[comp.os.minix] cp_mess

walls@killer.DALLAS.TX.US (Monty Walls) (09/06/88)


	I recently came up with a faster version of cp_mess in
klib88.s.  By replacing the multiple mov instructions used to
set up the block copy with 'les' & 'lds' you can shave a few
cycles from a routine that is used by every system call.  I've
been using it for about 2 weeks this way with no ill affects.

-Monty Walls

---------------------------cut here---------------------------------------
|*				cp_mess					     *
| This routine is makes a fast copy of a message from anywhere in the address
| space to anywhere else.  It also copies the source address provided as a
| parameter to the call into the first word of the destination message.
| It is called by:
|    cp_mess(src, src_clicks, src_offset, dst_clicks, dst_offset)
| where all 5 parameters are shorts (16-bits).
| Note that the message size, 'Msize' is in WORDS (not bytes) and must be set
| correctly.  Changing the definition of message the type file and not changing
| it here will lead to total disaster.
| this routine only preserves the registers the 'C' compiler
| expects to be preserved (es, ds, si, di, sp, bp).

Msize = 12			| size of a message in 16-bit words
	push es			| save es
	push ds			| save ds
	mov bx,sp		| index off bx because machine can't use sp
				| also we don't have to preserve bx!
	pushf			| save flags
	cli			| disable interrupts
	push si			| save si
	push di			| save di
	mov di,14(bx)		| di = offset of destination buffer
	les si,10(bx)		| use 32 bit load(ds is our base)
				| si = offset of source message
				| es = clicks of destination 
	lds ax,6(bx)		| use 32 bit load ....
				| ax = process number of sender
				| ds = clicks of source message
	seg es			| segment override prefix
  	mov (di),ax		| copy sender's process number to dest message
	add si,*2		| don't copy first word
	add di,*2		| don't copy first word
	mov cx,*Msize-1		| remember, first word doesn't count
	cld			| clear direction flag
	rep			| iterate cx times to copy 11 words
	movw			| copy the message
	pop di			| restore di
	pop si			| restore si
	popf			| restore flags (resets interrupts to old state)
	pop ds			| restore ds
	pop es			| restore es	
	ret			| that's all folks!
---------------------------end here---------------------------------------

Monty Walls
MIS Division, Tech. Support
Oklahoma Tax Commission
2501 N. Lincoln
OKC, OK, 73194