[comp.windows.x] How can one create a rounded corner X window?

ayee@coyote.datalog.com (allen yee) (05/30/91)

I am having problem figureing out a problem.  How can one
create a rounded corner X window?  I know it can be done because
I saw it in OpenLook, but this is for a button.  I would like a
rounded corner for Motif.  Any suggestion would help.  Thanks in

mayoff@cs.utexas.edu (Robert Mayoff) (05/31/91)

In article <uokq31w163w@coyote.datalog.com> ayee@coyote.datalog.com (allen yee) writes:
>How can one
>create a rounded corner X window?  I know it can be done because
>I saw it in OpenLook, but this is for a button.  I would like a
>rounded corner for Motif.  Any suggestion would help.

Well, this isn't a Motif-specific solution, but you said any suggestion
would help.  What I'd do is create a bitmap (a one-plane pixmap) and
use XmuFillRoundedRect to create a rounded rectangle in it.  Create
another bitmap and copy the first into it, then use XmuDrawRoundedRect
to erase the border of the rounded rectangle (you'd have to use a GC
with the appropriate draw function - GXandInverted, I think), leaving
the interior.  Use the shaped-window extension (assuming your server
supports it) to set the bounding mask of your window to the first
bitmap and the clip mask to the second.
/_  rob		<mayoff@cs.utexas.edu>
 /_ Fun things to do with UNIX (#118 in a series):
  / tail -f super.grow | cat /etc/motd - >> super.grow