission deadline date.

Seminar speakers will be reimbursed for expenses (limitations and 
exceptions apply).  In addition, DECUS Canada will give a $1000 
(Canadian) honorarium for each seminar given.

Third Party Suppliers

Presentation on Third Party products are welcome provided the products 
discussed complement or enhance Digital's products.  Such 
presentations must be technical in content and preferably presented by 
a user of the product.  Presentations are acceptable if they address 
design and implementation issues, functional aspects and/or 
difficulties experienced during the development of the product.  As a 
rule, a presentation is acceptable if it addresses technical issues of 
interest to another person attempting to develop a similar capability.

All submissions are examined for content, quality and interest by 
specialists from the Symposium Planning Committee, and presentations 
will be be accepted if they are judged to contravene DECUS Canada 
Commercialism guidelines.

Commercialism Guidelines

In preparation for your session, we bring to your attention the 
following portions of the DECUS Canada Policy on Commercialism:

"A technical orientation must be maintained to ensure the continual 
participation of Digital Equipment Corporation and for each of us to 
gain the support of our employers.  A sales presentation, promotional 
advertising and product demonstration are out of place in the 
symposium environment and are not permitted.  Similarly open 
solicitation of employment to attendees is in poor taste and is not 

DECUS Canada constantly strives to maintain a professional image.  We 
believe this is important to our members who support our attendance 
and participation.  It is also important to Digital who supplies 
travel funds and time for developers, engineers, service personnel and 
managers to attend our symposia.
Library Participation

The DECUS Canada Library Committee would like to invite submissions 
from you, the DECUS Canada membership, to produce Symposium Library 
Tapes for Calgary'92.  This year, we are looking for programs that 
will run under VMS, UNIX/ULTRIX or the PC/VAXmate.

It can be any piece of public domain software, utility program, 
command procedure or documentation you have developed or modified.  
The most common excuse for not submitting is that "its not ready".  
Well, submit it anyway as long as it works!  It doesn't have to be 
polished or fully documented (although absence of documentation 
reduces the usefulness of most software).  Someone else may resubmit 
it with improvements and save you loads of time and effort.  Even 
software which you consider of little interest except to yourself 
might save someone a considerable amount of work.  After all, if you 
were able to get it off a DECUS tape, you wouldn't have had all the 
fun of developing it!  You can help others avoid "reinventing the 

As an additional incentive, the Library Committee is offering an $85 
certificate to each submitter.  This certificate can be redeemed for 
Symposium Registration, Symposium tapes, orders from the International 
Program Library, or other DECUS merchandise, including a subscription 
to the DECUS U.S. SIG newsletter!  Please address your submission to 
the DECUS Canada office.

Social Program

Following in the Calgary and CalVAX traditions, the Yahoo'92 social 
program will guarantee a great time.  The keyword is "choices".  
Events will include skiing, bobsled rides, NHL hockey, hot air balloon 
rides and chuckwagon races.  Calgary has it all, and the social 
committee has organized it especially for you.  Information and 
recommendations will also be available for those of you who want to do 
it on your own.  

This "cow town" also offers great cultural events and a wide variety 
of interesting restaurants.  Bring your jeans, and arrive ready for 

Artificial Intelligence 
Artificial Intelligence and its subfield of Expert Systems is 
prominently emerging into the 90's.  This innovative market is at the 
crest of the automation wave.  Today AI consists of a wide variety of 
disciplines:  Human Perception, Expert Systems, Knowledge Base 
Technology, Advanced Computer Architectures, and Robotics.  These 
areas are attracting a growing number of users in Engineering, Science 
and Business. 
Session speakers would share their knowledge and experience in: 
Natural Language Processing, Architectures and Languages for AI, 
Knowledge Representation, Neural Networks, Learning and Knowledge 
Acquisition, Logic Programming, Object-oriented Programming and 
Databases, Principles of AI Applications, Robotics, ES Tools and 
successful Expert Systems which are in production today. 
Applications and Development 
As computer usage becomes even more prevalent in virtually all walks 
of life, new ways of developing applications faster, more easily, and 
with greater flexibility is increasingly important.  Also, users are 
demanding applications that run faster, are easy to use, and provide 
greater flexibility.  The key issues for the developer are what tools 
and environments are available and how good are they.  Consistent user 
interface standards or pre-development user-approved interfaces appear 
to be the target for satisfying users. 
You are invited to share your discoveries and developments in 
programming, CASE, database design or management, transaction 
processing, SQL, OOPS, X-windows, development tools, and any 
experiences which you feel can benefit other developers like yourself. 

Communication and Networks 
The challenge for "Networks in the 90's" is both a continued 
advancement in new technology, as well as refinement and movement 
towards evolving standards.  The Communications and Networks stream 
will address Digital network technologies and also their connectivity 
with other computers in a multivendor network environment. 
Computer networks impact wide areas of computing.  Submissions are 
welcome on a variety of related topics.  So whether you have an 
international network of VAXes, or a PDP-11/44, a MicroVAX II, and a 
PRO-380 tied together with baling wire...please take this opportunity 
to share your knowledge and experience with fellow DECUS members at 
the 1992 DECUS Canada Symposium in Calgary. 
Graphics Applications
Computer Graphics is rapidly becoming an integral part of our work 
environment.  Whether your realm of experience is in Business, 
Engineering, or Scientific computing, many standard tools in the 
workplace now make extensive use of 'Visualization' techniques.  The 
advent of new high-powered, low-cost workstations, and X-terminals, 
has generated a burgeoning graphics development environment.  We are 
inviting you to share your skills and experiences by participating as 
a session speaker in the 'Graphics Stream'.  Topics of interest 
include (but are not limited to): X Windows, DECWindows, MOTIF, Image 
Processing, CAD/CAM/CAE, Animation, Postscript, PHIGS, GKS, PEX, new 
advances in Visualization techniques, graphics software applications, 
graphics standards, hardcopy rendering, and networked graphics.  
Environment tailoring, in any of the above mentioned areas, is always 
of interest.  
Sessions can be directed at the novice, intermediate, or technical 
expert level, (or anywhere in between!). The exchange of ideas, tools, 
and techniques is sure to be of benefit to both speakers and attendees 

The MIS department is under assault from above and below.  As a 
result, MIS leaders need their management skills as never before.  The 
management stream helps them sharpen their existing skills and acquire 
new ones. 
The Management Stream is for managers at all levels -- from the newly 
appointed project leader still wondering what a project leader 
actually does to the Vice President of Information Systems worrying 
about the strategic decisions that will guide the company through the 
next decade.  There are general management skills sessions, 
presentations on strategic issues and workshops on site management 
We need sessions that help newly appointed managers cope with their 
new job and build their teams.  We want you to teach us negotiating 
skills, creative thinking, assertiveness and how to deal with 
difficult people.  We want you to show DECUS members how to handle 
stress and manage their time effectively.  We need instruction on 
finding and hiring good people.  And, after they're on board, we need 
to motivate them and appraise their performance. 
We want you to talk to us about the implications of standards for 
management.  We want to know what you know about strategic systems, 
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Executive Information Systems.  
We want to hear how you developed your strategic plans and how things 
went when you implemented them. 
We need your thoughts on project management, disaster recovery and 
capacity planning.  And, if you have a reliable crystal ball, we'd 
like you to show us what you think lies down the road for data 
processing, management and business.  Now's your chance to share your 
knowledge and strengthen DECUS.  Don't miss it! 
Office Automation 
Electronic offices are rapidly engulfing traditional offices.  Office 
automated enterprises are achieving a competitive advantage in the 
market, contributing to an ever rising urgency for others to follow.  
Through the use of sophisticated integrated communications and 
automated office equipment processing and retrieval of information has 
never been faster or more efficient.

Executives and professionals alike need a strategic plan to respond to 
business challenges.  They need to know what is most productive and 
cost effective.  What insight can we offer these individuals?

Personal Computers 
    "Common sense is not so common" 
                          - Voltaire 
Have PCs got you muddled?  Do you want to "go for it", but you're not 
sure how?  Know your options and get the inside track on PC 
This stream will concentrate on providing the solutions to the 
challenges of PC, MAC and LAN environments.  

Topics of interest include: 

     o	Solving the PC and MAC dilemma 
     o	Solutions available for Connectivity 
     o	Printer Sharing 
     o	Backups, and Data Recovery 
     o	The benefits of LANs 
     o	The traumas of Viral Infections 
Come, let the future take shape, then race ahead for the 90's. 
RSTS and RSX are operating systems which grew up on the PDP-11 family, 
and have a degree of maturity which users of other operating systems 
should envy.

Presentations are especially welcomed in the following areas: 

     o	Discussions of latest releases: OS and applications 
     o	Comparisons with VMS, TSX, UNIX, MS-DOS, etc. 
     o	Discussion of the areas in which these systems best 
       	show their strengths 
     o	Working in a mixed system environment 
     o	Migration to/from other systems 
     o	System management, operational, and developmental issues 
     o	"Neat Hacks" 
Security is an important concern for system professionals these days. 
We hear stories of break-ins and viruses more frequently than we'd 
like.  System managers need to hear about solutions, and about the 
risks that exist. 
If you know about system security we need to hear from you.  If you 
can enlighten us about how "hackers" break into systems, or how to 
tighten the potential holes that they use, you have an audience in 
We need your presentations on the following: 

     o	System Security 
     o	File Security 
     o	Network Security 
     o	Developing a Security Procedure 
     o	Products available to help Secure our Systems 
     o	What Hackers are doing to Systems 
     o	How VIRUS, WORMS, etc. get started and how we can protect
       	our Systems from them 
The delivery of economical high performance computing in RISC 
platforms has forced many systems professionals to confront and manage 
the UNIX operating system for the first time. 
Along with this operating system comes a bewildering array of issues 
dealing with "open systems" and standards.  However, there are as many 
standards committees as there are flavours of UNIX, and a roadmap is 
needed by the UNIX neophyte to navigate in this unfamiliar territory. 
Digital, along with other computer manufacturers have formed groups to 
help define the standards for the computer industry in the coming 
years - all built around UNIX. 
We invite you to participate in this exciting part of our symposium by 
presenting your views on a UNIX related topic, from novice to "guru." 
Some suggestions are: 

     o	UNIX for VMS users 
     o	UNIX system Administration/Security 
     o	Networking UNIX 
     o	UNIX in production/Commercial Environments 
     o	Standards, OSF, POSIX, X, GUI (OSF/Motif, OpenLook) 
     o	UNIX Internals/File Management 
     o	Open Systems Futures 
     o	UNIX Toolkits/Application Development 

The 1992 DECUS Symposium hopes to attract both new and experienced VMS 
users.  As a result, we are looking for a wide range of VMS 
presentations. You may not be an internals expert, but if you have 
information valuable to new and intermediate VMS users, we need you.  
On the other hand, we need speakers who are capable of providing the 
tricks and intricate details of VMS to our advanced Systems Managers.
VAX/VMS  Novice/Intermediate
Remember when you installed your first VMS system?  Or, when you were 
volunteered to step in and take over where someone left off?  
If you do, and would like to pass on your experience to those that are 
in that boat now, the VAX/VMS Novice stream is looking for YOU.  From 
beginner to intermediate, programmer to manager.    
Topics might include:   

     o	Startup command files (batch, printer & terminal setup)   
     o	Backups (full/incremental/unattended)
     o	Authorize   
     o	Any other gems that you might want to pass on.   
VAX/VMS Advanced   
The global economy is slumping.  And prospects for new systems, 
storage, and software are fading.  As a result, System Managers are 
forced to squeeze more and more performance out of their existing VAX 
You can help!   
Hordes of System Managers are starving for VMS technical sessions.  
With your expertise, you can serve appetizing dishes such as:   

     o	VMS Internals a la Carte   
     o	Nutritious VMS Updates   
     o	Spicy Product futures   
     o	Zesty System Performance Tuning tidbits   
     o	RMS optimization hors d'oeuvres   
     o	Flagons of Hardware Nouveau   
     o	DECadent DECwindows Desserts   
Your fellow DECUS members are hungry.  Feed them!  
Where do DEC Users Go....

For up-to-date, relevant information on Digital's products and their 
use?  Where can you learn from hundreds of fellow users, and a small 
army of Digital's sales and technical staff.  Where can you meet and 
talk with Digital's product developers and managers in a better 
Digital to delegate ratio?  Where is there a larger exhibition of 
Digital's equipment in Canada?

The answer is the 1992 DECUS Canada Symposium, February 10-14, at the 
Calgary Convention Centre and Palliser Hotel, Calgary, Alberta.

We are expecting over 1000 users and managers of Digital's products 
and services to attend the Symposium.  With over 200 hours of 
presentations, plus authoritative educational pre- and post-symposium 
seminars, plus the hands-on working exhibition reserved for delegates 
only, this will be the most relevant event you and your staff can 

And We Want YOU To Participate!

Plan to Register...

Later this year, you will receive the Registration Program containing 
session and seminar details, accommocation information and the 
Registration Application Form.

We look forward to seeing you in Calgary!

Mark it on your calendar now:  February 10-14, 1992!
For all enquiries and general information contact....

     		   Anne Murakami
     		   Symposia Coordinator
     		   DECUS Canada
     		   505 University Avenue
     		   15th Floor
     		   Toronto, Ontario
     		   M5G 1X4

     		   Phone:  (416) 597-3462
     		   FAX:    (416) 971-5295   			      

---------------------------------CUT HERE--------------------------------------

		     25th Annual DECUS Canada Symposium
 	        Calgary Convention Centre and Palliser Hotel
			    February 10-14, 1992


(brief Title for Program Sessions-At-A-Glance: 40 chars or less)

__ One hour Session         __ General              __ Novice
__ Two hour Session         __ Management           __ Intermediate
__ Full Day Seminar         __ Technical            -- Advanced

The Symposium Planning Committee attempts to group sessions by Special Interest
areas.  Please indicate the most appropriate subject area(s) for your session.

AI __ Artificial Intelligence          RX __ RSX/RSTS
AP __ Applications & Development       SE __ Security
CN __ Communications & Networks        UN __ UNIX
GR __ Graphics Applications
MA __ Management                       VAX/VMS:
OA __ Office Automation                Novice/Intermediate __
PC __ Personal Computers               Advanced User       __
                                       Other (indicate)    __  ...............

(Allow 10 minutes for introduction, questions, and travelling between
sessions.)  DECUS reserves the right to change requested time slots for the
purpose of scheduling.

A/V:  A 35 mm slide projector, overhead projector, screen, flip_chart and 
microphone will be provided in every meeting room.  If you require additional
A/V please specify below:

1. Speaker:
   DECUS Membership Number:

   City:  				Prov/State: 
   Postal/Zip Code:
   Tel. No.  (   )              Fax No. (   )          
   Email address:

   DECUS Membership Number:
   City:				Prov/State:
   Postal/Zip code: 
   Tel. No.  (   )              Fax No. (   )          
   Email address:   

 ABSTRACT OF PAPER:  (Limit to 200 words or less)

SPEAKER BIOGRAPHY:   (To be used to introduce the speaker)


Mail to:	   Anne Murakami
     		   Symposia Coordinator
     		   DECUS Canada
     		   505 University Avenue
     		   15th Floor
     		   Toronto, Ontario
     		   M5G 1X4

     		   Phone:  (416) 597-3462
     		   FAX:    (416) 971-5295   			      

Or Email to:       Natalie Prowse (Graphics Stream Coordinator)