[comp.windows.x] OL Flat Checkbox Widget Woes

kkirksey@eng.auburn.edu (Kenneth B. Kirksey) (05/29/91)

	I'm having a terrible time using the OL flat checkbox widget.  I've
included at the bottom the sample program I wrote to try my hand at using
the flat checkbox.  When I run it as is, it gives me a bus error.  When
I use dbx to trace it, I get the following dump:

	warning: core file read error: address not in data space
	`FCheckBox`DrawLabel() at 0xf7731774
	`FCheckBox`DrawItem() at 0xf7731c10
	`Flat`Redisplay() at 0xf7738698
	SendExposureEvent() at 0xf76d8d8c
	CompressExposures() at 0xf76d8cf8
	`Event`DispatchEvent() at 0xf76d88cc
	DecideToDispatch() at 0xf76d913c
	XtDispatchEvent() at 0xf76d92f4
	XtAppMainLoop() at 0xf76d95cc
	XtMainLoop() at 0xf76d95ac
	main(argc = 1, argv = 0xf7fffc7c), line 81 in 		

What am I doing wrong?  This code is pretty much the sample code given on
pages 180-183 of _An Open Look At Unix_.  If anyone out there has had this
problem before, or if anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong, you would
have my undying gratitude.

					Thanx in advance,

--------------Cut Here-------------------------------------------------------

#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <Xol/OpenLook.h>
#include <Xol/FCheckBox.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdio.h>

static String		itemFields[] = {	

typedef	struct _Item
		String	label;
	} Item;

Arg		args[12];
int		n;

static	Item	items[] = {
#define NUM_ITEMS 16	

Widget		toplevel,

main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;

	| Initialize Top Level Shell											 |
	toplevel = OlInitialize (
						&argc, argv);

	n = 0;
	XtSetArg (args[n], XtNlayoutType, OL_FIXEDCOLS); n++;
	XtSetArg (args[n], XtNmeasure, 4); n++;
	XtSetArg (args[n], XtNitems, items); n++;
	XtSetArg (args[n], XtNnumItems, NUM_ITEMS); n++;
	XtSetArg (args[n], XtNitemFields, itemFields); n++;
	XtSetArg (args[n], XtNnumItemFields, NUM_ITEM_FIELDS); n++;	
	XtSetArg (args[n], XtNlabelJustify, OL_RIGHT); n++;

	rs_flat_checkbox = XtCreateManagedWidget(
					args, n);

	| Go To It ...............												 |
	XtRealizeWidget (toplevel);

merlyn@attunix.att.com (Steve Humphrey) (05/30/91)

> I'm having a terrible time using the OL flat checkbox widget.  I've
> included at the bottom the sample program I wrote to try my hand at using
> the flat checkbox.  When I run it as is, it gives me a bus error.
> I use dbx to trace it, I get the following dump:

>	warning: core file read error: address not in data space
>	`FCheckBox`DrawLabel() at 0xf7731774
>	...
> typedef	struct _Item
> 	{
> 		String	label;
> 	} Item;
> static	Item	items[] = {
> 						{"CSE100"},
> ...
> 	n = 0;
> 	XtSetArg (args[n], XtNitems, items); n++;
> 	XtSetArg (args[n], XtNnumItems, NUM_ITEMS); n++;
> 	rs_flat_checkbox = XtCreateManagedWidget(
> 					"rs_flat_checkbox",
> 					flatCheckBoxWidgetClass,
> 					toplevel,
> 					args, n);
> ...

I tried your code exactly as sent; it works fine on my '386 running
the OPEN LOOK 4.0 toolkit (equivalent to the OpenWindows 2.5 OLIT).
I have not tried it yet on a Sun. However, the problem MAY be in the
definition of the Item structure.  Now the ``Open Look at UNIX'' book
has exactly the same problem, and I thought John Miller tested his
examples on a Sun, so something else may be wrong.

The XtNitems resource takes an array of items, each of which is
defined by a structure of XtArgVal's. This parallels the way attributes
are passed in regular XtCreateWidget or XtSetValues calls, for exactly
the same reason: The widgets (or Intrinsics) do not know a priori
the type of each value, thus the values must be coerced to a common
type for passing from the client to the widget.

So the correct code fragment from the above should be:

> typedef	struct _Item
> 	{
> 		XtArgVal	label;
> 	} Item;
> static	Item	items[] = {
> 						{ (XtArgVal)"CSE100" },
> ...

XtArgVal is defined as a "long" on Suns, versus the "char*" definition
of String. Now I would think this would be OK, but I'm not familiar
with native types of a SPARC chip.

Even if it turns out this is not the problem at hand, I suggest
using the XtArgVal type in the definition of the XtNitems array's
structure. Eventually this *will* save you a core dump.

Steve Humphrey
UNIX System Laboratories