[comp.windows.x] xlock crashes on remote NCD terminals

ajg@reef.cis.ufl.edu (Arnold Goldberg) (06/23/91)

I've recently installed xlock PL 2.2.

The problem that occurs whenever I try to run it on an Xncd terminal is

X Error: BadAccess
	Major code 111()
	Minor code 0
	ResourceID 0x400000004
	Error Serial #170
	Current Serial# 176

at that point I can no longer get access to my NCD X-server (maybe the xhost maps are
gone?), and I have to reboot it.

Here area the operating parameters:

NCD Xservers 16 or 17 I believe.
xlock running on Sun SS1, 4.1.1

xlock is installed setuid root (as it's supposed to be)
i'm invoking xlock w/ -remote.

Help please



#include <disclaimer.h>

Arnold Goldberg				IP: ajg@reef.cis.ufl.edu