[comp.os.minix] MINIX and the IBM PS/2 Model 30

dwd@sfsup.UUCP (David W. Dougherty) (07/24/87)

I have posted the following plea three (3) times so far, and
this is the last time that I will ask this question.  Would 
SOMEbody P L E A S E answer this time?  THANK YOU...

Has anybody tried to get MINIX (1.x) to work on the IBM PS/2
MODEL 30 computer?  I don't want to waste $79.00 to find out
that it doesn't work.  My system has two (2) 720Kb 3.5" FDs,
an external 360Kb 5.25" FD, and the new IBM MVGA monochrome
monitor.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.

|David W. Dougherty @                          | EMAIL:...!ihnp4!attunix!dwd|
|                                              | SMAIL:  82 Arlington Avenue|
|    *   *****   *****                         |         Hawthorne, NJ 07506|
|   * *    *   *   *     BELL   LABORATORIES   | PHONE:     201/423-3139 (H)|
|  *   *   *  ***  *                           |            201/522-6241 (W)|
| *******  *   *   *         +-----------------+----------------------------+
|*       * *       *         | "TO BE, OR...OH SH*T, I FORGOT!"-R. WILLIAMS"|
|The views expressed in this news posting are not necessarily the views of  |
|my employer, my family, my clergyman, my friends, or my dog. -- DWD        |

grr@cbmvax.UUCP (George Robbins) (07/26/87)

In article <1686@sfsup.UUCP> dwd@sfsup.UUCP (David W. Dougherty) writes:
> I have posted the following plea three (3) times so far, and
> this is the last time that I will ask this question.  Would 
> SOMEbody P L E A S E answer this time?  THANK YOU...
> Has anybody tried to get MINIX (1.x) to work on the IBM PS/2
> MODEL 30 computer?

The answer might, of course, be no.  No matter how many thousands IBM may have
sold, PS/2's are still a pretty rare bird.  The intersection between PS/2-30
owners and minix hackers may still be tiny to non-existant.

George Robbins - now working for,	uucp: {ihnp4|seismo|rutgers}!cbmvax!grr
but no way officially representing	arpa: cbmvax!grr@seismo.css.GOV
Commodore, Engineering Department	fone: 215-431-9255 (only by moonlite)

hays@apollo.uucp (John Hays) (07/26/87)


One of the nice things about Minix, is that it is OK to borrow a copy from a
friend.... Why don't you see if you can get someone to make 3.5" floppies for
you and TRY IT?!?! 

Good Luck and let us know how it goes...


John D. Hays, Consultant, Corporate Systems Engineering    | My opinions are my
Apollo Computer Inc. - Chelmsford, MA - USA                | own -- If anyone
ARPA: apollo!hays@EDDIE.MIT.EDU // UUCP: apollo!hays       | really cares!
PACKET RADIO: KD7UW @ K1UGM // CIS: 72725,424 GEnie: KD7UW // PO Box 21, 01824