[comp.os.minix] clr problem

jeff@questar.QUESTAR.MN.ORG (Jeff Holmes) (03/06/89)

	I have Minix 1.3 running now, but have an odd thing 
	happening with clr.c.  It takes about 10 seconds to
	clear the screen.  I am using a termcap that was posted
	here a while back.  Since I just got 1.3 running late 
	last night I'm not totally familiar with the whole
	1.3 system and how everything integrates, but I don't
	see what I'm missing.  Any thoughts?

	P.S. I found reference to a lib/IBM_PC/prtso.s but it
	     didn't come in the upgrade package from bugs and
	     I didn't come across it in my 1.2 source.  Could
	     someone tell me where it's located in the source
	     directories, or mail it to me.

Jeff Holmes	                  DOMAIN: jeff@questar.mn.org 
Questar Data Systems                UUCP: amdahl!bungia!questar!jeff

jeff@QUESTAR.QUESTAR.MN.ORG (Jeff Holmes) (03/06/89)

	I have Minix 1.3 running now, but have an odd thing
	happening with clr.c.  It takes about 10 seconds to
	clear the screen.  I am using a termcap that was posted
	here a while back.  Since I just got 1.3 running late
	last night I'm not totally familiar with the whole
	1.3 system and how everything integrates, but I don't
	see what I'm missing.  Any thoughts?

	P.S. I found reference to a lib/IBM_PC/prtso.s but it
	     didn't come in the upgrade package from bugs and
	     I didn't come across it in my 1.2 source.  Could
	     someone tell me where it's located in the source
	     directories, or mail it to me.

Jeff Holmes	                  DOMAIN: jeff@questar.mn.org
Questar Data Systems                UUCP: amdahl!bungia!questar!jeff

ast@cs.vu.nl (Andy Tanenbaum) (03/13/89)

In article <75229WHV@PSUVM> INFO-MINIX@UDEL.EDU writes:
>	I have Minix 1.3 running now, but have an odd thing
>	happening with clr.c.  It takes about 10 seconds to
>	clear the screen.  

I would suggest doing: chmem +8000 clr
to see what happens.  The stdio package often tries to malloc memory
and if that fails, does everything 1 character at a time.  This makes
things slow.  I don't know if this is relevant here, but it is worth a
try.  When you figure out what is going on, please post a short note.
This sort of problem is reported not infrequently.

Andy Tanenbaum (ast@cs.vu.nl)

jeff@questar.QUESTAR.MN.ORG (Jeff Holmes) (03/13/89)

In article <2148@ast.cs.vu.nl> ast@cs.vu.nl (Andy Tanenbaum) writes:
> In article <75229WHV@PSUVM> INFO-MINIX@UDEL.EDU writes:
> >
> >	I have Minix 1.3 running now, but have an odd thing
> >	happening with clr.c.  It takes about 10 seconds to
> >	clear the screen.  
> I would suggest doing: chmem +8000 clr

	This is exactly what needed to be done.  I believe that it 
	clears the screen even faster than the 1.2 clr.  I also
	moved the termcap entry that applies to my terminal in 
	etc/termcap to the top of the file, sometimes it works
	faster if the termcap routines don't have to read through 
	alot of irrelevent entries.

Jeff Holmes	                  DOMAIN: jeff@questar.mn.org 
Questar Data Systems                UUCP: amdahl!bungia!questar!jeff