[comp.os.minix] Booting MINIX from the hard disk

n0ano@wldrdg.UUCP (Don Dugger) (04/20/87)

This is the first technique I used to boot MINIX from
the hard disk.

First partition the disk into 4 slices:
	Partition 1 - MS/DOS, 6 Mbytes
	Partition 2 - MINIX /usr, 3 Mbytes
	Partition 3 - MINIX boot image, 370 Kbytes
	Partition 4 - MINIX /, 370 Kbytes

Change line 61 of file `h/const.h' from
	#define BOOT_DEV (dev_nr)  512
	#define BOOT_DEV (dev_nr)  0x304
and remake the `fs' process.

In routine `patch1' of file `tools/build.c' change the four lines
	ubuf[(SECTOR_SIZE/2) - 4] = sectrs + 1;
	ubuf[(SECTOR_SIZE/2) - 3] = ds;
	ubuf[(SECTOR_SIZE/2) - 2] = ip;
	ubuf[(SECTOR_SIZE/2) - 1] = cs;
	ubuf[(SECTOR_SIZE/2) - 5] = sectrs + 1;
	ubuf[(SECTOR_SIZE/2) - 4] = ds;
	ubuf[(SECTOR_SIZE/2) - 3] = ip;
	ubuf[(SECTOR_SIZE/2) - 2] = cs;
	ubuf[(SECTOR_SIZE/2) - 1] = 0xAA55;
and remake the `build' program.

Replace file `tools/bootblok.s' with the `bootblok.s' included at
the end of this article and remake the boot block.

Remake the MINIX boot image except build it to `/dev/hd3' rather than

Put the root floppy in drive zero and execute the command
	dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/dev/hd4 bs=18b

After doing all of this, booting from Partition 3 will boot MINIX
entirely from the hard disk.

The symbol `LOCYL' in `bootblok.s' is the first cylinder for the
boot partition, just put in the appropriate value for your system.
The code at `set2:' assumes the winchester has 4 heads.  If your
drive is different you'll have to change the code appropriately.
Likewise, you'll have to change the declaration for `tracksiz'
if your disk has other than 17 sectors/track.

Since `bootblok.s' uses the BIOS to read the disk these changes should
work on most machines except for one possible gotcha.  The boot ROM's on
my Zenith 150 expect a Winchester boot block to contain the magic number
0xAA55 at location 510 and 511, otherwise the system won't boot (this is
why I had to change `build.c' to move it's patches down and add in the
magic number).  Other machines might have different ways of identifying
boot blocks which would require slight changes to `bootblok.s' and

Technique 2:

The above scheme works fine except that it uses 3 partitions, which leaves
none free since I need the MS/DOS partition.  The current technique I
use is to put the boot image at the end of Partition 2, thereby freeing
up Partition 3.  To do this, do everything described above with the following

1.  Make the `/usr' file system smaller than its partition by at
    least 200K.  If you already have a `/usr' file system you can
    probably still shorten its size.  Just write a small C program
    that reads the super block, changes word 2 (the filesystem size)
    to the appropriate value and then writes the super block back out.
    (Make sure the `/usr' file system is unmounted when you do this.)
    Re-boot and run `fsck' to clean up the file system.

2.  In `bootblok.s' change `LOCYL' to be the first cylinder after the
    end of the `/usr' file system.  On my system there are 34 1K
    blocks per cylinder.  Since I had allocated 100 cynliners for the
    `/usr' partition, I assigned 94 cylinders (3196 1K blocks) to the
    `/usr' file system, leaving 6 cylinders (204 1K blocks) for the
    MINIX boot image.  Since the partition starts at cylinder 182 the
    new value for LOCYL is 276.

3.  Re-make `bootblok' and build the boot image to the file `image.bt'.

4.  Use `dd' to copy the boot image out to the end of the `/usr'
    partition.  Using my system as an example, the command is
	dd if=image.bt of=/dev/hd2 bs=1k seek=3196

5.  Use `dd' to copy the boot block:
	dd if=image.bt of=/dev/hd2 bs=1b count=1

6.  Boot the system off of partition 2 and everything should be OK.

Don Dugger
Wildridge Consulting

---- bootblok.s : cut here -----
| When the PC is powered on, it reads the first block from the floppy
| disk into address 0x7C00 and jumps to it.  This boot block must contain
| the boot program in this file.  The boot program first copies itself to
| address 192K - 512 (to get itself out of the way).  Then it loads the 
| operating system from the boot diskette into memory, and then jumps to fsck.
| Loading is not trivial because the PC is unable to read a track into
| memory across a 64K boundary, so the positioning of everything is critical.
| The number of sectors to load is contained at address 504 of this block.
| The value is put there by the build program after it has discovered how
| big the operating system is.  When the bootblok program is finished loading,
| it jumps indirectly to the program (fsck) which address is given by the
| last two words in the boot block. 
| Summary of the words patched into the boot block by build:
| Word at 502: # sectors to load
| Word at 504: # DS value for fsck
| Word at 506: # PC value for fsck
| Word at 508: # CS value for fsck
| Word at 510: Magic boot block #
| This version of the boot block must be assembled without separate I & D
| space.  

        LOADSEG = 0x0060         | here the boot block will start loading
        BIOSSEG = 0x07C0         | here the boot block itself is loaded
        BOOTSEG = 0x2FE0         | here it will copy itself (192K-512b)
        DSKBASE = 120            | 120 = 4 * 0x1E = ptr to disk parameters
	LOCYL   = 282		 | Low cylinder for boot partition

final   = 502
fsck_ds = 504
fsck_pc = 506
fsck_cs = 508
magic	= 510

.globl begtext, begdata, begbss, endtext, enddata, endbss  | asld needs these

| copy bootblock to bootseg
        mov     ax,#BIOSSEG
        mov     ds,ax
        xor     si,si           | ds:si - original block
        mov     ax,#BOOTSEG
        mov     es,ax
        xor     di,di           | es:di - new block
        mov     cx,#256         | #  words to move
	movw 		        | copy loop

| start boot procedure
        jmpi    start,BOOTSEG   | set cs to bootseg

        mov     dx,cs
        mov     ds,dx           | set ds to cs
        xor     ax,ax
        mov     es,ax           | set es to 0
        mov     ss,ax           | set ss to 0
        mov     sp,#1024        | initialize sp (top of vector table)

| initialize disk parameters
	mov	ax,#pcpar	| tenatively assume 1.2M diskette
	seg	es
	mov	DSKBASE,ax	
	seg	es
	mov	DSKBASE+2,dx

| print greeting
	mov 	ax,#2		| reset video
	int  	0x10
        mov     ax,#0x0200	| BIOS call in put cursor in ul corner
        xor     bx,bx
        xor     dx,dx
        int     0x10
        mov     bx,#greet
        call    print

| Load the operating system from diskette
	call	setreg		| set up ah, cx, dx
	mov	bx,disksec	| bx = number of next sector to read
	add	bx,#2		| diskette sector 1 goes at 1536 ("sector" 3)
	shl	bx,#1		| multiply sector number by 32
	shl	bx,#1		| ditto
	shl	bx,#1		| ditto
	shl	bx,#1		| ditto
	shl	bx,#1		| ditto
	mov	es,bx		| core address is es:bx (with bx = 0)
	xor	bx,bx		| see above
	add	disksec,ax	| ax tells how many sectors to read
	orb	cl,xtra		| cylinder high bits
	movb	ah,#2		| opcode for read
	int	0x13		| call the BIOS for a read
	jb	error		| jump on diskette error
	mov	ax,disksec	| see if we are done loading
	cmp	ax,final	| ditto
	jb	load		| jump if there is more to load

| Loading done.  Finish up.
	mov	bx,tracksiz	| fsck expects # sectors/track in bx
        mov     ax,fsck_ds      | set segment registers
        mov     ds,ax           | when sep I&D DS != CS
        mov     es,ax           | otherwise they are the same.
        mov     ss,ax           | words 504 - 510 are patched by build

	seg cs
	jmpi	@fsck_pc	| jmp to fsck

| Given the number of the next disk block to read, disksec, compute the
| cylinder, sector, head, and number of sectors to read as follows:
| ah = # sectors to read;  cl = sector #;  ch = cyl;  dh = head; dl = 0
	mov	si,tracksiz	| 9 (PC) or 15 (AT) sectors per track
	mov 	ax,disksec	| ax = next sector to read
	xor	dx,dx		| dx:ax = 32-bit dividend
	div	si		| divide sector # by track size
	mov	cx,ax		| cx = track #; dx = sector (0-origin)
	mov	bx,dx		| bx = sector number (0-origin)
	mov	ax,disksec	| ax = next sector to read
	add	ax,si		| ax = last sector to read + 1
	dec	ax		| ax = last sector to read
	xor	dx,dx		| dx:ax = 32-bit dividend
	div	tracksiz	| divide last sector by track size
	cmpb	al,cl		| is starting track = ending track
	je	set1		| jump if whole read on 1 cylinder
	sub	si,dx		| compute lower sector count
	dec	si		| si = # sectors to read

| Check to see if this read crosses a 64K boundary (128 sectors).
| Such calls must be avoided.  The BIOS gets them wrong.
set1:	mov	ax,disksec	| ax = next sector to read
	add	ax,#2		| disk sector 1 goes in core sector 3
	mov	dx,ax		| dx = next sector to read
	add	dx,si		| dx = one sector beyond end of read
	dec	dx		| dx = last sector to read
	shl	ax,#1		| ah = which 64K bank does read start at
	shl	dx,#1		| dh = which 64K bank foes read end in
	cmpb	ah,dh		| ah != dh means read crosses 64K boundary
	je	set2		| jump if no boundary crossed
	shrb	dl,#1		| dl = excess beyond 64K boundary
	xorb	dh,dh		| dx = excess beyond 64K boundary
	sub	si,dx		| adjust si
	dec	si		| si = number of sectors to read

set2:	mov	ax,si		| ax = number of sectors to read
	xor	dx,dx		| dh = head, dl = drive
	movb	dh,cl		| dh = track
	andb	dh,#0x03	| dh = head
	shr	cx,#1		| get cylinder #
	shr	cx,#1
	add	cx,#LOCYL	| low cylinder for boot partition
	push	cx
	xorb	cl,cl
	shr	cx,#1
	shr	cx,#1		| excess cylinder goes into al
	movb	xtra,cl
	pop	cx	
	movb	ch,cl		| ch = track to read
	movb	cl,bl		| cl = sector number (0-origin)
	incb	cl		| cl = sector number (1-origin)
	movb	dl,#0x80	| dl = driver number (80=hd)
	ret			| return values in ax, cx, dx

|    error & print routines     |

        push    ax
        mov     bx,#fderr
        call    print           | print msg
	xor	cx,cx
err1:	mul	0		| delay
	loop	err1
	int	0x19

print:                          | print string (bx)
        movb	al,(bx)	        | al contains char to be printed
        testb   al,al           | null char?
        jne     prt1            | no
        ret                     | else return
prt1:   movb    ah,*14          | 14 = print char
        inc     bx              | increment string pointer
        push    bx              | save bx
        movb    bl,*1           | foreground color
	xorb	bh,bh		| page 0
        int     0x10            | call BIOS VIDEO_IO
        pop     bx              | restore bx
        jmp     print           | next character

disksec:.word 1
xtra:	.byte	0
tracksiz:	.word 17	| changed to 9 for 360K diskettes
pcpar:	.byte	0xDF, 0x02, 25, 2, 9, 0x2A, 0xFF, 0x50, 0xF6, 1, 3   | for PC
atpar:	.byte	0xDF, 0x02, 25, 2,15, 0x1B, 0xFF, 0x54, 0xF6, 1, 8   | for AT

fderr:	.asciz	"Read error.  Automatic reboot.\r\n"
greet:	.asciz "\rBooting MINIX 1.1\r\n"

| Don't forget that words 504 - 510 are filled in by build.  The regular
| code had better not get that far.