[comp.os.minix] multiuser minix?

pzl@hjuxa.UUCP (04/17/87)

	Has anyone gotten more than one user running on
	minix. If so, How does it do? (perhaps compared
	to 2-3 user Xenix on a PC)
|Mr. Rem.

go@orstcs.cs.ORST.EDU (04/20/87)

Re: multi-user minix "feel":

As I am doing lots of things to Minix, I haven't gotten around to
creating a serial-driver yet, so real "multi-terminal" minix hasn't
happened yet.  However, I have been running background jobs to do
compiles while I edit, and can report on this aspect.  To make this
possible, I #ifdef'd my system to exclude the ram-disk initialization
(made it length 0) so no system memory was stolen -- /dev/mem /dev/kmem
and /dev/null were left in -- just changed the length of /dev/ram.

Anyway, with one "real"  job running -- lots of disk I/O, Minix gets
real sluggish.  This is probably due to the bottle-neck in FS:
FS blocks on the message to the driver for disk I/O and cannot service
*any* other requests -- including terminal I/O.  For my money, this has
got to change.  I plan on (this is somewhat half-baked yet, so don't
tell me it's *impossible* - let me find it out for myself) creating
multiple instantiations of FS -- essentially one for each major type of
device.  Each instantiation would use the same code, but get a separate
stack and BSS section.  The current FS "driver" module that scans messages
would continue as is for each new instantiation, but a new one
would be added to be the user interface for FS.  It would, as the
current one does, wait for user messages.  When one was read it would
dispatch it to the appropriate FSx for service.  It would then
go back and wait for more messages.  The FSx routine would
respond to the caller (main FS) when service was finished.  The
main FS would receive the response message, just like from a user.  It
would decide if the new message were a response or another request.  If
a response, it would respond to the appropriate user and that would be

This technique has been used before -- last summer I worked on a team
using VRTX (multitasking kernel for imbedded systems) and used this
same technique to create server processes for a bunch of process-control
thingies.  VRTX has queues very much similar (in theory) to Minix's
messages and I used several queues to make these multiple level
of servers work.

Problems with above:  Minix can queue messages, but uses the PCB of the
caller as the queue element when the recipient is not waiting for a
message.  For my idea to work, the main FS must have a queuable thing it
can send to the next layer FSx for each new user request.
My main goal is to *NEVER* block FS -- only the user and each instantiation
of FSx (the actual FS server).  This means that if a second request
comes in (say) for the HD, when a current request is in service, the
additional queued request to FSx for the HD must not block FS.


	Current Minix				My idea

	   <user>				<user>
	     |					   |
	    FS					  FS
	  /  |  \				/  |  \
       HD   FD   ...			      FS1 FS2 ...  FSn
					       |   |   |    |
					    chars HD  FD   mem

<chars> is all character special devices -- those that return only
"as much as is available" on read/write calls.  They block in a special
way.  <HD> is the hard disk and <FD> is the floppy disk.  An extrapolation
(I'll probably use) is to create one <HD> FS and <FD> FS for each "unit"
available on the hd and fd controller.  This will allow (assuming suitable
controller semaphores) "overlapped" seeks and other "simultaneaous"
controller/device options.

<mem> is the non-blocking memory devices -- /dev/mem /dev/kmem /dev/ram
and /dev/null.

As I said, this is still half-baked.  I welcome comments (preferably
constructive.)  And yes, I write these kinds of programs for
a living, so am not intimidated by device drivers, interrupts, etc.
The system I mentioned above (VRTX based) had well over 100 processes
resident  -- most were tiny servers, but the organization
was made it possible to add/subtract devices easily.

If anyone else is experimenting along these lines, let's put our
heads together.  Minix is one of the best designed systems of its
sort I have ever run across.  If I do nothing else, I plan on
trying out ideas no one would ever pay me to try :-).  Minix may
lack performance now, but there is no reason why it has to remain
that way.  And in general, let's forget that Minix only runs on
toy computers.  Its organization will allow for effective
use of much larger machines.  So hey!  Let's get to it!

Gary Oliver
...!hplabs!hp-pcd!orstcs!go	(Until they pull my plug)