[comp.os.minix] Minix vs. Videotrax

zemon@felix.UUCP (Art Zemon) (05/19/87)

Well, I *finally* got Minix running on my Zenith Z-151 with a Western
Digital WD1002-WX2 controller and a Seagate ST225 disk but *not* with
my Alpha Micro Videotrax board.  Beware all ye others who have this
board.  It hath configurable interrupts and under Sinister
Circumstances shalt steal disk controller interrupts.

I don't have details or a solution yet, but here is what I know:

1)	With the Videotrax in the computer and the latest WD1002-WX2
	patches applied to xt_wini.c, I could boot and the wini
	driver would hang waiting for a message from HARDWARE after
	the first recalibrate command.

2)	All is well without the Videotrax board.

More info will follow when I get a chance to poke at the Videotrax
some more.  Many thanks to all of you who did yeoman's duty hacking
on xt_wini.c!
	-- Art Zemon
	   FileNet Corporation
	   Costa Mesa, California