[comp.os.minix] Memory size

ching@amd.UUCP (Mike Ching) (07/03/87)

Is the memory size hard coded in minix? I have an AT clone (1Meg
RAM) and only 360K drives so I bought the 640K PC disks which "can
also be used with 512K, although the user will have to adjust some
program sizes." However I get "Unexpected trap: vector < 16" when
trying to read the root file system. Am I going to have to find
another machine on which to rebuild the system or is my clone not
compatible enough? Thanks in advance for any help.

Mike Ching

ching@amd.UUCP (Mike Ching) (07/04/87)

In article <4170@amd.UUCP> ching@amd.UUCP (Mike Ching) writes:
>  However I get "Unexpected trap: vector < 16" when
>trying to read the root file system.

I discovered the problem to be my hard disk controller. By removing
it, I have a 512K RAM/360K floppy system with the 512K of RAM
addressed at 0x100000 being ignored. Recompiling on such a cripped
system is not very attractive. Any suggestions for a method of
putting the RAM disk in upper memory without recompiling?

Has anyone posted a way to read the clock in an AT? Anybody porting
microEmacs to Minix? I just started reading this group.

Mike Ching

jdia@osiris.UUCP (Josh Diamond) (07/06/87)

I have the Intel Above Board, and I was wondering if anyone has modified the
memory management in Minix to take advantage of this extra megabyte of
memory that is sitting in my machine.

If so, I'd really like to see the patches/additional code necessary.

Also -- any ideas on paging??

				From the diseased brain of...


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