[comp.os.minix] Some miscellaneous Minix fixes/improvements

housel@ea.ecn.purdue.edu (Peter S. Housel) (01/16/88)

-Or-	How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

Over the Christmas vacation I had plenty of time for messing around with
Minix, and did. I installed all of the 1.2 updates, and most of the
subsequent official ones. In addition, I put in the fixes for the only two
system-level bugs I knew about: the "line 6617" fix to mm/signal.c and Bing
Bang's fix for fs/pipe.c.

	It was deemed wisest, however, to limit the kernel changes to
the officially posted versions, since anything else would make future fixes
a pain to apply. (This meant no process groups fixes or serial tty driver,
but I decided I could live with this for the present.) Because of this,
and the fact that I definately didn't want to be making changes to
mm, fs, and kernel without some sort of version control system, I
concentrated on user-level utilities and libraries.

	The results were the fixes below, a cheap revision control program,
a replacement set of timezone routines, and a working copy of "smail". All
in all, it was a lot of fun (the most enjoyment I've gotten out of a micro
in a long while), and I hope other people can benefit from the work.

	Some of these topics may have been covered before, but 1) I wasn't
able to read news over last summer 2) I can't be expected to remember
everything I have read 3) they haven't been "officially" fixed.

	There is a minor bug in tail.c. when you use "tail +n" to filter out
lines n through the end of the file, it counts the first line as line "0"
instead of line "1". The fix for this is simple:
> 		++count;	/* (we start on line 1) */

	If you're used to BSD or SysV, I'm sure you condsider the lack of
a columnar ls a major pain. I'm sure several other people have made the same
sort of changes to ls that I have, adding columnar display, making dot-files
list only if -a or -A is specified (or the user is the superuser), and a
"-F" option. My resulting code is nothing to be proud of, however; it breaks
down in a few cases that I'm willing to live with. But, if nobody posts
anything better, I'll post mine.

	login.c has two problems. The first is an annoyance - it doesn't
set up the environment properly. Variables like HOME, SHELL, and USER
(and TERM, if you're using the ANSI sequences) should be set in login
and propogated from there, instead of letting the shell set them
incorrectly. The code below sets HOME, USER, and TERM.
	The second involves signals. The init process, which forks off
logins, works like this:
	a) fork off a login for each terminal in /etc/rc
	b) ignore all signals and get down to work
	c) whenever a login process dies, start up a new one
The result of this is that your first login starts out with all signals
having the default actions, but subsequent ones end up ignoring all of the
ones that the shell doesn't mess with - SIGQUIT and SIGKILL. This is
probably best fixed in login, by doing a SIG_DFL on all of the signals
immediately before the exec. (It took a lot of kernel printf's to find this
one.) The following diffs are for the 1.2 login.c (which, by the way, was
posted on 11 Aug 87 as article 1570@botter.cs.vu.nl).

> char user[15] = "USER=";
> char home[30] = "HOME=";
> char *env[] =
>      {user,
>       home,
>       "TERM=minix",
>       (char *)0
>      };
< 		chdir (pwd->pw_dir);
< 		if (pwd->pw_shell) {
< 			execl(pwd->pw_shell, "-", 0);
< 		}
< 		execl("/bin/sh", "-", 0);
< 		write(1,"exec failure\n",13);
< 	}
< }
> 		strcat(user, buf);
> 		strcat(home, pwd->pw_dir);
> 		chdir (pwd->pw_dir);
> 		for(n = 1; n <= NR_SIGS; ++n)
> 		    signal(n, SIG_DFL);
> 		if (pwd->pw_shell) {
> 			execle(pwd->pw_shell, "-", (char *) 0, env);
> 		}
> 		execle("/bin/sh", "-", (char *) 0, env);
> 		write(1,"exec failure\n",13);
> 	}
> }

	The V7 manual isn't specific either way, but it seems to me that
the exec() routines should pass the current environment on to child
processes instead of a null environment. (i.e. execl(...,0) should behave
like execle(..., 0, environ).) The BSD 4.3 manual DOES say specificly that
this is what is done. I haven't put this in yet (for fear of possible
undesirable side effects); what does everybody else think?

	Like most people, I'm still using the 1.1 C compiler. I don't know
if these are fixed for 1.2, but...
	The first problem is that constructs like:

		char months[12][3] = {
			"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
			"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"

include the nulls ("\0") at the end of the initializer strings, which
is incorrect.
	The second problem is more subtle. The following simple program:
		 int x = 10;
		 int y = ((x + 1) + 15) / 16;

		Error: bad argument type 249

from within the code generator (/usr/lib/cg). (This arose while trying to
compile bison. Don't try it; it needs an assembler with more than eight
significant symbol characters. I have my doubts that it will fit in 128K
separate I/D anyway.)

	libc.a has been the source of several pains. The first was that with
all of the sources and ".s" files in /usr/src/lib, there were too many files
for ls to handle. I solved this by moving libc files into /usr/src/lib/libc,
and then splitting those up into subdirectories: aux (C compiler library
routines like xor.s and rmu4.s), stdio (the usual stdio routines), sys
(system calls), kernel (kernel/mm/fs specific library routines), gen
(generic calls like strcpy), and zone (newctime routines - see my next
	The second was with recompiling the library. Makefiles for each of
the subdirectories help condsiderably, but the main problem is finding the
right order for the ".s" files within the library. (I was tempted to invest
some time in writing lorder and tsort, but laziness and the problem of
invoking lorder with more than 1024 bytes of arguments stopped me.)

	The way getc() is currently implemented makes it impossible for 
ftell() to work correctly. As it is now, ftell() returns zero both before
and after the first character has been read from a stream. A semi-fix seems
to have been placed in fseek(), but it doesn't do much good. The following
diffs make everything OK, so far as I can tell.
< 	if (--iop->_count <= 0){
> 	if (iop->_count <= 0){
< 		return (*iop->_ptr++ & CMASK);
< }
> 		return (--iop->_count, *iop->_ptr++ & CMASK);
> }

< 				pos += count - lseek(fileno(iop), 0L,1) - 1;
< 				/*^^^ This caused the problem : - 1 corrected
< 				      it */
> 				pos += count - lseek(fileno(iop), 0L, 1);

	A new doprintf.c was recently posted; this posting added '%%' and
'*' argument fields. The only thing I know of that it lacks is the  '%ld',
'%lx', and '%lo' constructs - '%D', '%X', and '%O' have to be used instead.
A lot of real-world programs don't do this, however. Here's yet another
simple patch.
< 		switch (*format) {
> 		if ( (c = *format) == 'l')
> 			c = *++format + ('A' - 'a');
> 		switch (c) {

	On page 291 of my 7th Edition Unix manual says "The scanf functions
return the number of successfully matched and assigned input items", as
well as "The success of literal matches and suppressed assignments is not
directly determinable." The Minix scanf() function doesn't agree with
this; it increments its return value for each literal character match
and suppressed assignment. To make it compatible with the standard, apply
the following diff:
< 			++done;
< 			if (done_some)
< 				++done;
> 			if (done_some) {
> 				if(do_assign) ++done;
> 			}
< 			if (done_some)
> 			if (done_some && do_assign)
< 			if (done_some)
> 			if (done_some && do_assign)
< 			if (done_some)
> 			if (done_some && do_assign)

	There are two problems with division, the first being in the kernel
and the second in the "aux" libraries.
	Minix 1.1 and beyond have a routine called div_trap() which is
called when the processor detects a division overflow during a DIV or IDIV
instruction. Unfortunately, all it does is print a message on the console;
on return from div_trap() the instruction is executed again and an endless
stream of "Division overflow" messages result. If it is a foreground
process you can hit DEL and kill it; if it is a background process you
probably won't be able to see what you're typing well enough to find out
the pid and kill it.
	It is easy enough to put some teeth into this trap, however. Just
add '#include "../include/signal.h"' to the end of the #include statements
in kernel/main.c, and put these lines immediately after the printf() inside

  if(cur_proc > LOW_USER) {
	cause_sig(cur_proc, SIGFPE);
	unready(proc_ptr);		/* probably */

	(Thanks to Marty Leisner, martyl@rocksvax.UUCP, for inspiring this in
one of his postings.) Now division-by-zero errors will cause those core
dumps that everybody knows and loves. The core file itself will be of
limited usefulness, since there's no "adb" and the register values aren't
included - but the endless stream of messages goes away and you know when
something has gone wrong.
	There's definately something wrong with the long remainder routines.
For the unsigned case, the following program should get a division overflow
	 unsigned long x = 86401L;
	 unsigned long y = x % 86400L;

I can't remember any examples for the signed remainder case offhand, but
it doesn't work much better.
	Hopefully, somebody who understands these routines can fix them
better. What I did was to make a couple of changes to dvu4.s to make it work
as rmu4.s, and wrap sign-changing code around .rmu4 to make it into rmi4.s.
They're a bit ugly, and don't make as effective use of the division
instructions as they could, but they work - a major point in their favor.
	Strip comments, libpack, and install these in libc. (8086/8088
mnemonics Copyright 1981 by Intel Corp. :-)
.define .rmu4

yl=2			| divisor LSW
yh=4			| divisor MSW
xl=6			| dividend LSW
xh=8			| dividend MSW

	mov  si,sp	| set 'frame pointer'
	mov  bx,yl(si)	| bx=divisor LSW
	mov  ax,yh(si)	| ax=divisor MSW
	or ax,ax	| is divisor one significant word?
	jne  L7		| no, do hard case
	xor  dx,dx	| dividend for first division - MSW=0
	mov  cx,xl(si)	| cx=dividend LSW
	mov  ax,xh(si)	| ax=dividend MSW (LSW for first divison)
	div bx		| divide - dx=remainder, ax=result
	xchg ax,cx	| prep for 2nd divison ax=dividend LSW, ax=MSW result
	div bx		| divide - dx=overall remainder, ax=result LSB
	xor bx,bx
	ret 8		| return with cx=quotient MSB, ax=quotient LSB
	mov  di,ax
	xor  bx,bx
	mov  ax,xl(si)
	mov  dx,xh(si)
	mov  cx,#16	| 16 bit loop index
	shl ax,#1
	rcl dx,#1
	rcl bx,#1
	cmp  di,bx
	ja L3
	jb L2
	cmp  yl(si),dx
	jbe L2
	loop L1
	jmp  L9
	sub  dx,yl(si)
	sbb  bx,di
	inc  ax
	loop L1		| loop over 16 bits
	jmp L9
.define .rmi4

yl=4			| divisor LSW
yh=6			| divisor MSW
xl=8			| dividend LSW
xh=10			| dividend MSW

	push	bp	| save frame pointer
	mov	bp,sp	| set for this frame
	sub	si,si	| clear negation flag	
	mov	ax,yh(bp) | get divisor MSW
	test	ax,ax
	je	L4	| is it zero?
	inc	ax	| or -1?
	jne	L7	| neither; do hard case
	mov	bx,yl(bp)
	neg	bx
	jmp	L4a
	mov  bx,yl(bp)	| bx=divisor LSW
	mov  cx,xl(bp)	| cx=dividend LSW
	mov  ax,xh(bp)	| ax=dividend MSW (LSW for first divison)
	test	ax,ax	| check dividend
	jge	L5a	| need to negate?
	neg	ax
	neg	cx
	sbb	ax,*0
	inc	si
	xor	dx,dx	| high order of first dividend = 0
	div	bx	| divide - dx=remainder, ax=result
	xchg	ax,cx	| prep for 2nd divison ax=dividend LSW, ax=MSW result
	div	bx	| divide - dx=overall remainder, ax=result LSB
	xor	bx,bx

L5:	test	si,si	| check negation flag
	je	L9	| none done, return
	neg	bx
	neg	dx
	sbb	bx,*0
	pop	bp	| restore framepointer
	ret	8	| return with bx=remainder MSB, dx=remainder LSB
	dec	ax	| correct for increment
	jge	L6	| need to complement?
	neg	ax	| yes, do it
	neg	yl(bp)
	sbb	ax,*0
	mov	di,ax
	xor	bx,bx
	mov	ax,xl(bp)
	mov	dx,xh(bp)
	mov	cx,#16	| 16 bit loop index
	test	dx,dx
	jge	L1	| need negation?
	neg	dx	| yes, do it,
	neg	ax
	sbb	dx,*0
	inc	si	| and set the flag
	shl	ax,#1
   	rcl	dx,#1
	rcl	bx,#1
	cmp	di,bx
	ja	L3
	jb	L2
	cmp	yl(bp),dx
	jbe	L2
	loop	L1
	jmp	L5
	sub	dx,yl(bp)
	sbb	bx,di
	inc	ax
	loop	L1	| loop over 16 bits
	jmp	L5


	Two problems. fopen() doesn't have the correct behavior for the
"a" mode - it requires that the file pre-exist, and won't creat() it if
it does not. This also disagrees with the V7 manual. To fix, change the
case 'a': to

	case 'a': 
		if (( fd = open(name,1)) < 0 )
			if(errno != ENOENT || (fd = creat(name, PMODE)) < 0)

	The second problem is that there is no fdopen() in the offical
distributions or diffs. One has been posted to this newsgroup, however.

Peter S. Housel		housel@ei.ecn.purdue.edu

kent@tifsie.UUCP (Russell Kent) (01/19/88)

I compliment Peter on his thorough and precise postings!! (Don't we all
wish that all postings were so jam-packed with info!! :-).  Unfortunately,
I must take issue with this particular statement:

> 	Like most people, I'm still using the 1.1 C compiler. I don't know
> if these are fixed for 1.2, but...
> 	The first problem is that constructs like:
> 		char months[12][3] = {
> 			"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
> 			"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
> 		};
> include the nulls ("\0") at the end of the initializer strings, which
> is incorrect.
> Peter S. Housel		housel@ei.ecn.purdue.edu
> 			...!{inuxc,decvax,...}!pur-ee!housel

I refer you to the C bible (Kernighan & Ritchie) page 84:
    "It is an error to have too many initializers." ...
    "Character arrays are a special case of initialization; a string
     may be used instead of the braces and commas notation:
	   char pattern[] = "the";
     This is shorthand for the longer but equivalent
	   char pattern[] = { 't', 'h', 'e', '\0' };"

Based on the above statements, then the compiler, when faced with Peter's
"months" multi-dimensional array should have belched something to the 
effect of:
    ###:Invalid initialization: too many initializers

In all other respects, Peter's postings are accurate to the best of my

Russell Kent			Phone: +1 214 995 3501
Texas Instruments		UUCP address:
P.O. Box 655012   MS 3635	...!convex!smu!tifsie!kent
Dallas, TX 75265		...!ut-sally!im4u!ti-csl!tifsie!kent
Russell Kent			Phone: +1 214 995 3501
Texas Instruments		UUCP address:
P.O. Box 655012   MS 3635	...!convex!smu!tifsie!kent
Dallas, TX 75265		...!ut-sally!im4u!ti-csl!tifsie!kent