[comp.windows.x] <None>

totty@flute.cs.uiuc.edu (Brian Totty) (07/25/90)

	Since so many people are using so many different sets of widgets
	(homegrown, borrowed, purchased, etc.) and there is a large amount
	of "wheel reinventing" going on, I thought that I would try to
	make a list of what public domain widgets are available and where
	they can be obtained from, so we can maybe do some sharing.

	Does any such centralized widget directory exist?

	If not, I'll volunteer to construct one, if people send me a
	description of the widget sets available (homemade widgets or
	standard packages that people are aware of).

	If people send me a short note describing (1) widget pacakges
	that they know of, (2) what widgets the packages contain, and
	(3) where the package can be obtained from, I'll accumulate the
	replies and repost a centralized "Widget directory" to this news
	group (assuming I get enough replies).  If people want commercial
	widget packages also, I'll include them too.

   /                      Brian Totty              o o
  /__  __  o        406 E. Michigan / Apt. 6        o  
 /  / /   /             Urbana, IL 61801           \_/  "We have corn in
/__/ /   /             totty@cs.uiuc.edu                Massachusetts too!"

swick@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ralph Swick) (08/08/90)

	    A double click would always call the single click action
	first.  Is this the way it is supposed to work?

yep, that's the way it's supposed to work.  You need to arrange
your double click action so that it is a superset of the single
click action, or arrange to do look-ahead within the single
click action.

mouse@LARRY.MCRCIM.MCGILL.EDU (08/10/90)

> Is it possible to set up translations for both a single click and a
> double click of the same button?  I tried to do this (maybe I got the
> order wrong or something) but it never seemed to work.  A double
> click would always call the single click action first.  Is this the
> way it is supposed to work?


The basic problem is that X can't support multiple mouse clicks.  So Xt
tries to fake it with time intervals, but the lack of a proper timeout
means that a double click has to be handled as

<down>		call single-click handler
<down>		notice small time difference, call double-click handler

which is of course exactly what you were seeing.  I and one or two
other people have been campaigning to get some sort of support into X
that would permit proper support of multiple clicks (among other
things); it remains to be seen what, if anything, along these lines
gets into R5.

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

ballou@uselss.dec.com (Kenneth R. Ballou) (10/03/90)

Newsgroups: comp.windows.x
Subject: Odd behavior (bugs?) with R4 and ULTRIX on VAXstation 2000/GPX
First, please accept my apologies if this has been discussed before.  I'm
afraid I haven't had time to keep up with the newsgroup.  Also, if this is a
reposting, I also apologize.
I'm running R4 with patches through #14 on a VAXstation 2000/GPX running
ULTRIX (now 4.0, was 3.1 -- the behavior is the same in both cases).  I used
gcc version 1.37.1 as the compiler.  Also, I have applied patches from Tim
Theisen which were posted early May to this newsgroup.  These patches are
supposed to correct the Xqdss server hanging, and they do help a bit.
Here are the peculiarities I have observed.  I'm wondering if anyone else has
seen them, or if I'm losing my mind (yes, I realize those two events are not
necessarily related! :-)
1.  The server frequently hangs and soaks up CPU cycles.  I have tracked down
what it is doing; it is in Flush_fifo in server/ddx/dec/qdss/libtl/tldma.c.
Specifically, it is stuck on line 617:
	if (wait_flag == TRUE) {
		while (*sg_int_flag != 1);
		while ((sgfcc->fwused || (*change_section == 1));  /* ?? */
		while ( (AdderPtr[STATUS] & ADDRESS) != ADDRESS);
Line 617 is the line with the /* ?? */ comment.  (That comes from the code,
though it sums up my reaction as well :-)  It seems sgfcc->fwused is not
willing to become zero.
When this happens, the error log entry gets two entries that look like:
********************************* ENTRY     1. *********************************
EVENT CLASS                             OPERATIONAL EVENT 
OS EVENT TYPE                  250.     ASCII MSG 
SEQUENCE NUMBER                131.
OPERATING SYSTEM                        ULTRIX 32 
OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Thu Sep 27 16:51:04 1990 EDT
OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      uselss 
SYSTEM ID                 x08000000
SYSTYPE REG.              x04040002
                                        FIRMWARE REV = 4.
PROCESSOR TYPE                          KA410 
                                        g_write_id: adrs = 60 data = 1 
********************************* ENTRY     2. *********************************
EVENT CLASS                             OPERATIONAL EVENT 
OS EVENT TYPE                  250.     ASCII MSG 
SEQUENCE NUMBER                130.
OPERATING SYSTEM                        ULTRIX 32 
OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Thu Sep 27 16:51:04 1990 EDT
OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      uselss 
SYSTEM ID                 x08000000
SYSTYPE REG.              x04040002
                                        FIRMWARE REV = 4.
PROCESSOR TYPE                          KA410 
                                        sg_write_id: timeout trying to write 
                                         _to VIPER 
I can reproduce this by running DECwrite on a VMS node displaying to the
VAXstation 2000/GPX (via DECnet).
2.  I am using twm as my window manager.  Occasionally, when I click on the
iconify button of an open window, the watch cursor comes up, and that's all.
The server starts eating CPU cycles.  However, I have not determined where the
server is looping in this case.
3.  The xman icon is fascinating!  Its appearance depends on where I move the
icon!  The best description I can give is that it appears as though the plane
is tiled with the xman icon bitmap.  Then, the image that appears in the icon
looks as though I'm looking at a random chunk of this tiling.  If I move the
icon and then select "refresh screen" from my twm menu (or run xrefresh), the
icon changes appearance!  (I'm sorry; I realize I haven't described this
4.  I have xclock running (in digital mode) in the upper left corner of my
screen.  If I position an xterm icon over the xclock window, the text in the
xclock window disappears.  In fact, the closer to the left edge of the screen
I position the icon, the more the text disappears.  In the worst case, I just
have a few dots left where the xclock window text used to be.
5.  Occasionally, a newly-created window will have a mangled icon.  Instead of
a bitmap, the icon looks like a solid black square with white vertical
Did I possibly do something wrong while building R4?  Or has this been seen
					- Ken
Kenneth R. Ballou			ballou@vmsdev.enet.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corporation		...!decwrl!vmsdev.enet!ballou

genesis@csuchico.edu (Steven Chang) (10/04/90)

Subject: Problem with moving widget

	I just wonder if anyone can help with this simple and annoying 
problem with moving a widget.  I am using aw form widget, in it I have
a button or two of command widget.  I have been trying make the widget 
move to a new location.  I try using both the ArgList x, y position and
XtMoveWidget function without any success.  What give?  Any help would
be appreciated.  Please respond to my email cause it's hard to monitor
this news group with its large about of posting...:-)

By the way, I'm using X11R4.  Here's the sample code:

pressme = XtCreateManagedWidget("pressme",commandWidgetClass, form, NULL, 0);



email:	genesis@csuchico.edu

mwette@mr-ed.jpl.nasa.gov (Matt Wette) (10/17/90)

Message-ID: <1990Oct16.090021@mr-ed.jpl.nasa.gov>
Reply-To: mwette@mr-ed.jpl.nasa.gov (Matt Wette)
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
Subject: Re: rlogin and the DISPLAY variable

In article <m0iOhip-00013UC@aleytys.uu.net>, mike%aleytys@UUNET.UU.NET
(Michael Kent) writes:
|> I appologize if this is a FAQ, but:
|> I need to rlogin to a remote X Workstation from my local X
|> and have the DISPLAY environmental variable properly set so that any
|> X apps I run on the remote machine will display on my local machine.
|> The setting of DISPLAY must happen without operator intervention,
|> must be correct no matter which of several local machines rlogin to
|> remote machine.
|> Using the remote shell command is out, since the primary app to be
|> on the remote machine is interactive in the manner of 'vi', and is a
|> 'tty'-based app which is best run via rlogin.  Having the user's
|> set DISPLAY is out, as the user can be logging in from several
|> local machines.
|> Any ideas?
|> -- 
|> Michael Kent			INTERNET: mike@aleytys.uu.net
|> Center for M.C.E.		UUCP:     ...!{uunet, uflorida}!aleytys!mike
|> 2521 N.W. 57th Pl		MA BELL:  +1-904-335-1573
|> Gainesville, Fl  32606		"...yes, we have no bananas..."

You may want to try the included program.  It tries to get a reasonable
display name by reading /etc/utmp.   Basically, you put 
	setenv DISPLAY `echodpy` 
in your .cshrc file. 

 Matthew R. Wette			| Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 198-326
 mwette@csi.jpl.nasa.gov                | 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena,CA

/* echodpy.c - echo reasonable DISPLAY variable, if possible
 * Copyright (c) 1990 Matthew R. Wette
 * Permission for use and distribution granted provided this copyright
 * and source code accompany distribution.
 * in your .cshrc file put:
 *	set dpy=`echodpy`
 *	if ( "$dpy" != "" ) then
 *		setenv DISPLAY $dpy
 *	endif
 *	unset dpy
 * history -
 *	16Oct90	M.Wette: created.
 * version -
 *      $Id: echodpy.c,v 1.2 90/10/16 09:07:40 mwette Exp $
 * notes -
 *  	1.  probably not the best implementation
#include <utmp.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define UTMP "/etc/utmp"

error(char *fmt, ...)
  va_list ap;
  char *p;

  fprintf(stderr, "echodpy: ");
  va_start(ap, fmt);
  for (p = fmt; *p; p++) {
    if (*p != '%') { putc(*p, stderr); continue; }
    switch (*++p) {
    case 'c': putc(va_arg(ap, char), stderr); break;
    case 'd': fprintf(stderr, "%d", va_arg(ap, int)); break;
    case 'f': fprintf(stderr, "%f", va_arg(ap, double)); break;
    case 's': fprintf(stderr, "%s", va_arg(ap, char *)); break;
    default: putc(*p, stderr); break;
  putc('\n', stderr);

char *
utmphost(char *line)
  FILE *fp;
  struct utmp ut;
  char *host;

# ifdef DEBUG
  error("in utmphost: match line=%s", line);
# endif
  if (access(UTMP, R_OK) != 0) {
    error("access denied to \"%s\"", UTMP);
    return((char *) NULL);
  if ((fp = fopen(UTMP, "r")) == NULL) {
    error("couldn't open \"%s\"", UTMP);
    return((char *) NULL);
  while (fread(&ut, sizeof(struct utmp), 1, fp) > 0) {
#   ifdef DEBUG
    if (ut.ut_line[0] != '\0')
      error("in utmphost: line=%s, host=%s", ut.ut_line, ut.ut_host);
#   endif
    if (strcmp(ut.ut_line, line)==0 && ut.ut_name[0]!='\0') {
      host = (char *) malloc(strlen(ut.ut_host + 1));
      strcpy(host, ut.ut_host);
  return((char *) NULL);

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char buf[128], *bufp, *ttyn, *line, *host;

  if (isatty(0)) {
    ttyn = ttyname(0);
  } else if (isatty(1)) {
    ttyn = ttyname(1);
  } else if (isatty(2)) {
    ttyn = ttyname(2);
  } else {
#   ifdef DEBUG
    error("can't establish ttyname\n");
#   endif
# ifdef DEBUG
  error("ttyname=\"%s\"", ttyn);
# endif

  strcpy(buf, &ttyn[5]);
  line = buf;
  if ((host = utmphost(line)) == (char *) NULL) {
#   ifdef DEBUG
    error("couldn't get hostname");
#   endif
# ifdef DEBUG
  error("host=\"%s\"", host);
# endif

  bufp = buf;
  while (*host != ':' && *host != '\0') *bufp++ = *host++;
  *bufp++ = ':';
  *bufp++ = '0';
  *bufp++ = '.';
  *bufp++ = '0';
  *bufp = '\0';
# ifdef DEBUG
  error("dpy env=\"%s\"", buf);
# endif

/* --- last line of echodpy.c --- */

uk1@spacsun.rice.edu (Paul A. Scowen) (10/19/90)

Has anybody out there tried to use basic progs like xloadimage and ximage under
the R4 twm?  I'm having problems with these pieces of software writing to the
colormap.  The curious thing about it is that the behavior is intermittent, in
that sometimes the software will run fine, and then the colormap access cuts
out after a certain time (usually about 20 mins); or the software will never be
able to write to the colormap.  I've been in touch with Dave Thompson at NCSA
and he's of the opinion that twm is not ICCCM compliant and that's the problem.
The X gurus here at Rice think otherwise, and that there is some flag you can
set in a .twmrc file that will make the colormap accessible.

Does anybody have any suggestions about this?  It seems like people should have
run into this before.

Paul Scowen
Department of Space Physics
Rice University

etaylor@wilkins.iaims.bcm.tmc.edu (Eric Taylor) (10/19/90)

Unfortunately the default behavior with the XM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS with
twm is not defined.  You have to explicitly set some option in your .twmrc
file to make the colormap switch in and out.  I have also found twm to core dump when dealing with XM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS (probably in the documentation).
					Eric Taylor
					Baylor College of Medicine
					(713) 798-3776

uk1@spacsun.rice.edu (Paul A. Scowen) (10/21/90)

I'm posting a public apology to Dave Thompson at NSCA.  I quoted him last week
as stating that twm was not ICCCM compliant, after a phone conversation with
him.  I misunderstood him completely (due to my ignorance on the matter) and
had no reason to post the message as I did.

I apologise completely for this mistake and it will not happen again.

Paul Scowen
Department of Space Physics
Rice University

converse@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (10/23/90)

> Unfortunately the default behavior with the XM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS with
> twm is not defined. 

The default is to install the first n colormaps in the list.

> You have to explicitly set some option in your .twmrc
> file to make the colormap switch in and out.

If an application has multiple colormaps per top-level window, twm
implements a policy that allows the user to move the pointer without
the screen going berserk.  You might want a different policy.  

>  I have also found twm to core
> dump when dealing with XM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS (probably in the documentation).

Send a bug report if you can get this to reliably occur.

kjh@visual1.jhuapl.edu (Kenneth J. Heeres) (10/26/90)

Subject:logic within a resource file 
Sender: news@aplcen.apl.jhu.edu (USENET News System)
Reply-To: kjh@visual1.jhuapl.edu (Kenneth J. Heeres)
Organization: The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Keywords:app-defaults, Xdefaults 
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 90 13:07:53 GMT

I have noticed that the #ifdef and #endif constructs can be used within a
Xdefaults file.  I have not found this documented anywhere.  Could someone
tell me what other constructs are available and what other variables are



sager@kristyna.Prime.COM (Leo Sager) (12/04/90)

Well, I *am* looking for a Font Editor/Creator/etc/etc/etc. What I want
to do is define my own font. (Much like people defined a font for Xtrek
and Xhextris). Any pointers to anonymous FTP sites would be beneficial.
Please reply via Email.


ems@aristotle.JPL.NASA.gov (Eric Slimko) (12/11/90)

Hi.. As of late, I've been porting an application written with X and
Motif from a Sun 3 and 4 platform to a VMS DecWindows machine.  
My applause to the designers of X and Motif, for that porting has been
a lot easier than I expected!  The one last problem I am having is the
resource files.  We just recently got the software and the documentation
is delayed, so I need to post:  How does DECWindows find application defaults
files?  What environment variable does it use and what are the naming 

Thanks much,
Eric Slimko                |  Jet Propulsion Laboratories
ems@aristotle.jpl.nasa.gov |  NASA/CalTech

sanjay@am-sun2.Stanford.EDU (Sanjay Govindjee) (12/14/90)

	Thanks to all the people who replied to my original request
for a fix for X11R4 to run on a Sun4/330GPX under SunOS4.0.3. Everyone
indicated that I should use the patch provided by ntakahas@is.tsukuba.ac.jp.
My problem however is that I am mounting all my files via afs and
attempting to recompile Xsun is proving not to be so easy.  

So if someone could see their way to sending me an appropriate binary for
Xsun or tell me where I can ftp one from, I would appreciate it very much.

Sanjay Govindjee
Division of Applied Mechanics
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4040

totty@flute.cs.uiuc.edu (Brian Totty) (12/19/90)

	What is the latest version of the XPM libraries?  I have a document
	that describes version 2.4 whose definition of XCreatePixmapFromData
	is very different from that described in the library I ftp'ed from
	avahi.inria.fr last night.  I may have grabbed the wrong version.

	The library code defines this:

		Pixmap XCreatePixmapFromData(display, d, colormap, width,
		    height, depth, ncolors, chars_per_pixel, colors, pixels)

	but the document describes a call which is much more similar to

		int XCreatePixmapFromData(display, visual, d, colormap, data,
		    depth, pixmap_return, width_return, height_return,
		    pixels_return, npixels_return, colorsymbols, 
		    numsymbols, infos);

	What's the current library??????

   /                      Brian Totty              o o
  /__  __  o       1304 W. Springfield Avenue       o  
 /  / /   /             Urbana, IL 61801           \_/  "We have corn in
/__/ /   /             totty@cs.uiuc.edu                Massachusetts too!"

aaron@backyard.Berkeley.EDU (Aaron Akman) (01/09/91)

I periodically get an error message when I try to connect a client
to an X server.  The message says something like (it's not in front
of me) connection refused for this client...couldn't open display...

I didn't get it in the morning, but I get in the afternoon, or
whatever.  One thing that happened this time was that my Sun's lock
screen locked me out and someone had to kill that process for me from
another station.


gjc@mitech.com (02/19/91)

>> 	Sun		151,000
>> 	HP PA		 10,000
>> 	MIPS		 45,900
>> 	IBM POWER	  8,000
>>      These unit volume numbers are for RISC systems only, and do not include
>> HP's 680x0 systems.  The numbers are for calendar year 1990.  Even with the
>> 680x0 systems included, Sun enjoys a clear advantage in unit volume.  
> Considering that the 680x0 units account for most of HP's business on both the
> HP and Apollo end I think excluding them here is a bit deceptive.  While
> I will admit that I don't know the numbers, I know they are significantly higher
> than those for HP-PA.
Leaving out the 680x0 units from HP's numbers is *shamefully* deceptive.
It would be like leaving out VAX numbers from DIGITAL workstation counts.
(Also a popular deception tactic).


su0961@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu (Leonard Borowski) (03/20/91)

Ok, here's a question for everyone. I am using TWM under X11R4 and I am
trying to set up a menu when I click onto the root  background. I got
that working just fine the problem is that one of the options from that
window is to run an Xterm, ok? Well, it when I select `new century
schoolbook' font the windowmanager doesn't like the font specification 
because there are spaces between the words             'new century
schoolbook'. Here's the exact command I tried to use

"Xterm"	!"xterm -fg snow -bg maroon4 -fn -adobe-new century
schoolbook-bold-i-normal-*-14-140-75-75-p-88-iso8859-1 &"

Any suggestions as to what I can do?

*Leonard Borowski	      | Q. Don't ya love the balance system?*
* Comp Sci/Physics Major      | A. Of course I do. It's the only    *
* "Physics is such a Love/Hate|	system I know that strives for an   *
*  relationship,wanna love it | idle CPU so we can have people paid * 
*  but ya gotta hate it!"     | to maintain unused computers.       *

jc@raven.bu.edu (James Cameron) (03/22/91)

>>>>> On 20 Mar 91 02:03:04 GMT, su0961@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu (Leonard Borowski) said:

Leonard> "Xterm"	!"xterm -fg snow -bg maroon4 -fn -adobe-new century
Leonard> schoolbook-bold-i-normal-*-14-140-75-75-p-88-iso8859-1 &"

Leonard> Any suggestions as to what I can do?

Yes, simply type it as one word....ie,

xterm -fg snow -bg maroon4 -fn -adobe-newcenturyschoolbook-bold-i-normal-*-14-140-75-75-p-88-iso8859-1 &

Hope that helps!


James Cameron  -  jc@raven.bu.edu        |  "But to risk we must, for the 
Signal Processing and Interpretation Lab |  greatest hazard in life is to risk
ECS Engineering Dept.                    |  nothing.  For the man or woman who
	Boston University, Boston MA     |  risks nothing, has nothing, does
	Work: 617 353-2879               |  nothing, is nothing."
Information Technology                   |
	Boston University, Boston MA     |  (Quote from the eulogy for the late
	work: 617 353-2780 ext. 338      |   Christa McAuliffe.)  

mouse@lightning.mcrcim.mcgill.EDU (der Mouse) (03/22/91)

>> "Xterm"	!"xterm -fg snow -bg maroon4 -fn -adobe-new century schoolbook-bold-i-normal-*-14-140-75-75-p-88-iso8859-1 &"
[problems caused by the spaces in the font name]
>> Any suggestions as to what I can do?

> Yes, simply type it as one word....ie,
> xterm -fg snow -bg maroon4 -fn -adobe-newcenturyschoolbook-bold-i-normal-*-14-140-75-75-p-88-iso8859-1 &

Well, over here, no font has "newcenturyschoolbook" in its name, though
several contain "new century schoolbook".  Your proposal will (or at
least should) result in a font not found error...unless someone has
gone to the trouble to set up aliases for all the New Century
Schoolbook fonts, of course.  If possible, setting up such aliases
might be the appropriate solution for the original poster.

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

aslam@sp63.csrd.uiuc.edu (Sohail Aslam) (03/23/91)

This is for a friend: He just got a Sun Sparcstation GS with CG12 board.
Does the Sun X server support this board? If not, where can he get one? Please
reply to 



Sohail Aslam
Center for Supercomputing Research     email:  aslam@csrd.uiuc.edu
    and Development
305 Talbot Laboratory                  office: +1 217 244 4146
104 South Wright Street                fax:    +1 217 244 1351
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois 61801

rwu@hoboken.bellcore.com (Ronald W Underwood) (04/05/91)

Has anyone managed to get a DEC5000 running with two color framebuffers?
The prom and the kernel both recognize the second framebuffer, but the
mit R4 dec server code appears to only support one. Has any hacked up
ddx/dec/cfbpmax/init.c and whatever else is needed to make this work?

				Ron Underwood
			UUCP:	bellcore!rwu
			ARPA:	rwu@bellcore.com
				(201) 829-3317
				Bell Communications Research
				435 South St. Room 2D-392
				Morristown, NJ 07960-1961

izar@shuldig.huji.ac.il (Izar Tarandach) (04/22/91)

Could somebody point me to examples using Radio Groups with Athena Toggle
widgets ? I tried the explanation in the O'Reilly book, but it didn't work
at all...

Thanks in advance.

+--------------------Izar Tarandach  izar@shum.huji.ac.il---------------------+
|I used to live in the sunniest place on Earth.Now I live in the brightest.   |
|   Where every human being is a soldier, and every soldier a human being.    |
+-disclaimer:All opinions are MY responsability - HUJI/Jerusalem, Israel------+

fpaddy@gsb-yen.stanford.edu (04/27/91)

title: X Toolkit Error : Someone pulled the keyboard out from under us

Hi there :

If anyone knows the meaning of this error or knows how to fix this
would you please post an answer to the newsgroup or preferably
contact us personally.

our addresses are

A prompt response would be appreciated very much.



janson@athena.mit.edu (James A Anderson) (06/08/91)

 Can anyone suggest an X client which allows a user to select a file
interactively and then prints the file's pathname on its standard output
and exits.
 This would be useful, for example, to provide interactive file selection
in shell scripts.
 I've seen a number of motif-based applications which appear to use a standard
directory browser. Is there one which isolates this function? I've also
seen xdir among the contributed clients, but it has an extraneous (for this
purpose) file viewing functions, while lacking a name-pattern filter.

 Can anyone suggest an alternative?
