[comp.windows.x] Bug in Xt/Selection.c/ReqCleanup?

pms@arbortext.COM (Pat Sherry) (06/03/91)

I have a large application which get an intermittent BadAtom protocol error
in XGetWindowProperty(). This started happening when I relinked my program
with patch level 18 of the X libraries. It did not happen with patch level 14
of the intrinsics. I may have some kind of race condition in my code
but I think the protocol error is due to a bug in Xt/Selection.c since
ReqCleanup() calls IsINCRtype() with a property of 0 (None was
returned by the SelectionNotify event). The relevant code from ReqCleanup()
in Selection.c starting at line 851 (patch 18 version) is

    if (ev->type == SelectionNotify) {
	XSelectionEvent *event = (XSelectionEvent *) ev;
	if (!MATCH_SELECT(event, info)) return; /* not really for us */
         XtRemoveEventHandler(widget, (EventMask)0, TRUE,
			   ReqCleanup, (XtPointer) info );
	if (IsINCRtype(info, XtWindow(widget), event->property)
	    || event->target == info->ctx->prop_list->incremental_atom
	    ) {
	    info->proc = HandleGetIncrement;
	    XtAddEventHandler(info->widget, (EventMask) PropertyChangeMask, 
			      FALSE, ReqCleanup, (XtPointer) info);
	} else {
	   if (event->property != None) 
		XDeleteProperty(event->display, XtWindow(widget),

It seems to me that ReqCleanup should not call IsINCRtype if 
event->property == None. Usually when this code is executed by my
application, the property corresponds to _XT_SELECTION_0 but
in the dbx output below it is 0.

Has anyone seen this before? Is is an intrinsics bug?

Here is a dbx log leading up to the protocol error. I set a breakpoint
in IsINCRtype. In this case, the target window has no properties

dbx log:
stopped in IsINCRtype at line 832 in file "ironwood/X11/X11R4/src/mit/lib/Xt/Sel
  832                                &type, &format, &length, &bytesafter, &valu
(dbx) p prop
`Selection`IsINCRtype`prop = 0
(dbx) where
IsINCRtype(info = 0x380d38, window = 10485821, prop = 0), line 832 in "ironwood/
ReqCleanup(widget = 0x3245c0, closure = 0x380d38 "", ev = 0xf7fff740, cont = 0xf
7fff297 "^A"), line 860 in "ironwood/X11/X11R4/src/mit/lib/Xt/Selection.c"
DispatchEvent() at 0x26794c
DecideToDispatch() at 0x267f7c
XtDispatchEvent() at 0x268110
XtAppMainLoop() at 0x268420
main_loop() at 0x1084f8
main() at 0xef30
(dbx) sh xprop -id 10485821
(dbx) up
Current function is ReqCleanup
  860               ) {
(dbx) p *(XSelectionEvent *)event
*(XSelectionEvent *) `Selection`ReqCleanup`event = {
        type       = 31
        serial     = 2306
        send_event = 0
        display    = 0x312528
        requestor  = 10485821
        selection  = 1
        target     = 31
        property   = 0
        time       = 1304501801
(dbx) sh xlsatoms -range 1-1
1       PRIMARY
(dbx) sh xlsatoms -range 31-31
31      STRING
(dbx) p *info
*`Selection`ReqCleanup`info = {
        callback    = &sel_receive_proc() at 0x112d38
        req_closure = 0x380fc0
        property    = 168
        target      = 0x380fd0
        type        = 0
        format      = 0
        value       = (nil)
        bytelength  = 0
        offset      = 0
        timeout     = 3674152
        proc        = &HandleSelectionReplies() at 0x120840
        widget      = 0x3245c0
        time        = 1304501801
        ctx         = 0x380f08
        incremental = '\0'
(dbx) p *info->target
*`Selection`ReqCleanup`info->target = 31
(dbx) p *info->ctx
*`Selection`ReqCleanup`info->ctx = {
        selection      = 1
        dpy            = 0x312528
        widget         = 0x3245c0
        time           = 1304501801
        convert        = &convert() at 0x112618
        loses          = &lose() at 0x11298c
        notify         = &done() at 0x112b94
        owner_cancel   = (nil)
        owner_closure  = (nil)
        prop_list      = 0x380f48
        req            = (nil)
        ref_count      = 0
        incremental    = 0
        free_when_done = 0
        was_disowned   = 1
(dbx) p *info->ctx->prop_list
*`Selection`ReqCleanup`info->ctx->prop_list = {
        dpy              = 0x312528
        incremental_atom = 114
        indirect_atom    = 115
        timestamp_atom   = 167
        propCount        = 1
        list             = 0x380f68
(dbx) sh xlsatoms -range 114-115
114     INCR
115     MULTIPLE
(dbx) sh xlsatoms -range 167-167
(dbx) next
X Error:  BadAtom
  Request Major code 20 ()
  Request Minor code 0
  ResourceID 0x0
  Error Serial #2664
  Current Serial #2664

Pat Sherry
ArborText, Inc.