[comp.os.minix] MINIX versions of uuencode.c and uudecode.c

ast@cs.vu.nl (Andy Tanenbaum) (06/07/87)

In my next message I will post the long promised version of asld that handles
the -i flag (separate I & D).  This version will allow programs to have 64K
of text plus 64K of data+stack for a total of 128K.  It will also mean that it
should be possible to recompile mined on MINIX.  I have never tried it, so
there may be some glitches.

Since asld was only distributed in binary form in the distribution, it is
only being distributed in binary form here.  It is uuencoded.  Unfortunately,
there are many versions of uuencode/uudecode in circulation, not all of them
compatible.  To eliminate confusion, I have chosen one uuencode/decode as
the official MINIX ones.  These will be in the 1.2 distribution.  They are
included below.  Will everyone please save these, even if you already have
a large collection of uuencode/uudecodes.

Andy Tanenbaum (ast@cs.vu.nl)

---------------------- cut here for uuencode.c --------------------------
/* uuencode - encode a file for mailing to a remote system */

/* Call:  uuencode [input] output
 * encodes a file to pure ASCII, with 3 bytes in the original file becoming
 * 4 bytes in the encoded file.  Uudecode decodes encoded files.

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stat.h"

extern FILE *fopen();

/* ENC is the basic 1 character encoding function to make a char printing */
#define ENC(c) (((c) & 077) + ' ')

main(argc, argv)
char **argv;
	FILE *in;
	struct stat sbuf;
	int mode;

	/* optional 1st argument */
	if (argc > 2) {
		if ((in = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == (FILE *) NULL) {
		argv++; argc--;
	} else
		in = stdin;

	if (argc != 2) {
		printf("Usage: uuencode [infile] remotefile\n");

	/* figure out the input file mode */
	fstat(fileno(in), &sbuf);
	mode = sbuf.st_mode & 0777;
	printf("begin %o %s\n", mode, argv[1]);

	encode(in, stdout);


 * copy from in to out, encoding as you go along.
encode(in, out)
FILE *in;
FILE *out;
	char buf[80];
	int i, n;

	for (;;) {
		/* 1 (up to) 45 character line */
		n = fr(in, buf, 45);
		putc(ENC(n), out);

		for (i=0; i<n; i += 3)
			outdec(&buf[i], out);

		putc('\n', out);
		if (n <= 0)

 * output one group of 3 bytes, pointed at by p, on file f.
outdec(p, f)
char *p;
FILE *f;
	int c1, c2, c3, c4;

	c1 = *p >> 2;
	c2 = (*p << 4) & 060 | (p[1] >> 4) & 017;
	c3 = (p[1] << 2) & 074 | (p[2] >> 6) & 03;
	c4 = p[2] & 077;
	putc(ENC(c1), f);
	putc(ENC(c2), f);
	putc(ENC(c3), f);
	putc(ENC(c4), f);

/* fr: like read but stdio */
fr(fd, buf, cnt)
FILE *fd;
char *buf;
int cnt;
	int c, i;

	for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
		c = getc(fd);
		if (c == EOF)
		buf[i] = c;
	return (cnt);
---------------------- cut here for uudecode.c --------------------------
/* uudecode - decode a uuencoded file */

/* call:   uudecode [input_file]	*/

#include "stdio.h"
#include "pwd.h"
#include "stat.h"

extern FILE *fopen();
char *fgets();
#define NULLF (FILE *) 0
#define NULLP (char *) 0

/* single character decode */
#define DEC(c)	(((c) - ' ') & 077)

main(argc, argv)
char **argv;
	FILE *in, *out;
	struct stat sbuf;
	int mode;
	char dest[128];
	char buf[80];

	/* optional input arg */
	if (argc > 1) {
		if ((in = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULLF) {
		argv++; argc--;
	} else
		in = stdin;

	if (argc != 1) {
		printf("Usage: uudecode [infile]\n");

	/* search for header line */
	for (;;) {
		if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, in) == NULLP) {
			fprintf(stderr, "No begin line\n");
		if (strncmp(buf, "begin ", 6) == 0)
	sscanf(buf, "begin %o %s", &mode, dest);

	/* handle ~user/file format */
	if (dest[0] == '~') {
		char *sl;
		struct passwd *getpwnam();
		char *index();
		struct passwd *user;
		char dnbuf[100];

		sl = index(dest, '/');
		if (sl == NULLP) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Illegal ~user\n");
		*sl++ = 0;
		user = getpwnam(dest+1);
		if (user == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "No such user as %s\n", dest);
		strcpy(dnbuf, user->pw_dir);
		strcat(dnbuf, "/");
		strcat(dnbuf, sl);
		strcpy(dest, dnbuf);

	/* create output file */
	out = fopen(dest, "w");
	if (out == NULLF) {
	chmod(dest, mode);

	decode(in, out);

	if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, in) == NULLP || strcmp(buf, "end\n")) {
		fprintf(stderr, "No end line\n");

 * copy from in to out, decoding as you go along.
decode(in, out)
FILE *in;
FILE *out;
	char buf[80];
	char *bp;
	int n;

	for (;;) {
		/* for each input line */
		if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, in) == NULLP) {
			printf("Short file\n");
		n = DEC(buf[0]);
		if (n <= 0)

		bp = &buf[1];
		while (n > 0) {
			outdec(bp, out, n);
			bp += 4;
			n -= 3;

 * output a group of 3 bytes (4 input characters).
 * the input chars are pointed to by p, they are to
 * be output to file f.  n is used to tell us not to
 * output all of them at the end of the file.
outdec(p, f, n)
char *p;
FILE *f;
	int c1, c2, c3;

	c1 = DEC(*p) << 2 | DEC(p[1]) >> 4;
	c2 = DEC(p[1]) << 4 | DEC(p[2]) >> 2;
	c3 = DEC(p[2]) << 6 | DEC(p[3]);
	if (n >= 1)
		putc(c1, f);
	if (n >= 2)
		putc(c2, f);
	if (n >= 3)
		putc(c3, f);

/* fr: like read but stdio */
fr(fd, buf, cnt)
FILE *fd;
char *buf;
int cnt;
	int c, i;

	for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
		c = getc(fd);
		if (c == EOF)
		buf[i] = c;
	return (cnt);

 * Return the ptr in sp at which the character c appears;
 * NULL if not found

char *
index(sp, c)
register char *sp, c;
	do {
		if (*sp == c)
	} while (*sp++);