[comp.windows.x] XView Course Notes

rana@cs.uwa.oz.au (Ranadeva Peries) (06/17/91)

Has anyone got a course outline for a XView (2) course.
I am hoping to conduct a similar course (short one) and
would like to get some ideas.

I would also like to know of any good books on the subject
(apart from the XView Programming Manual from O'Reilly).

Please reply direct to me. Thanks in advance.

 Ranadeva Peries (Rana)               |  Internet:  rana@cs.uwa.oz.au
 Unix Programmer                      |
 Department of Computer Science       |
 The University of Western Australia  |  
 Nedlands 6009,                       | Tel: +61-9-3802878 
 W. Australia.                        | FAX: +61-9-3821688