( Jason Coughlin,221 Rey,84176,) (01/17/89)
Here are some problems I'm running into with Minix cc.c: (A) I got cc, cem, cg, and cpp, the executables, off of What are these for? I mean are these for the 1.2 C compiler? They are updates of some kind. I believe them to be the much touted 1.2 compiler. Right? Wrong? Help? (B) I applied the patches to my cc.c from Minix 1.1. I then found out that the new patched 1.2 was broken went to bugs to find out how to fix it and fixed it. So I'm using the fixed-diffed cc.c from Minix 1.1 (which I am calling cc 1.2) with the Minix 1.1 cem, cg, and cpp, and I'm desperately trying to re-build libc.a. I've got the ordering OK. However, when I re-build libc.a with the new sources from libsrc.a, I get the following compiler message (actually asld, but filtered thru cc): unresolved references: .dsret .cret .sret Much better output than before I fixed the libsrc .s files which forgot the .defines, but the only references I can find of these "unresolved references" is cret in csv.s. But it isn't .cret, it's cret, and putting a .define didn't help at all. OK, so I figure I'll try a new approach. This time I unpack and compile libsrc stuff first then I unpack the original libc.a. Now whenever I compile, I get: unresolved references: .cret We're one up!!! But what the hello is going on? Can anyone tell me what's wrong so I can get my compiler fixed and Minix 1.2 compiled? Any help will be APPRECIATED!! You should see the dents in my head!!!! PLEASE (PRETTY PLEASE) post or send email to: ARPA: BITNET: coughlij@clutx