[comp.os.minix] 400K floppy disks

broman@cod.UUCP (Vincent P. Broman) (10/13/87)

Does anyone know how to format floppies to a size of 400K?

I know it was done under some P-system (not Pecan) which did not depend on
MS-DOS.  I suppose that one formats 10 sectors on a track instead of the
standard 8 or 9, (though I wonder whether 5 doubly long sectors could have
been used instead).  The ROM BIOS supplies an interrupt service for formatting
various sector sizes and numbers, but it seems to depend on a mysterious
disk parameter table with abstruse entries for intersector gaps and other
arcana not documented.

Supporting "bigger" floppies with standard hardware would be very natural
for Minix to attempt.  Once you are able to format the disks, it should
be straightforward to alter the floppy driver to read and write it.
The main difficulty I see is in simultaneously supporting 360K and 400K
floppies with the same driver.  Perhaps the file system's size field is
just the thing to differentiate between the two varieties at runtime.

Vincent Broman,  code 632, Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA 92152, USA
Phone: +1 619 225 2365    Internet: broman@nosc.mil   Uucp: sdcsvax!nosc!broman

hollen@mana.megatek.uucp (Dion Hollenbeck) (10/15/87)

In article <860@cod.UUCP> broman@cod.UUCP (Vincent P. Broman) writes:
>Does anyone know how to format floppies to a size of 400K?

I don't know exactly how the DPB is used for gaps and such, but I have
what I believe to be a public domain package called JFORMAT which uses
among many other formats, a 400k format. It provides not only a formatter,
but a device driver as well.  I am sure that by debugging how it works
on DOS, you could develop a model for your MINIX implementation.  The only
problem is that the documentation does not say for sure that this is
public domain or not.  There is no copyright notice.  Does anyone out there
know for sure?  If it is determined to be public domain, I would be happy
to E-mail and if enough interest, post to the net.

	Dion Hollenbeck             (619) 455-5590 x2814
	Megatek Corporation, 9645 Scranton Road, San Diego, CA  92121

BECKER%HUMBER.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu (Bruce Becker) (10/16/87)

It should't be hard to make drivers to run with any size floppies - all that
is needed is to read the Bios Parameter Block info are on the diskette, instead
of trying to guess the size form the media byte... I know hat  QNX is able to
format to several different sector/track sizes for standard 48-tpi media - I
think 9, 10, & 12 are the options (i.e. 360K to 480K). I have written this code
as an exercise for PC/MS-DOS - it really was pretty simple.

Bruce Becker
Humber College
Etobicoke, Ont.

nather@ut-sally.UUCP (Ed Nather) (10/17/87)

In article <198@megatek.UUCP>, hollen@mana.megatek.uucp (Dion Hollenbeck) writes:
> In article <860@cod.UUCP> broman@cod.UUCP (Vincent P. Broman) writes:
> >Does anyone know how to format floppies to a size of 400K?
> >
> I don't know exactly how the DPB is used for gaps and such, but I have
> what I believe to be a public domain package called JFORMAT which uses
> among many other formats, a 400k format. It provides not only a formatter,
> but a device driver as well.   
> There is no copyright notice.  Does anyone out there
> know for sure?  If it is determined to be public domain, I would be happy
> to E-mail and if enough interest, post to the net.

The copy you *did* post to the net has, in ASCII in jformat.com, the notice

   Copyright (c) 1983, 1984 Tall Tree Systems

so it doesn't look like public domain software to me.  In the file qdrive.bin
there is the copyright notice and a version number v2.30.  The .doc file
caused both arc and pkarc to throw up their hands in horror, so I don't
know what it contained.

Given the command you recommended in "readme.1st" the unpacked jformat.com
formatted a floppy disk at 322K, not the 401K requested.

I suggest anyone in receipt of the referenced posting erase it.

Ed Nather
Astronomy Dept, U of Texas @ Austin

ugfailau@sunybcs.uucp (Fai Lau) (10/18/87)

In article <860@cod.UUCP> broman@cod.UUCP (Vincent P. Broman) writes:
>Does anyone know how to format floppies to a size of 400K?
	Why go through the trouble when you can get a 1 Meg disk drive?
My sister has one and it seems to be pretty reliable.

Fai  Lau
SUNY at Buffalo (The Arctic Wonderland)
UUCP: ..{mit-ems|watmath|rocksanne}!sunybcs!ugfailau
BI: ugfailau@sunybcs