[comp.windows.x] font editor

Dario.Giuse@SPICE.CS.CMU.EDU (05/14/87)

Is there an interactive font editor for X version 10?  Any pointer will be
greatly appreciated.

barshay@Stars.Reston.Unisys.COM ( Unisys) (05/02/90)

    Is there a font editor available for X windows?  Can I use the SunView
font editor to make a font and then convert it to X windows?
    Thanks (a new X windows person)   JANE

moraes@cs.toronto.edu (Mark Moraes) (05/04/90)

barshay@Stars.Reston.Unisys.COM ( Unisys) writes:
>    Is there a font editor available for X windows?  Can I use the SunView
>font editor to make a font and then convert it to X windows?
>    Thanks (a new X windows person)   JANE

No real font editor, if you want to create new fonts.  If you just want
to touch-up existing fonts, or look at existing fonts in detail, xfed
in R4 contrib might be useful.

vf2bdf in contrib/clients/xtroff/fontstuff in R4 contrib should be
able to convert a Sun vfont to BDF, but it's been a long time since
that was tested!

R3 also had a slew of BDF utilities in contrib/fonts/utils, including
program to convert BDF to vfonts, BDF to TeX/MetaFont gf, etc.  Once a
font is converted to vfont, you can also use vft2ch in
contrib/clients/xtroff/fontstuff to convert to a simple character
format, edit with your favourite text editor, and convert back with


mouse@LARRY.MCRCIM.MCGILL.EDU (12/04/90)

> I am looking for a font editor.

> What I would like to do is be able to print the line segment and
> corner glyphs availible in the fixed font in a xterm.  But when I
> send the ascii value to a xterm they are interpeted as controls to
> the xterm.

You are trying to solve the wrong problem.  You don't need a font
editor at all.

xterm emulates a VT100-ish thing.  In particular, if you send the VT100
"shift to line-drawing graphics" sequence (ESC ( 0, I believe it is),
lowercase letters come out as graphics symbols.  In particular, letters
j through x are the line-drawing characters.  (To shift back, ESC ( B
works, or if you're in the UK you probably want ESC ( A instead.  (The
difference is whether character 0x23 is an octothorpe or pound sign.))

No font editor needed.

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

donn@MILTON.U.WASHINGTON.EDU (Donn Cave) (12/05/90)

|> I am looking for a font editor.
|> What I would like to do is be able to print the line segment and
|> corner glyphs availible in the fixed font in a xterm.  But when I
|> send the ascii value to a xterm they are interpeted as controls to
|> the xterm.
|You are trying to solve the wrong problem.  You don't need a font
|editor at all.

I didn't see the the original posting, Herr Mouse, and I have no quarrel
with your description of VT100 graphics, but it seems to me that if the
requisite graphics characters are not available in the font, they will
not be printed.  This is actually the case with at least one font I've
looked at, a Bitstream fixed font.  I used xfed to add the characters,
and now have VT100-style line-drawing.  Incidentally, a program from the
net was also rather helpful, created a bdf format file from the server's
font data - getbdf.c - I believe that's yours, not so?

So, while the original poster may indeed have been solving the wrong problem
he or she may have accidentally been asking a right question.

			Donn Cave
			University Computing Services
			University of Washington

kenn@intrbasintrbas.UUCP (Kenneth G. Goutal) (06/03/91)

Is there a font editor that is part of the vendor-supplied X-windows system
on any of the common workstations?
Is there a font editor that can be obtained off the net?

Thank you.

-- Kenn Goutal
   Technical Support

Interbase Software Corporation
209 Burlington Road			...!linus!intrbas!kenn
Bedford  MA  01730  USA			...!mcsun!uunet!intrbas!kenn
617.275.3222				kenn@interbase.COM

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