[comp.windows.x] Problems with xterm and resources, translations

jarosen@lookout (Jim A. Rosenberg) (06/25/91)

I am trying to use translations for several keys in xterm.  I have built
xterm from the X11.R4 source, using the changes provided to use the Motif
widget library instead of the Athena widgets (code found at MIT and 
originally provided by someone at SGI).  The application is running on
an HP 400T, and was built with HP's Motif 1.1 libraries.

Xterm sometimes accepts all of my translations, but other times "ignores" 
a subset of the translations.  The keys which do not get translated are:
	Escape, F1, F4, F7, F10, InsertLine, DeleteLine, ClearLine,
	ClearDisplay, InsertChar, DeleteChar, Home, End(Select),
	PageUp(Prior), PageDown(Next), LeftArrow(Left),
	RightArrow(Right), UpArrow(Up), DownArrow(Down)

Whether all the translations work or not varies with the command line
arguments to xterm, and the machine running/displayed on.  For example,
	"xterm -display papillon:0.0" (running on "eagle")
doesn't properly translate the keys defined above.  However, 
	"xterm" (running on "papillon")
does work.  And 
	"xterm -geometry 80x24-1-100 -display papillon:0.0" (run on "eagle")
does work, while 
	"xterm -geometry 80x24-1-100" (running on "papillon")
does not work.  The problem isn't apparently tied to either of these 
two machines: I have had the same kinds of problems running and displaying 
on other machines, although the command line arguments which lead to 
success or failure change.  However, all the machines have been in the 
300 or 400 series from HP.

SO... anyone out there seen this kind of behavior before?  Anyone
understand what is going on here?  I am solidly befuddled at this point.
Another programmer here,working on a very different application, has had
problems with translations for a subset of the keys I am having problems 
with.  He believes that it is a problem with Xt's translation manager
running under Motif 1.1... any comments, pointers, etc.?

Thanks ahead for your time and help.  I will follow this group for
responses, though email would be better for me.  I will summarize
responses for the net.

James Rosenberg