[comp.os.minix] Toronto: Archives Available

brian@radio.toronto.edu (Brian Glendenning) (12/17/87)

dtinker@gpu kindly spent an hour or more copying floppies for me earlier
this week. Among those floppies are comp.os.minix archives extending back
to February of this year.

As I now have these archives on our sun I am willing to make them available
to the Toronto community. If you are on the UofT ethernet we can make FTP
arrangements, Otherwise I can mail them to you (spread out in time to keep
the mail load reasonable).

I will gradually be uploading the source code as well (1.1 initially, to be
patched to 1.2). Ask for availability.

Please keep the distribution of any followups "tor".

Brian Glendenning                INTERNET - brian@radio.toronto.edu
Radio Astronomy, U. Toronto          UUCP - {uunet,pyramid}!utai!radio!brian
+1 (416) 978-5558                  BITNET - glendenn@utorphys.bitnet