[comp.windows.x] Key click in ULTRIX 4.2 Xws server

mcintosh@flash.bellcore.com (Allen Mcintosh) (06/28/91)

Anyone know how to turn the key click off?  The man page and the usage
message from utils.c both say something like:

	-c                     turns off key-click
	c #                    key-click volume (0-100)

Unfortunately, neither -c nor c 0 works.  I'm currently trying c 0, and
I know the server has seen this:

ps | egrep Xws
  235 co R N   30:02 /usr/bin/Xws :0 bc c 0 -class PseudoColor

There were no error messages from starting up the server, but alas
the keys on my workstation are merrily clicking away as I write this...

For what it's worth, the version ID in the server is
	uwsserver: Wed May 1 01:57:17 PDT 1991
and the machine is a DEC5000.