[comp.os.minix] MINIX for NEC APC III

petem@runx.ips.oz (Peter Mason) (09/14/88)

Has anybody yet done a port of MINIX to a NEC APCIII (dual floppy) system?
If so then I'd like to get hold of it. My development environment is very
limited, and it MUST have been done by now by someone. Also, is the
residence of an SLE card likely to interfere, or even assist?

ACSnet: petem@runx.ips			CSNET:	petem@runx.ips.oz
ARPA:   petem%runx.ips.oz@seismo.css.gov	JANET:  runx.ips.oz!petem@ukc
UUCP:	{enea,hplabs,mcvax,prlb2,seismo,ubc-vision,ukc}!munnari!runx.ips.oz!petem

Chuck_M_Grandgent@cup.portal.com (09/19/88)

As probably one of the few readers with any experience with the
NEC APC-III I'll throw in my experiences.  While I was at NEC,
they did a System-III port to the APC-III called PC-UX.  Since
the APC-III had very good graphics (NEC 7220 ?), it was interesting
and fun.  They also did a hardware based virtual memory pagaing
... paging board for PC-UX which helped performance.
The NEC APC-III was NOT MS/DOS compatible, and hence the need for
the "SLE" board, a.k.a. "SLEeze" board for compatibility.  It has
its own 8086 and Phoenix BIOS.  Don't know what kind of luck you
might have with MINIX compatibility, but you MIGHT note that the
System-III clone should still be available from NEC Info Systems,
if I remember right, 508-264-8000...
DO NOT confuse the old APC-III (XT clone) with the newer APC-IV
Powermate's (AT clones) which ARE tolerably compatible...