[comp.os.minix] hannam's klib88

dono@killer.DALLAS.TX.US (Don OConnell) (01/13/89)

     I personally use Turboc 1.5 and Masm 4 & 5 for doing all my Minix work.
I don't know what assembler hannam is using (I think that is one that he
wrote). The syntax seems to be half-way between masm and minix asld. I didn't
have too much trouble porting it to masm syntax. 
     Since I mentioned using the tty driver in posting I have received several
pieces of mail asking for a minix version of klib88(I should have specified
what I used in the prev. posting), and I have seen some messages in the past
asking for minix ports. So I sat down and converted klib88.as -> klib88.s,
it only took a couple of hours. Since I don't use minix as my development 
system, I can't test it and see if it works(I am trying to say that I think
I did the port correctly but no guarantees). I would like it if some person
more competent person(assembler wise) would check it out and make sure I 
didn't royally screw it up. I marked most places that I wasn't sure about 
with my initials "dro".

----------------------- Any way here it is -----------------------------------


|Most of the things that I changed or added are marked as such look for "dro"
|About half of the routines came directly from the klib88.s(13c) file.
| I think that this is all that is needed - Don O'Connell  01-13-88   00:30:00

| This file is significantly different in code to klib88.s. It does however
| perform the same functions in the same way as the original klib88.
| i.e. It is largly a translation with a few optimizations. Throughout the
| file the word 'INT' in the comment means to comment out the entire line to
| improve interrupt latency. The 'INT' will be followed by a class letter.
| E.g. INTV indicates all video routine interrupts.

| This file contains a number of assembly code utility routines needed by the
| kernel.  They are:

|   phys_copy:  copies data from anywhere to anywhere in memory
|   cp_mess:    copies messages from source to destination
|   dma_read:   transfer data between HD controller and memory
|   dma_write:  transfer data between memory and HD controller
|   lock:   disable interrupts
|   restore:    restore interrupts (enable/disabled) as they were before lock()
|   build_sig:  build 4 word structure pushed onto stack for signals
|   csv:	procedure prolog to save the registers
|   cret:	procedure epilog to restore the registers
|   get_chrome: returns 0 if display is monochrome, 1 if it is color
|   vid_write:  write data to video ram (on color display during retrace only)
|   vid_fill:   fill a section of video ram with a char (and attribute)
|   vid_fmove:  move a section of video ram around (using forward copies)
|   vid_bmove:  move a section of video ram around (using backward copies)
|   get_byte:   reads a byte from a user program and returns it as value
|   put_byte:   writes a byte to a user program
|   reboot: reboot for CTRL-ALT-DEL
|   wreboot:    wait for character then reboot
|   em_xfer:    read or write AT extended memory using the BIOS

| The following procedures are defined in this file and called from outside it.
.globl _phys_copy, _cp_mess, _lock, _restore, _em_xfer
.globl _build_sig, _get_chrome, _vid_write, _vid_fill, _vid_fmove, _vid_bmove
.globl _get_byte, _put_byte, _reboot, _wreboot, _dma_read, _dma_write

| The following external procedure is called in this file.
.globl _panic

| Variables and data structures
.globl _cur_proc, _proc_ptr, _vec_table, _port_65, _ps
.globl _color, _vid_mask, _vid_retrace, _vid_base

|*              phys_copy                    *
| This routine copies a block of physical memory.  It is called by:
|    phys_copy( (long) source, (long) destination, (long) bytecount)
	pushf			| save flags
|	cli			| disable interrupts
	cld			| clear direction flag
	push bp			| save the registers
	push ax			| save ax
	push bx			| save bx
	push cx			| save cx
	push dx			| save dx
	push si			| save si
	push di			| save di
	push ds			| save ds
	push es			| save es
	mov bp,sp		| set bp to point to saved es

  L0:	mov ax,28(bp)		| ax = high-order word of 32-bit destination
	mov di,26(bp)		| di = low-order word of 32-bit destination
	mov cx,*4		| start extracting click number from dest
  L1:	rcr ax,*1		| click number is destination address / 16
	rcr di,*1		| it is used in segment register for copy
	loop L1			| 4 bits of high-order word are used
	mov es,di		| es = destination click

	mov ax,24(bp)		| ax = high-order word of 32-bit source
	mov si,22(bp)		| si = low-order word of 32-bit source
	mov cx,*4		| start extracting click number from source
  L2:	rcr ax,*1		| click number is source address / 16
	rcr si,*1		| it is used in segment register for copy
	loop L2			| 4 bits of high-order word are used
	mov ds,si		| ds = source click

	mov di,26(bp)		| di = low-order word of dest address
	and di,*0x000F		| di = offset from paragraph # in es
	mov si,22(bp)		| si = low-order word of source address
	and si,*0x000F		| si = offset from paragraph # in ds

	mov dx,32(bp)		| dx = high-order word of byte count
	mov cx,30(bp)		| cx = low-order word of byte count

	test cx,#0x8000		| if bytes >= 32768, only do 32768 
	jnz L3			| per iteration
	test dx,#0xFFFF		| check high-order 17 bits to see if bytes
	jnz L3			| if bytes >= 32768 then go to L3
	jmp L4			| if bytes < 32768 then go to L4
  L3:	mov cx,#0x8000		| 0x8000 is unsigned 32768
  L4:	mov ax,cx		| save actual count used in ax; needed later

	test cx,*0x0001		| should we copy a byte or a word at a time?
	jz L5			| jump if even
	rep			| copy 1 byte at a time
	movb			| byte copy
	jmp L6			| check for more bytes

  L5:	shr cx,*1		| word copy
	rep			| copy 1 word at a time
	movw			| word copy

  L6:	mov dx,32(bp)		| decr count, incr src & dst, iterate if needed
	mov cx,30(bp)		| dx || cx is 32-bit byte count
	xor bx,bx		| bx || ax is 32-bit actual count used
	sub cx,ax		| compute bytes - actual count
	sbb dx,bx		| dx || cx is # bytes not yet processed
	or cx,cx		| see if it is 0
	jnz L7			| if more bytes then go to L7
	or dx,dx		| keep testing
	jnz L7			| if loop done, fall through

	pop es			| restore all the saved registers
	pop ds			| restore ds
	pop di			| restore di
	pop si			| restore si
	pop dx			| restore dx
	pop cx			| restore cx
	pop bx			| restore bx
	pop ax			| restore ax
	pop bp			| restore bp
	popf			| restore flags
	ret			| return to caller

L7:	mov 32(bp),dx		| store decremented byte count back in mem
	mov 30(bp),cx		| as a long
	add 26(bp),ax		| increment destination
	adc 28(bp),bx		| carry from low-order word
	add 22(bp),ax		| increment source
	adc 24(bp),bx		| carry from low-order word
	jmp L0			| start next iteration

|*              cp_mess                      *
| This routine is makes a fast copy of a message from anywhere in the address
| This routine makes a fast copy of a message from anywhere in the address
| space to anywhere else.  It also copies the source address provided as a
| parameter to the call into the first word of the destination message.
| It is called by:
|    cp_mess(src, src_clicks, src_offset, dst_clicks, dst_offset)
| where all 5 parameters are shorts (16-bits).
| Note that the message size, 'Msize' is in WORDS (not bytes) and must be set
| correctly.  Changing the definition of message in type file and not changing
| it here will lead to total disaster.
Msize  = 12         | size of a message in 16-bit words
	push es			| save es
	push ds			| save ds
	mov bx,sp		| index off bx because machine can't use sp
	pushf			| save flags
    cli             | disable interrupts
	push si			| save si
	push di			| save di
    mov di,14(bx)   | di = offset of destination buffer
    les si,10(bx)   | use 32 bit load(ds is our base)
                    | si = offset of source message
                    | es = clicks of destination
    lds ax,6(bx)    | use 32 bit load ....
                    | ax = process number of sender
                    | ds = clicks of source message
	seg es			| segment override prefix
  	mov (di),ax		| copy sender's process number to dest message
	add si,*2		| don't copy first word
	add di,*2		| don't copy first word
    mov cx,*Msize-1 | remember, first word doesn't count
    cld             | clear direction flag
    rep             | iterate cx times to copy 11 words
	movw			| copy the message
	pop di			| restore di
	pop si			| restore si
	popf			| restore flags (resets interrupts to old state)
	pop ds			| restore ds
	pop es			| restore es	
    ret             | that's all folks!

|*              dma_read                     *
	push	bp
	mov	bp,sp
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	di
	push	es
	mov	cx,#256		| transfer 256 words
	mov	dx,#0x1F0	| from/to port 1f0
	mov	es,4(bp)	| segment in es
	mov	di,6(bp)	| offset in di
	.byte	0xF3, 0x6D	| opcode for 'rep insw'
	pop	es
	pop	di
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	mov	sp,bp
	pop	bp

|*				dma_write				     *
	push	bp
	mov	bp,sp
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	si
	push	ds
	mov	cx,#256		| transfer 256 words
	mov	dx,#0x1F0	| from/to port 1f0
	mov	ds,4(bp)	| segment in ds
	mov	si,6(bp)	| offset in si
	.byte	0xF3, 0x6F	| opcode for 'rep outsw'
	pop	ds
	pop	si
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	mov	sp,bp
	pop	bp

|*              lock                         *
| Disable CPU interrupts.  Return old psw as function value.
    pushf           | save flags on stack
    cli         | disable interrupts
    pop ax          | return flags for restoration later
    ret         | return to caller

|*              restore                      *
| restore enable/disable bit to the value it had before last lock.
    push bp         | save it
    mov bp,sp       | set up base for indexing
    push 4(bp)      | bp is the psw to be restored
  	popf			| restore flags
    pop bp          | restore bp
    ret         | return to caller

|*              build_sig                    *
|* Build a structure that is pushed onto the stack for signals.  It contains
|* pc, psw, etc., and is machine dependent. The format is the same as generated
|* by hardware interrupts, except that after the "interrupt", the signal number
|* is also pushed.  The signal processing routine within the user space first
|* pops the signal number, to see which function to call.  Then it calls the
|* function.  Finally, when the function returns to the low-level signal
|* handling routine, control is passed back to where it was prior to the signal
|* by executing a return-from-interrupt instruction, hence the need for using
|* the hardware generated interrupt format on the stack.  The call is:
|*     build_sig(sig_stuff, rp, sig)

| Offsets within proc table
PC    = 24
csreg = 18
PSW   = 28

	push bp			| save bp
	mov bp,sp		| set bp to sp for accessing params
	push bx			| save bx
	push si			| save si
	mov bx,4(bp)		| bx points to sig_stuff
	mov si,6(bp)		| si points to proc table entry
	mov ax,8(bp)		| ax = signal number
	mov (bx),ax		| put signal number in sig_stuff
	mov ax,PC(si)		| ax = signalled process' PC
	mov 2(bx),ax		| put pc in sig_stuff
	mov ax,csreg(si)	| ax = signalled process' cs
	mov 4(bx),ax		| put cs in sig_stuff
	mov ax,PSW(si)		| ax = signalled process' PSW
	mov 6(bx),ax		| put psw in sig_stuff
	pop si			| restore si
	pop bx			| restore bx
	pop bp			| restore bp
	ret			| return to caller

|*				csv & cret				     *
| This version of csv replaces the standard one.  It checks for stack overflow
| within the kernel in a simpler way than is usually done. cret is standard.
	pop bx			| bx = return address
	push bp			| stack old frame pointer
	mov bp,sp		| set new frame pointer to sp
	push di			| save di
	push si			| save si
	sub sp,ax		| ax = # bytes of local variables
	cmp sp,splimit		| has kernel stack grown too large
	jbe csv.1		| if sp is too low, panic
	jmp (bx)		| normal return: copy bx to program counter

	mov splimit,#0		| prevent call to panic from aborting in csv
	mov bx,_proc_ptr	| update rp->p_splimit
	mov 50(bx),#0		| rp->sp_limit = 0
	push _cur_proc		| task number
	mov ax,#stkoverrun	| stack overran the kernel stack area
	push ax			| push first parameter
	call _panic		| call is: panic(stkoverrun, cur_proc)
	jmp csv.1		| this should not be necessary

	lea	sp,*-4(bp)	| set sp to point to saved si
	pop	si		| restore saved si
	pop	di		| restore saved di
	pop	bp		| restore bp
	ret			| end of procedure

|*              get_chrome                   *
| This routine calls the BIOS to find out if the display is monochrome or
| color.  The drivers are different, as are the video ram addresses, so we
| need to know. An EGA card is a 'color' for printer ports but may display
| in mono or color. A test on the result returns ...
|   if (get_chrome()) ...   - true if color or ega card (e.g. for printer
|                   port)
|   if (get_chrome()&1) ... - true if color mode, false if mono mode
|   if (get_chrome()&2) ... - true iff ega card
    movb bl,*0x10   | SET UP TO CHECK IF EGA - dro
	movb ah,*0x12
	int 0x10		| call the BIOS to get equipment type
    cmpb bl,*0x10   | if reg is unchanged, is not EGA
	je notega
    mov ax,#2       | ega = 2
    ret             | ega return
	int 0x11		| call the BIOS to get equipment type
    andb al,#0x30   | isolate color/mono field
    cmpb al,*0x30   | 0x30 is monochrome
	je getchr1		| if monochrome then go to getchr1
	mov ax,#1		| color = 1
    ret             | color return
getchr1: xor ax,ax  | mono = 0

|*          video routines  (PUBLIC)                 *
| This routines handle writes to the screen. For a color display, the writing
| only takes places during the vertical retrace interval, to avoid displaying
| garbage on the screen. It will only display a maximum of vid_retrace words
| in a single refresh cycle for the same reason. The display ram overflow is
| handled carefully so that EGA cards work properly. These routines rely on
| the stack segment being equal to the data segment.
| The calls are:
|     vid_write(buffer, dest, words)
|     vid_fill(fillw, dest, words)
|     vid_fmove(src, dest, words)
|     vid_bmove(src, dest, words)
| where
|     'buffer'  is a pointer to the (character, attribute) pairs
|     'fillw'   is the word (character, attribute) for filling
|     'src' tells where within video ram to copy data from
|     'dest'    tells where within video ram to copy the data
|     'words'   tells how many words to copy

_vid_write:     | let vidtransfer handle dest overflow
    push    bp      | set up stack frame
	mov	bp,sp
    push    si      | save the registers
	push	di
    push bx         | save bx------
    push cx         | save cx     |  I think these are needed for asld
    push dx         | save dx     |         dro
    push es         | save es------
    mov es,_vid_base    | screen seg register
    call    vidtransfer | do the transfer
    pop es          | restore registers ---
    pop dx          | restore dx          |    The same with these - dro
    pop cx          | restore cx          |
    pop bx          | restore bx ----------
    pop di      | finished - clear stack frame
	pop	si
	pop	bp

_vid_fill:      | handle dest overflow explicitly
    push    bp      | set up stack frame
	mov	bp,sp
    push    di      | save the registers
    push bx         | save bx------
    push cx         | save cx     |  I think these are needed for asld
    push dx         | save dx     |         dro
    push es         | save es------
    mov es,_vid_base    | screen seg register
    mov ax,4(bp)    | get the fill char
    mov di,6(bp)    | get the dest
    call    lvidfill    | do the initial fill
    call    vidcheck    | check if overflow has occurred
    jz  v1f
    call    lvidfill    | fix overflow
    pop es          | restore registers ---
    pop dx          | restore dx          |    The same with these - dro
    pop cx          | restore cx          |
    pop bx          | restore bx ----------
    pop di      | finished - clear stack frame
	pop	bp

_vid_fmove:             | handle src overflow explicitly
                        | let vidtransfer handle dest overflow
    push    bp          | set up stack frame
    mov     bp,sp
    push    si          | save the registers
	push	di
	push	ds
    push    bx          | save bx------
    push    cx          | save cx     |  I think these are needed for asld
    push    dx          | save dx     |         dro
    push    es          | save es------
    mov     ax,4(bp)    | src &= vid_mask
    and     ax,_vid_mask
    mov     4(bp),ax
    add     ax,8(bp)    | if (src + words*2 > vid_mask)
    add     ax,8(bp)    |   we have src overflow.
    cmp     ax,_vid_mask
    mov     es,_vid_base | set up segment registers
    mov     ds,_vid_base
    jle     vm2         | if src overflow then
    push    8(bp)       | save the words count
    mov     bx,_vid_mask | count = MIN(count, ((vid_mask+1)-src)/2)
    inc     bx
    sub     bx,4(bp)
    shr     bx,#1
    cmp     bx,8(bp)
    jle     vm1
    mov     bx,8(bp)
    mov     8(bp),bx    | bx and count now has count to do
    call    vidtransfer | do this first transfer
    mov     4(bp),#0    | set up for remaining transfer
    mov     6(bp),di
    pop     8(bp)       | restore our original count
    sub     8(bp),bx    | subtract the count done so far
    jz      vm3         | only continue if more to do
    call    vidtransfer | do the transfer for no src overflow
    pop     es          | restore registers ---
    pop     dx          | restore dx          |    The same with these - dro
    pop     cx          | restore cx          |
    pop     bx          | restore bx ----------
    pop     ds          | finished - clear stack frame
    pop     di
    pop     si
    pop     bp

_vid_bmove:             | handle src overflow explicitly
                        | let rvidtransfer handle dest overflow
    push    bp          | set up stack frame
    mov     bp,sp
    push    si          | save the registers
	push	di
	push	ds
    push    bx          | save bx------
    push    cx          | save cx     |  I think these are needed for asld
    push    dx          | save dx     |         dro
    push    es          | save es------
    std                 | transfer in reverse direction
    mov     bx,4(bp)    | src &= vid_mask
    and     bx,_vid_mask
    mov     4(bp),bx
    mov     es,_vid_base | set up segment registers
    mov     ds,_vid_base
    push    8(bp)       | save the total count
    shr     bx,#1       | count = MIN(count, src/2 + 1)
    inc     bx
    cmp     bx,8(bp)
    jle     vbm1
    mov     bx,8(bp)    | also save count in bx
    mov     8(bp),bx
    call    vidrtransfer | do the transfer of non overflowing section
    mov     ax,_vid_mask | set up to do overflow of src
    dec     ax          | convert to word address
    mov     4(bp),ax    | new src addr
    pop     8(bp)       | calculate count left
    sub     8(bp),bx
    jz      vbm2          | if none to do don't continue
    call    vidrtransfer | transfer overflow
    popf                | finished - clear stack frame
    pop     es          | restore registers ---
    pop     dx          | restore dx          |    The same with these - dro
    pop     cx          | restore cx          |
    pop     bx          | restore bx ----------
    pop     ds
    pop     di
    pop     si
    pop     bp

|*          video routines  (private)                *
| The following video support routines may be changed in thier interrupt
| handling methods. If a glitch due to an interrupt during screen writes
| is acceptable then comment out all lines with 'INTV' in thier comment.
| Doing this improves interrupt latency (e.g. for RS232 throughput). In
| practice I have never seen any glitches with the interrupts on.

vidtransfer:            | transfer a block to the screen (forward dir)
                        | handle dest overflow
                        | final results returned in si, di
    mov     si,4(bp)    | si = pointer to data to be copied
    mov     di,6(bp)    | di = offset within video ram
    call    lvidcopy    | write the block to the screen
    call    vidcheck    | check for video ram (window) overflow
    jz      vt1
    sub     si,8(bp)    | overflow - find buffer position
    sub     si,8(bp)
    call    lvidcopy    | fix up overflow
vt1: ret

vidrtransfer:           | transfer a block to the screen (reverse dir)
                        | handle dest overflow
                        | final results in stack frame
    mov     si,4(bp)    | si = pointer to data to be copied
    mov     di,6(bp)    | di = offset within video ram
    call    lvidcopy    | write the block to the screen
    call    vidrcheck   | check for video ram (window) overflow
    xchg    si,4(bp)    | get orig src & dest , save final src dest
    xchg    di,6(bp)
    jz      vr1
    and     di,_vid_mask | address the overflow block
    call    lvidcopy    | write the overflow block
vr1: ret

lvidcopy:               | Transfer a block to the screen in sub-blocks
                        | with a maximum of vid_retrace words per sub-block.
    mov     cx,_vid_retrace | cx = MIN(count, vid_retrace)
    cmp     cx,8(bp)
    jle     lvc1
    mov     cx,8(bp)
    jcxz    lvc2        | only do transfer if cx != 0
    sub     8(bp),cx    | count -= cx
	call	vidcopy
    jmp     lvidcopy    | get the next sub-block

lvidfill:               | Fill a block on the screen in sub-blocks
                        | with a maximum of vid_retrace words per sub-block.
    mov     cx,_vid_retrace | cx = MIN(count, vid_retrace)
    cmp     cx,8(bp)
    jle     lvf1
    mov     cx,8(bp)
    jcxz    lvf2        | only do transfer if cx != 0
    sub     8(bp),cx    | count -= cx
	call	vidfill
    jmp     lvidfill    | get the next sub-block

vidcopy:                | Transfer a sub-block to the screen waiting for
                        | retrace if necessary.
    call    vidwait     | wait for retrace if necessary
    rep                     | I THINK THAT THIS IS HOW THESE ARE WRITTEN
    movw                | transfer the block    | IN ASLD SYNTAX - dro
|   push    ax          | INTV restore the flags
|   popf                | INTV

vidfill:                | Fill a sub-block on the screen waiting for
                        | retrace if necessary.
    push    ax          | save the fill char
    call    vidwait     | wait for retrace if necessary
|   mov     dx,ax       | INTV save the flags
    pop     ax          | restore the fill char
    rep                                         | SAME FOR THIS ONE - dro
    stow                | do the fill
|   push    dx          | INTV restore the flags
|   popf                | INTV

vidwait:                | Wait for retrace only if necessary
    test    _color,*1   | mono's don't need retrace checking
    jz      vw2
    test    _color,*2   | ega's don't need retrace checking
    jnz     vw2
    mov     dx,#3DAH    | port for retrace status
|   pushf               | INTV
|   sti                 | INTV ensure interrupts can have a go
|   nop                 | INTV
|   nop                 | INTV
|   cli                 | INTV
    in                  | wait for retrace on (orig. -- in  al,[dx] -- dro)
    testb   al,*8
    jz      vw1
|   pop     ax          | INTV return the flags in ax (ints off)
vw2: ret

vidcheck:               | Check if the forward transfer just completed
                        | requires overflow fixing on dest. If so set up
                        | di and count.  count = 0 on entry
    mov     dx,di       | dx = final dest
    sub     dx,_vid_mask | see if overflowed
    sub     dx,#1       | must do sub as dec doesn't set flag
    jle     vck2        | if so x = overflow count
    sub     di,6(bp)    | count = MIN(dx, final dest - init dest)
    cmp     di,dx
    jle     vck1
    mov     di,dx
    mov     8(bp),di    | save the new count
    sub     dx,di       | new dest = overflow count - new count
    mov     di,dx
    shr     8(bp),*1    | turn byte count to word count & test
    ret                 |   if any work done.

vidrcheck:              | Check if the backward transfer just completed
                        | requires overflow fixing on dest. If so set up
                        | count.  count = 0 on entry
    mov     dx,6(bp)    | dx = final dest
    sub     dx,_vid_mask | see if overflowed
    sub     dx,#1       |   must do sub as dec doesn't set flag
    jle     vrck2       | if so dx = overflow count
    mov     ax,6(bp)    | count = MIN(dx, final dest - init dest)
    sub     ax,di
    cmp     ax,dx
    jle     vrck1
    mov     ax,dx
    mov     8(bp),ax    | save the new count
    shr     8(bp),*1    | turn byte count to word count & test
    ret                 |   if any work done.

|*              get_byte                     *
| This routine is used to fetch a byte from anywhere in memory.
| The call is:
|     c = get_byte(seg, off)
| where
|     'seg' is the value to put in es
|     'off' is the offset from the es value
    push    bp          | save bp
    mov     bp,sp       | we need to access parameters
    push    es          | save es
    mov     es,4(bp)    | load es with segment value
    mov     bx,6(bp)    | load bx with offset from segment
    seg     es          | go get the byte
    movb    al,(bx)     | al = byte
    xorb    ah,ah       | ax = byte
    pop     es          | restore es
    pop     bp          | restore bp
    ret                 | return to caller

|*              put_byte                     *
| This routine is used to put a byte anywhere in memory.
| The call is:
|     retval = put_byte(seg, off, val)
| where
|     'seg' is the value to put in es
|     'off' is the offset from the es value
|     'val' is value to put in memory
|     'retval' = val & 0xFF
    push    bp          | save bp
    mov     bp,sp       | we need to access parameters
    push    es          | save es
    movb    al,8(bp)    | load al with value
    mov     es,4(bp)    | load es with segment value
    mov     bx,6(bp)    | load bx with offset from segment
    seg     es          | go get the byte
    movb    (bx),al     | put the byte
    xorb    ah,ah       | ax = byte
    pop     es          | restore es
    pop     bp          | restore bp
    ret                 | return to caller

|*              reboot & wreboot                 *
| This code reboots the PC
	cli			| disable interrupts
	mov ax,#0x20		| re-enable interrupt controller
	out 0x20
	call resvec		| restore the vectors in low core
	mov ax,#0x40
	push ds
	mov ds,ax
	mov ax,#0x1234
	mov 0x72,ax
	pop ds
	test _ps,#0xFFFF
	jnz r.1
	mov ax,#0xFFFF
	mov ds,ax
	mov ax,3
	push ax
	mov ax,1
	push ax
	mov ax,_port_65		| restore port 0x65
	mov dx,#0x65
	mov dx,#0x21		| restore interrupt mask port
	mov ax,#0xBC
	sti			| enable interrupts
	int 0x19		| for PS/2 call bios to reboot

	cli			| disable interrupts
	mov ax,#0x20		| re-enable interrupt controller
	out 0x20
	call _eth_stp		| stop the ethernet chip
	call resvec		| restore the vectors in low core
	xor ax,ax		| wait for character before continuing
	int 0x16		| get char
	mov ax,#0x40
	push ds
	mov ds,ax
	mov ax,#0x1234
	mov 0x72,ax
	pop ds
	test _ps,#0xFFFF
	jnz wr.1
	mov ax,#0xFFFF
	mov ds,ax
	mov ax,3
	push ax
	mov ax,1
	push ax
	mov ax,_port_65		| restore port 0x65
	mov dx,#0x65
	mov dx,#0x21		| restore interrupt mask port
	mov ax,#0xBC
	sti			| enable interrupts
	int 0x19		| for PS/2 call bios to reboot

| Restore the interrupt vectors in low core.
resvec:	cld
	mov cx,#2*71
	mov si,#_vec_table
	xor di,di
	mov es,di

	mov ax,tty_vec1		| Restore keyboard interrupt vector for PS/2
	seg es
	mov 452,ax
	mov ax,tty_vec2
	seg es
	mov 454,ax


| Some library routines use exit, so this label is needed.
| Actual calls to exit cannot occur in the kernel.
.globl _exit
_exit:	sti
	jmp _exit

|                       em_xfer
|  This file contains one routine which transfers words between user memory
|  and extended memory on an AT or clone.  A BIOS call (INT 15h, Func 87h)
|  is used to accomplish the transfer.
|  This particular BIOS routine runs with interrupts off since the 80286
|  must be placed in protected mode to access the memory above 1 Mbyte.
|  So there should be no problems using the BIOS call.
gdt:				| Begin global descriptor table
					| Dummy descriptor
	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0		| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved
					| descriptor for GDT itself
	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0		| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved
src:					| source descriptor
srcsz:	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
srcl:	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
srch:	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0x93	| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved
tgt:					| target descriptor
tgtsz:	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
tgtl:	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
tgth:	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0x93	| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved
					| BIOS CS descriptor
	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0		| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved
					| stack segment descriptor
	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0		| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved

|  Execute a transfer between user memory and extended memory.
|  status = em_xfer(source, dest, count);
|    Where:
|       status => return code (0 => OK)
|       source => Physical source address (32-bit)
|       dest   => Physical destination address (32-bit)
|       count  => Number of words to transfer

	push	bp		| Save registers
	mov	bp,sp
	push	si
	push	es
	push	cx
|  Pick up source and destination addresses and update descriptor tables
	mov ax,4(bp)
	seg cs
	mov srcl,ax
	mov ax,6(bp)
	seg cs
	movb srch,al
	mov ax,8(bp)
	seg cs
	mov tgtl,ax
	mov ax,10(bp)
	seg cs
	movb tgth,al
|  Update descriptor table segment limits
	mov cx,12(bp)
	mov ax,cx
	add ax,ax
	seg cs
	mov tgtsz,ax
	seg cs
	mov srcsz,ax
|  Now do actual DOS call
	push cs
	pop es
	seg cs
	mov si,#gdt
	movb ah,#0x87
	int 0x15		| Do a far call to BIOS routine
|  All done, return to caller.

	pop	cx		| restore registers
	pop	es
	pop	si
	mov	sp,bp
	pop	bp

vidlock:    .word 0     | dummy variable for use with lock prefix
splimit:	.word 0		| stack limit for current task (kernel only)
tmp:        .word 0     | count of bytes already copied
stkoverrun:	.asciz "Kernel stack overrun, task = "
_vec_table: .zerow 284   | storage for interrupt vectors
tty_vec1:	.word 0		| sorage for vector 0x71 (offset)
tty_vec2:	.word 0		| sorage for vector 0x71 (segment)