[net.unix-wizards] Cross reference program

z (06/23/82)

A couple of years ago, I wrote a cref (cross reference) program for
Unix which worked very much like the standard DEC crefs.  For example,
if you said "cref e_qreg.c", you would get on the standard output a
listing identical to that produced by the num(1) command, followed by a
cref table which looks like so:

Jun 21 12:20 1982  Cref listing Page 1

BKILL            29 
EOL              88 
FKILL            27 
KBSIZE           79      89      91 
NQREG            19      41      61 
QMARK            68     172     204     218 
QNUM             65     151     167     191 
QRECT            76     105 
QREG             38      42      72 
QSTRING          30      32      71     175 
Qflag            30      32      65      68      71      76     105     151     167     172     175     191     204     218 
WARN             34     152     173     176     219 
appendq          13#    108 
arg              13#     18      22      54#     60     145#    146#    155     162#    185#    186#    192     199#    213#
atoi            192 
beep             74     138 


The numbers are line numbers where the symbol is referenced; those
followed by hash marks are lines where the symbol is defined.  Symbols
which are multiply defined are typically local variables used in several
different routines.  The output is designed for 132 column printers, so
a couple of lines in the above example wrap around.  When cref is
invoked with multiple file names, it produces a single cref table for
the entire list.

I recently modified cref so that it now has an option to produce a tags
table identical in form to that produced by ctags.  Its advantage over
ctags is that variables and macros appear in it, as well as functions.
This tags table can be used in any program that uses the output of

Since variables are sometimes defined in several different places (such
as "arg" in the above example), some programs which use tags tables may
not be able to find the occurrence you are looking for.  However, users
of my EMACS will find that its tags package is set up to resolve such

I have posted the source and manual page for cref to net.sources.
Although cref was written for 4BSD, it should work rather well on other
Unixes.  However, the fact that it uses virtual memory for its cref
table may limit the size of programs that it can work on under other