[comp.os.minix] CRC list processor

regan@jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU (Dave Regan) (04/28/89)

The following is a simple program (with documentation suitable for the
help file) which reads the CRC lists that Dr Tanenbaum occasionally
publishes and lets you know what is different.

			Dave Regan

------------------------ Cut Here ---------------------------
echo x - READ.ME
sed '/^X/s///' > READ.ME << '/'
XWhile bringing up Minix through the various versions using the updates
Xprovided on the network, I wanted to make use of the CRC listings which
XDr Tanenbaum provides.  I attempted to put some shell files together
Xusing "diff" and other tools, but wasn't really satisfied.
XSo, I hacked together a simple little program to read the CRC lists
Xas published and run "crc" for each file listed, and compare the results.
XThis gives me exactly what I want (undoubtably not what anyone else wants).
XThe main drawback is that it is quite slow.
XUse this as you see fit.
X				Dave Regan
X				PO Box 601
X				Corvallis OR 97339 USA
X				regan@jacobs.cs.orst.edu
X				27 April 1989
echo x - check_crc.c
sed '/^X/s///' > check_crc.c << '/'
X * Check_crc.c -- Check the current file system against a CRC list
X *		  Version 1.00		27 April 1989
X *
X * Usage:
X *	check_crc [directory] <script >differences
X *
X * The report lists the file name, along with the official and obtained
X * crcs and counts.  The obtained values are printed in parenthesis.
X *	file	crc 123 (44), count 33 (23)
X *
X * There are undoubtably better ways of doing this.  Perhaps using the
X * shell or AWK.  I did it this way anyway.
X *
X * This program is Public Domain.  Do what you want with it.
X *
X *		Dave Regan
X *		regan@jacobs.cs.orst.edu
X *		27 April 1989
X */
X * Notes:
X *
X * I tried a version of this which used "popen" instead of a temporary
X * file.  This wasn't any faster, and somewhat less portable.
X */
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <stdlib.h>
X#include <string.h>
X#define	LINESIZE	100
Xmain(argc, argv)
X  int			argc;
X  char			*argv[];
X    {
X    char		cmd[50];
X    long		cor_count;
X    long		cor_crc;
X    char		*cptr;
X    long		cur_count;
X    long		cur_crc;
X    FILE		*fd;
X    char		*file;
X    char		line[LINESIZE+1];
X    char		line2[LINESIZE+1];
X    if (argc < 1 || argc > 2)
X    	{
X    	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: check_crc [directory] <script >differences\n");
X    	exit(1);
X    	}
X    if (argc == 2)
X    	chdir(argv[1]);
X    while (fgets(line, LINESIZE, stdin) != NULL)
X    	{
X	if ((cptr = strchr(line, '\n')) != NULL)
X	    *cptr = '\0';
X    	if (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == '#')
X    	    continue;
X    	for (cptr = line; isdigit(*cptr); cptr++)
X    	    ;
X    	while (isspace(*cptr))
X    	    cptr++;
X    	while (isdigit(*cptr))
X    	    cptr++;
X    	while (isspace(*cptr))
X	    cptr++;
X	file = cptr;
X	if (access(file, 0) < 0)
X	    {
X	    printf("%-40sDoes not exist\n", file);
X	    continue;
X	    }
X	sprintf(cmd, "crc %s >/tmp/crc%05d", file, getpid());
X	system(cmd);
X	sprintf(cmd, "/tmp/crc%05d", getpid());
X	if ((fd = fopen(cmd, "r")) != NULL)
X	    {
X	    fgets(line2, LINESIZE, fd);
X	    fclose(fd);
X	    if ((cptr = strchr(line2, '\n')) != NULL)
X	    	*cptr = '\0';
X	    if (strcmp(line, line2) != 0)
X	    	{
X	    	sscanf(line, "%ld %ld", &cor_crc, &cor_count);
X	    	sscanf(line2, "%ld %ld", &cur_crc, &cur_count);
X	    	printf("%-40scrc %ld (%ld), count %ld (%ld)\n",
X			file, cor_crc, cur_crc, cor_count, cur_count);
X	    	}
X	    }
X    	}
X    sprintf(cmd, "/tmp/crc%05d", getpid());
X    unlink(cmd);
X    }
echo x - check_crc.man
sed '/^X/s///' > check_crc.man << '/'
X# check_crc
XCommand:	check_crc - check the current disk against published CRC lists
XSyntax:		check_crc [starting_directory] <crc_list >differences
XFlags:		(none)
XExample:	check_crc /usr <crc.ast >crc.wrong
X     Check_crc is a program which scans through the CRC lists which
XDr. Tanenbaum occasionally publishes.  For each line in the standard
Xinput, "check_crc" forks off a copy of "crc" for the appropriate file
Xand compares the results.  If the CRC or byte count do not match, a line
Xis written to standard output describing the difference.
X     The starting directory is chosen such that when "check_crc" changes
Xto that directory, all the file names in the standard input can be
Xsuccessfully opened.
X     Blank lines, and line starting with a pound sign ('#') are ignored.
X     This program is horribly slow, but does get the job done.