dove@mit-dspg@sri-unix (06/08/82)
Date: 27 May 1982 13:47:02-EDT I use emulex sc21 at 19200 on my aaa wihout xon xoff. Use termcap in litout litin mode so I can do delays with tty timing chars instead of nulls (the aaa doesn't discard nulls coming in so they will bust it just as badly as anything else). Litin is my creation to allow something like cbreak when using litout. It definitely doubles the speed and is essential if the terminal is used at 48 lines or above. It did require a certain amount of code hacking because the aaa can't be padded with nulls though. I suggest catting a big file single user on the vax and running iostat -t on another terminal to see the max char rate and %cpu to support it. On my 11/50 19200 chews up about 20% of the machine.