[comp.windows.x] Xview is not handling NoExpose events

newberry@nmsu.edu (Jeff Newberry) (05/28/91)


I hope this is the right news group to be asking.  If it is not, would
someone let me know which news group I should have sent it to.  Also,
if anyone has any other suggestions as to where to post this question,
it would be greatly appreciated.

I have an Xview program which has been allocating so much memory that
it blows up after running for a while.  The program has a panel with
some buttons on it.  The repaint procedure for the panel just copies a
pixmap to the panel using XCopyArea.  The program is in a long loop
which iterates through each day of the year, copying the modified
pixmap at the end of each day.  The problem is the following.
XCopyArea generates a NoExpose event when the area it is copying to is
totally exposed (no other windows are hiding any part of the panel).
These NoExpose events are placed on the event queue and never taken
off.  The queue just keeps getting bigger and bigger and ... etc.
Finally, the program tries to allocate more space when there is no
more, and KABOOM.

I've looked through the Xview manual, trying to find any comment about
NoExpose events.  They mention Expose and GraphicsExpose events, but
they do not mention NoExpose events.

Why isn't Xview getting rid of those NoExpose events?  Any ideas?

Jeff Newberry
Computing Research Lab
New Mexico State University