[comp.windows.x] Math/Statistical Package for X Wanted

jonesm@nic.cerf.net (John Reading) (06/29/91)

I am looking for a package that runs under X that will allow
me to display graphs, tables, etc of numbers generated by a 
simulation. I think what I'm looking for would include things
like displaying the mean and standard deviation of a set of
data, or maybe even putting up data on an x,y display and then
plotting a regression line.

Does this sound confused and vague? To be honest, all I know is
one of my users wants me to come up with "something that will
do math and graphical stuff." I'm just the implementor, but I
would rather not implement something from scratch if somebody
else out there has already done it (probably better than I can :-).

I realize that this is a vague request, but any vague (or pointed)
pointers that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.
Especially on this initial request, please email me. If later
on somebody helps me clarify my question, or if the response
merits, I will post additional information.

Thanks to one and all,

John Reading
jonesm@nic.cerf.net  <-- I still haven't gotten my own account :-(

fangchin@leland.Stanford.EDU (Chin Fang) (06/29/91)

In article <481@nic.cerf.net>, jonesm@nic.cerf.net (John Reading) writes:
|> I am looking for a package that runs under X that will allow
|> me to display graphs, tables, etc of numbers generated by a 
|> simulation. I think what I'm looking for would include things
|> like displaying the mean and standard deviation of a set of
|> data, or maybe even putting up data on an x,y display and then
|> plotting a regression line.

This is easy.  annon ftp prep.ai.mit.edu, cd pub/gnu, bin, get gnuplot2.02.tar.Z
and then build it in sleep.  Then give Gary Perlman, the author of unix|stat a
email, and get his well written pkg, more info below :-)

__________________________________ excerpt ____________________________________

Ordering Information 8/30/89:

     Carefully read the instructions below.  Orders not following them  may
be  be  returned or even discarded.  All prices include delivery and should
be prepaid to G. Perlman.  Checks must be in US funds, drawn on a US  bank.
Orders  that demand any terms or conditions other than those in this notice
may be returned or discarded.  Orders must include a delivery mailing label
acceptable  to  the  post office, and international orders must include the
country name on the label.

UNIX Version of |STAT: $20
     Contents: Programs (C language) & Online Manual Entries
     Format:   half inch 9 track mag tape, 1600 bpi tar format
MSDOS Version of |STAT: $15
     Contents: Preformatted Manuals and Executables
     Format:   2S/2D MSDOS 5.25 inch floppy diskettes
Handbook: $10
     Contents: Examples, Reference Materials, CALC & DM Manuals, Manual Entries
     Format:   Typeset Manual (over 100 pages)

Gary Perlman                   Department of Computer and Information Science
perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu     The Ohio State University
614-292-2566                   2036 Neil Avenue Mall
                               Columbus, OH 43210-1277

|> Does this sound confused and vague? To be honest, all I know is
|> one of my users wants me to come up with "something that will
|> do math and graphical stuff." I'm just the implementor, but I
|> would rather not implement something from scratch if somebody
|> else out there has already done it (probably better than I can :-).

NO.  VERY clear to me.  And gnuplot with unix|stat together with a few shell
scripts will take care of all your needs :-)

|> I realize that this is a vague request, but any vague (or pointed)
|> pointers that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.
|> Especially on this initial request, please email me. If later
|> on somebody helps me clarify my question, or if the response
|> merits, I will post additional information.

I guess my answer and pointer are DEFINITE :-)

|> Thanks to one and all,

You are very welcome.

Chin Fang
Mechanical Engineering Department
Stanford University