[comp.windows.x] X program from C Users Journal

erc@pai.UUCP (Eric F. Johnson) (06/22/91)

Here's the simple Xlib program from the July, 1991 C Users Journal,
in the article on "X Window Programming, Part 3: More Xlib
Programming", beginning on page 93.

I'll try to post the code from the rest of the articles (this is
part 3 of a six-part series) as they appear.

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 *      xlib2.c
 *      A  more advanced X Window 
 *      (Xlib)-based program using text,
 *      written for the C Users Journal.
 *      Link with the X library, e.g.,
 *              cc -o xlib2 xlib2.c -lX11
 *      Define SYSV if you have malloc()
 *      declared in stdlib.h.
 *	E F Johnson
 *	Copyright 1991 Eric F. Johnson and
 *	Kevin Reichard, all rights reserved.

#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef SYSV
#include <stdlib.h>

#include  <X11/Xlib.h>
#include  <X11/Xutil.h>
#include  <X11/keysymdef.h>
#include  <X11/keysym.h>

 *      We have a hard-coded size and location
#define X_LOCATION              10
#define Y_LOCATION              20
#define WIDTH                   400
#define HEIGHT                  50
#define MAX_STRING_LENGTH       400

 *      Use xlsfonts to find a font name
 *      that is available on your system.
/* #define FONT_NAME               "fixed"  */
#define FONT_NAME               "variable"

main( argc, argv )

int     argc;
char    *argv[];

{       /* main */
        Display         *display;
        int             screen;
        Window          rootwindow;
        Window          window;
        XSizeHints      *sizehints;
	XWMHints	*wmhints;
        GC              gc;
        XEvent          event;
        int             done;
        char            string[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 4 ];
        XFontStruct     *font;

         * Connect to an X server.
        display = XOpenDisplay( (char *) NULL );

        if ( display == (Display *) NULL )
                fprintf( stderr, "Error opening display\n" );
                exit( 1 );

        screen     = DefaultScreen( display );
        rootwindow = RootWindow( display, screen );

         * Create a window
        window = XCreateSimpleWindow( display,
                        rootwindow,     /* parent */
                        X_LOCATION, Y_LOCATION,
                        WIDTH, HEIGHT,
                        1,              /* border width */
                        BlackPixel( display, screen ),
                        WhitePixel( display, screen ) );

	 * Set up Window Manager Hints for keyboard input
        wmhints = (XWMHints *) malloc( sizeof(XWMHints) );

	wmhints->flags = InputHint;
	wmhints->input = True;

	XSetWMHints(display, window, wmhints );

	free( wmhints );

         * Set up hints about the window
        sizehints = (XSizeHints *) malloc( sizeof(XSizeHints) );

        sizehints->x      = X_LOCATION;
        sizehints->y      = Y_LOCATION;
        sizehints->width  = WIDTH;
        sizehints->height = HEIGHT;
        sizehints->flags  = PPosition | PSize;

         * Use XSetWMProperties() in R4
        XSetStandardProperties( display, window,
                "Xlib2",        /* window name */
                "Xlib2",        /* icon name */
                (Pixmap) None,  /* Icon pixmap */
                argv, argc,
                sizehints );

        free( sizehints );

         * Ask for Expose, mouse (Button) and keyboard input
        XSelectInput( display, window,
                ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask | KeyPressMask );

         * Load up a font. 
        font = XLoadQueryFont( display, FONT_NAME );

        if ( font == (XFontStruct *) NULL )
                fprintf( stderr, "Error in loading %s font.\n",
                        FONT_NAME );

                XCloseDisplay( display );
                exit( 1 );

         * Create a Graphics Context (GC) for drawing text
        gc = XCreateGC( display, window,
                0L, (XGCValues *) NULL );

        XSetForeground( display, gc, 
                BlackPixel( display, screen ) );

         * Set the background color, too
        XSetBackground( display, gc, 
                WhitePixel( display, screen ) );

         * Set the GC to draw in the given font.
        XSetFont( display, gc, font->fid );

         * Make Window appear on the screen
        XMapWindow( display, window );
        XFlush( display );

        string[0] = '\0'; /* null out string */
        done = False;

        while( !done )
                XNextEvent( display, &event );

                switch( event.type )
                        case ButtonPress:
                                XCloseDisplay( display );

                                exit( 0 );
                        case Expose:
                                 * Only redraw when all
                                 * Expose events are in
                                if ( event.xexpose.count == 0 )
                                        RedrawText( display, window, 
                                                gc, string );
                        case KeyPress:
                                EditString( display, window,
                                        &event, string, 
                                        MAX_STRING_LENGTH );

                                RedrawText( display, window, 
                                        gc, string );


}       /* main */

RedrawText( display, window, gc, string )

Display *display;
Window  window;
GC      gc;
char    string[];

{       /* RedrawText */

        XDrawImageString( display, window, gc,
                5, 20,          /* location */
                strlen( string ) );

#define MESSAGE "Click a Mouse Button to Exit"

        XDrawImageString( display, window, gc,
                5, 40,          /* location */
                strlen( MESSAGE ) );

        XFlush( display );

}       /* RedrawText */

EditString( display, window, event, string, max_length )

Display         *display;
Window          window;
XKeyEvent       *event;
char            string[];
int             max_length;

{       /* EditString */
        int             length;
        char            new_string[ 12 ];
        KeySym          keysym;
        XComposeStatus  composestatus;

        length = XLookupString( event,
                        1,              /* max length of new_string */
                        &composestatus );

	new_string[1] = '\0';	/* some systems add garbage to new_string */

        if ( ( event->state & Mod1Mask ) || ( event->state & Mod2Mask ) )
                 * ALT key

        if ( event->state & ShiftMask )
                 * Shift key down

         * This is a US ASCII test, so you may need to change this.
        if ( ( length > 0 ) && ( keysym > 31 ) && ( keysym < 127 ) )
                if ( ( length + strlen( string ) ) < max_length ) 
                        strcat( string, new_string );
                 * Could be a function or special key.
                 * We'll only check for a few here.
                switch( keysym )
                        case XK_Return: /* Return key */
                        case XK_Escape:
                                string[0] = '\0';

                                XClearWindow( display, window );
                        case XK_BackSpace: /* NOBREAK */
                        case XK_Delete:
                                 * We'll treat both back space and
                                 * delete the same.
                                length = strlen( string );

                                if ( length > 0 )
                                        string[ length - 1 ] = '\0';

                                 * You should have a much better
                                 * algorithm to refresh after a
                                 * delete character, than this,
                                 * but we'll just clear the window
                                 * and start over.
                                XClearWindow( display, window );
                        case XK_Right: /* right arrow */        
                        case XK_Prior: /* PageUp to DOS folks */
                        case XK_Next:   /* PageDn to DOS folks */
                        case XK_F1:     /* functionkey 1 */


}       /* EditString */

/* end of file */
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Hope this helps,

Eric F. Johnson                                         BTI: Industrial
Boulware Technologies, Inc.   fax:   +1 612 894 0316    automation systems
415 W. Travelers Trail        email: erc@pai.mn.org     and services
Burnsville, MN 55337 USA