[net.news] Where is net.consumer.house?

dlow@hpccc (06/19/86)

[Delete this line before reading]

There has been a lot of talk in net.consumer for a net.house or
net.consumer.house. There has some notes stating that 
	1) both now exist, 
	2) net.house has been rmgroup'ed
	3) start using net.consumer.house and stop complaining.
It has been about a month since these groups have been supposedly
created but I have seen neither one. Has anyone out there actually
seen either of these groups?

                            Danny Low HP-POD 
    "If you don't know where you're going, you may not get there."
... but if you want to get here, try ...!ucbvax!hplabs!hpccc!dlow

ahby@meccts.UUCP (Shane P. McCarron) (06/22/86)

In article <45700001@hpccc> dlow@hpccc writes:
>It has been about a month since these groups have been supposedly
>created but I have seen neither one. Has anyone out there actually
>seen either of these groups?

Although I have seen a number of messaages posted to the group
net.consumers.house, they have all been rejected because a create
group message never reached this site.  As a metter of fact, I think
that all sites in MN arre rejecting this group.
Shane P. McCarron			UUCP	ihnp4!meccts!ahby
MECC Technical Services			ATT	(612) 481-3589

avolio@decuac.DEC.COM (Frederick M. Avolio) (06/22/86)

In article <426@meccts.UUCP>, ahby@meccts.UUCP (Shane P. McCarron) writes:
> In article <45700001@hpccc> dlow@hpccc writes:
> >It has been about a month since these groups have been supposedly
> >created but I have seen neither one. 
> Although I have seen a number of messaages posted to the group
> net.consumers.house, they have all been rejected because a create
> group message never reached this site.  

We see more and more stuff like this.  We should add something to the
documentation to be distrubuted with the next version of news and add
some items in the mod.announce.newusers articles: "What to do if there
is trouble."

What you should do if you think you are not getting news you should
(such as create group control messages) is send mail to the news
administrator on your system who in turn should send mail to news
administrators on all systems that feed you.  And ask about it.  If
you are receiving news for a group that doesn't exist on your system,
for goodness sakes create the group locally!  I cannot imagine people
sitting out there, seeing news getting dumped in `junk' and saying
"Oh, well.  Guess there's nothing to do...  A newgroup message never
got here."

Fred @ DEC Ultrix Applications Center
INET: avolio@decuac.DEC.COM				* Fight the Fight *
UUCP: {decvax,seismo,cbosgd}!decuac!avolio	       * Rescue the Unborn *

grr@cbmvax.cbm.UUCP (George Robbins) (06/22/86)

In article <426@meccts.UUCP> ahby@meccts.UUCP (Shane P. McCarron) writes:
>In article <45700001@hpccc> dlow@hpccc writes:
>>It has been about a month since these groups have been supposedly
>>created but I have seen neither one. Has anyone out there actually
>>seen either of these groups?
>Although I have seen a number of messaages posted to the group
>net.consumers.house, they have all been rejected because a create
>group message never reached this site.  As a metter of fact, I think
>that all sites in MN arre rejecting this group.
>Shane P. McCarron			UUCP	ihnp4!meccts!ahby
>MECC Technical Services			ATT	(612) 481-3589

Well, there have been somthing like 150 messages posted to net.consumers.house
around this end of the world, making it a reasonably healthy group.

If you are not getting the group, first issue (carefully) your own newgroup
message to create net.consumers.house, the examine your news spool files to
see where most of your articles a comining from and talk to people back up
your path until you find who is getting the articles, but not accepting or
passing them on...

Joe Buck recently posted some path analysis software to mod.sources that
should be adaptable to this purpose.
George Robbins - now working with,	uucp: {ihnp4|seismo|caip}!cbmvax!grr
but no way officially representing	arpa: cbmvax!grr@seismo.css.GOV
Commodore, Engineering Department	fone: 215-431-9255 (only by moonlite)

ahby@meccts.UUCP (Shane P. McCarron) (06/23/86)

In article <968@decuac.DEC.COM> avolio@decuac.DEC.COM (Frederick M. Avolio) writes:
>In article <426@meccts.UUCP>, ahby@meccts.UUCP (Shane P. McCarron) writes:
>> In article <45700001@hpccc> dlow@hpccc writes:
>> >It has been about a month since these groups have been supposedly
>> >created but I have seen neither one. 
>> Although I have seen a number of messaages posted to the group
>> net.consumers.house, they have all been rejected because a create
>> group message never reached this site.  
>If you are receiving news for a group that doesn't exist on your system,
>for goodness sakes create the group locally!  I cannot imagine people
>sitting out there, seeing news getting dumped in `junk' and saying
>"Oh, well.  Guess there's nothing to do...  A newgroup message never
>got here."

Let me try to clear something up...  I am the news administrator at
this site, and in fact make some attempt to coordinate newsflow
throughout the state (although I am not very successful at this).  The
reason I am letting this news fall on the floor is that these groups
were not in the last checkgroups message that I received, and there
was no create group message received at this site.  While it is true
that we have had some trouble with news distribution in MN, I don't
feel it is up to me to (even locally) create a group that has the
prefix "net" and has not been oficially created.  I never even saw a
discussion about net.consumers.house in net.news.group.
Shane P. McCarron			UUCP	ihnp4!meccts!ahby
MECC Technical Services			ATT	(612) 481-3589

dean@hyper.UUCP (Dean Gahlon) (06/25/86)

> >
> >Although I have seen a number of messaages posted to the group
> >net.consumers.house, they have all been rejected because a create
> >group message never reached this site.  As a metter of fact, I think
> >that all sites in MN arre rejecting this group.
> >-- 
> >Shane P. McCarron			UUCP	ihnp4!meccts!ahby
> >MECC Technical Services			ATT	(612) 481-3589

We *were* getting it for about a week about a month ago, but it seems
to have vanished again.

grr@cbmvax.cbm.UUCP (George Robbins) (06/27/86)

> Let me try to clear something up...  I am the news administrator at
> this site, and in fact make some attempt to coordinate newsflow
> throughout the state (although I am not very successful at this).  The
> reason I am letting this news fall on the floor is that these groups
> were not in the last checkgroups message that I received, and there
> was no create group message received at this site.  While it is true
> that we have had some trouble with news distribution in MN, I don't
> feel it is up to me to (even locally) create a group that has the
> prefix "net" and has not been oficially created.  I never even saw a
> discussion about net.consumers.house in net.news.group.
> Shane P. McCarron			UUCP	ihnp4!meccts!ahby

The group is now in the offical list of groups posted by spaf@gatech
as of June 20.  Hopefully, it will accpeted by the rest of the net,
although it may take a while.  If you are not getting it, work back
through your news paths and find out where it's getting cut off.
George Robbins - now working with,	uucp: {ihnp4|seismo|caip}!cbmvax!grr
but no way officially representing	arpa: cbmvax!grr@seismo.css.GOV
Commodore, Engineering Department	fone: 215-431-9255 (only by moonlite)

dlow@hpccc.UUCP (06/27/86)

# Written 12:43 pm  Jun 19, 1986 by hpccc!dlow in hpccc:net.news
# ---------- "Where is net.consumer.house?" ---------- 
                            Danny Low HP-POD 
# End of text from hpccc:net.news 

For people's information and amusement, we started getting
net.consumers.house here June 25th. The initial feed contained
6 messages. I estimate that it took at least one month and
maybe two months after the group was created before we got our
first feed of the group.

                            Danny Low HP-POD 
"If you don't know where you're going, it doesn't matter how you get there." 
                    ...Flying Karamozov Brothers
... but if you want to get here, try ...!ucbvax!hplabs!hpccc!dlow