[comp.windows.x] Please help me get my keys back

dave@PRC.Unisys.COM (David Lee Matuszek) (05/07/91)

I'm using a Sun 3/60.  A little while ago I was running X11r3 with the
twm window manager.  Now I'm running X11r4 with mwm.  Somewhere in the
transition something has screwed up my keys, and I can't figure out

This is below the level of gnuemacs, but it shows up in gnuemacs, so
that's how I'll talk about it.  Before,

	shift-R8	sent	esc ] 2 1 5 z
	shift-R10	sent	esc ] 2 1 7 z
	shift-R12	sent	esc ] 2 1 9 z
	shift-R14	sent	esc ] 2 2 1 z


	shift-R8	sends	8
	shift-R10	sends	6
	shift-R12	sends	4
	shift-R14	sends	2

I really want to be able to distinguish shifted-arrow keys from real
digit keys.  I'm told I can put some appropriate incantation in my
.Xdefaults to have these keys interpreted properly, but no one around
here knows what it is.

I repeat, this is NOT an emacs screwup.  This is a result of the
"transparent" upgrade from X11r3 to X11r4.  As near as I can tell, mwm
doesn't have anything to do with it...I think.

Can anyone help me?  What are the magic words?

E-mail preferred.  Thanks for any and all help.

-- Dave Matuszek (dave@prc.unisys.com)  I don't speak for my employer. --

augliere@bbn.com (Reed Augliere) (05/18/91)

I've just installed the Oregon C++ compiler on a VaxStation 3100
running VMS 5-3.1 and am trying to get it to work with MOTIF 1.1
(DEC MOTIF Developer's Kit).  I'm getting all kinds of compile errors
which are apparently a consequence of conflicts with with C language
constants in certain VMS header files (like "new" and "class") and with
what is apparently a VMS-specific datatype:  "externalref".

Has anybody tried to use the Oregon C++ compiler using MOTIF on VMS?
If so, have you encountered this problem and figured out a solution?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Reed Augliere

pjp@sloth.mlb.semi.harris.com (Pat J. Pinchera) (05/30/91)

In article <64258@bbn.BBN.COM> augliere@spca.bbn.com (Reed Augliere) writes:
>I've just installed the Oregon C++ compiler on a VaxStation 3100
>running VMS 5-3.1 and am trying to get it to work with MOTIF 1.1
>(DEC MOTIF Developer's Kit).  I'm getting all kinds of compile errors
>which are apparently a consequence of conflicts with with C language
>constants in certain VMS header files (like "new" and "class") and with
>what is apparently a VMS-specific datatype:  "externalref".
>Has anybody tried to use the Oregon C++ compiler using MOTIF on VMS?
>If so, have you encountered this problem and figured out a solution?
>Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>Reed Augliere

  Patrick J. Pinchera            |  Interface & Control Systems, Inc.
  pjp@sloth.mlb.semi.harris.com  |  Melbourne, Florida, USA
	"Yeah, right, when monkeys fly out of my ass!!!"
                               Madonna in Wayne's World, SNL 5/11/91