[comp.os.minix] Protected mode MINIX for 80286 Part 5 - By Bruce Evans

worsley@ditmela.oz (Andrew Worsley) (05/18/89)

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 5 (of 10)."
# Contents:  kerneldif/klib88.x.cdif
# Wrapped by sys@besplex on Sun Mar 26 06:34:10 1989
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'kerneldif/klib88.x.cdif' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'kerneldif/klib88.x.cdif'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'kerneldif/klib88.x.cdif'\" \(39670 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'kerneldif/klib88.x.cdif' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X*** /dev/null	Thu Oct 13 22:40:42 1988
X--- kernel/klib88.x	Mon Mar 13 04:49:00 1989
X*** 0
X--- 1,1317 -----
X+ | This file contains a number of assembly code utility routines needed by the
X+ | kernel.  They are:
X+ |
X+ |   cp_mess:	copies messages from source to destination
X+ |   lock:	disable interrupts
X+ |   restore:	restore interrupts (enable/disabled) as they were before lock()
X+ |   build_sig:	build 4 word structure pushed onto stack for signals
X+ |   csv:	procedure prolog to save the registers
X+ |   cret:	procedure epilog to restore the registers
X+ |   get_chrome:	returns 0 if display is monochrome, 1 if it is color
X+ |   get_ega:	returns 1 if display is EGA, 0 otherwise
X+ |   vid_copy:	copy data to video ram (on color display during retrace only)
X+ |   scr_up:	scroll screen a line up (in software, by copying)
X+ |   scr_down:	scroll screen a line down (in software, by copying)
X+ |   reboot:	reboot for CTRL-ALT-DEL
X+ |   wreboot:	wait for character then reboot 
X+ |   wait_retrace: waits for retrace interval, and returns int disabled
X+ |   ack_char:	acknowledge character from keyboard
X+ |   save_tty_vec: save tty interrupt vector 0x71 for PS/2
X+ | These routines are new or totally rewritten and/or renamed compatibility
X+ | with protected mode.
X+ |   check_mem:	check a block of memory, return the valid size
X+ |   cim_at_wini:	clear the AT winchester interrupt mask
X+ |   cim_floppy:		clear the floppy interrupt mask
X+ |   cim_printer:	clear the printer interrupt mask
X+ |   cim_xt_wini:	clear the XT winchester interrupt mask
X+ |   codeseg:	return the current code segment
X+ |   dataseg:	return the current data segment
X+ |   get_extmemsize:	ask the BIOS how much extended memory there is
X+ |   get_memsize:	ask the BIOS how much normal memory there is
X+ |   get_phys_byte:	read a byte from memory and return it
X+ |   get_processor:	return the processor type
X+ |   inportb:	read a byte from a port and return it
X+ |   phys_copy:	copy data from anywhere to anywhere in memory
X+ |   porti_out:	set a port-index pair, for hardware like 6845's
X+ |   port_read:	transfer data from (hard disk controller) port to memory
X+ |   port_write:	transfer data from memory to (hard disk controller) port
X+ |   sim_printer:	set the printer interrupt mask
X+ |   tasim_printer:	test and set the printer interrupt mask
X+ |   test_and_set:	test and set locking primitive on a word in memory
X+ |   unlock:	enable interrupts
X+ | Phys_copy was rewritten because the old one was contorted and slow to start.
X+ | Get_phys_byte replaces get_byte, with a new interface.
X+ | Inportb is in addition to port_in, with a new interface.
X+ | Port_read/write replace dma_read/write, with a new interface.
X+ #include "../h/const.h"
X+ #include "const.h"
X+ #include "sconst.h"
X+ #define KLIB88 .define
X+ #include "sglo.h"
X+ .text
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				cp_mess					     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | This routine makes a fast copy of a message from anywhere in the address
X+ | space to anywhere else.  It also copies the source address provided as a
X+ | parameter to the call into the first word of the destination message.
X+ | It is called by:
X+ |    cp_mess(src, src_clicks, src_offset, dst_clicks, dst_offset)
X+ | where all 5 parameters are shorts (16-bits).
X+ |
X+ | Note that the message size, 'Msize' is in WORDS (not bytes) and must be set
X+ | correctly.  Changing the definition of message in the type file and not
X+ | changing it here will lead to total disaster.
X+ | This routine only preserves the registers the 'C' compiler
X+ | expects to be preserved (es, ds, si, di, sp, bp).
X+ _cp_mess:
X+ 	push es			| save es
X+ 	push ds			| save ds
X+ 	mov bx,sp		| index off bx because machine can't use sp
X+ 	push si			| save si
X+ 	push di			| save di
X+ 	mov	ax,12(bx)	| destination click
X+ #error /* Small click sizes are not supported (right shift will lose bits). */
X+ #endif
X+ 	shl	ax,cl		| destination segment
X+ #endif
X+ 	mov	es,ax
X+ 	mov	di,14(bx)	| offset of destination message
X+ | Be careful not to destroy ds before we're finished with the bx pointer.
X+ | We're using bx and not the more natural bp to save pushing bp.
X+ 	mov	ax,6(bx)	| process number of sender
X+ 	mov	si,10(bx)	| offset of source message
X+ 	mov	bx,8(bx)	| source click (finished with bx as a pointer)
X+ 	shl	bx,cl		| source segment
X+ #endif
X+ 	mov	ds,bx
X+ 	stow			| copy sender's process number to dest message
X+ 	add si,*2		| don't copy first word
X+ 	mov cx,*Msize-1		| remember, first word doesn't count
X+ 	rep			| iterate cx times to copy 11 words
X+ 	movw			| copy the message
X+ 	pop di			| restore di
X+ 	pop si			| restore si
X+ 	pop ds			| restore ds
X+ 	pop es			| restore es	
X+ 	ret			| that's all folks!
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				lock					     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | Disable CPU interrupts.  Return old psw as function value.
X+ _lock:
X+ 	pushf			| save flags on stack
X+ 	cli			| disable interrupts
X+ 	pop ax	 		| return flags for restoration later
X+ 	ret			| return to caller
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				restore					     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | restore enable/disable bit to the value it had before last lock.
X+ _restore:
X+ 	push bp			| save it
X+ 	mov bp,sp		| set up base for indexing
X+ 	push 4(bp)		| bp is the psw to be restored
X+ 	popf			| restore flags
X+ 	pop bp			| restore bp
X+ 	ret			| return to caller
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				build_sig				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |* Build a structure that is pushed onto the stack for signals.  It contains
X+ |* pc, psw, etc., and is machine dependent. The format is the same as generated
X+ |* by hardware interrupts, except that after the "interrupt", the signal number
X+ |* is also pushed.  The signal processing routine within the user space first
X+ |* pops the signal number, to see which function to call.  Then it calls the
X+ |* function.  Finally, when the function returns to the low-level signal
X+ |* handling routine, control is passed back to where it was prior to the signal
X+ |* by executing a return-from-interrupt instruction, hence the need for using
X+ |* the hardware generated interrupt format on the stack.  The call is:
X+ |*     build_sig(sig_stuff, rp, sig)
X+ _build_sig:
X+ 	push bp			| save bp
X+ 	mov bp,sp		| set bp to sp for accessing params
X+ 	push bx			| save bx
X+ 	push si			| save si
X+ 	mov bx,4(bp)		| bx points to sig_stuff
X+ 	mov si,6(bp)		| si points to proc table entry
X+ 	mov ax,8(bp)		| ax = signal number
X+ 	mov (bx),ax		| put signal number in sig_stuff
X+ 	mov ax,PCREG(si)	| ax = signalled process' PC
X+ 	mov 2(bx),ax		| put pc in sig_stuff
X+ 	mov ax,CSREG(si)	| ax = signalled process' cs
X+ 	mov 4(bx),ax		| put cs in sig_stuff
X+ 	mov ax,PSWREG(si)	| ax = signalled process' PSW
X+ 	mov 6(bx),ax		| put psw in sig_stuff
X+ 	pop si			| restore si
X+ 	pop bx			| restore bx
X+ 	pop bp			| restore bp
X+ 	ret			| return to caller
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				csv & cret				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | This version of csv replaces the standard one.  It checks for stack overflow
X+ | within the kernel in a simpler way than is usually done. cret is standard.
X+ csv:
X+ 	pop bx			| bx = return address
X+ 	push bp			| stack old frame pointer
X+ 	mov bp,sp		| set new frame pointer to sp
X+ 	push di			| save di
X+ 	push si			| save si
X+ 	sub sp,ax		| ax = # bytes of local variables
X+ 	cmp sp,splimit		| has kernel stack grown too large
X+ 	jbe csv.1		| if sp is too low, panic
X+ 	jmpreg (bx)		| normal return: copy bx to program counter
X+ csv.1:
X+ 	sub ax,ax		| zero
X+ 	mov splimit,ax		| prevent call to panic from aborting in csv
X+ 	mov bx,_proc_ptr	| update rp->p_splimit
X+ 	mov P_SPLIMIT(bx),ax	| rp->sp_limit = 0
X+ 	push P_NR(bx)		| task number
X+ 	mov ax,#stkoverrun	| stack overran the kernel stack area
X+ 	push ax			| push first parameter
X+ 	call _panic		| call is: panic(stkoverrun, task number)
X+ 	j csv.1			| this should not be necessary
X+ cret:
X+ 	lea	sp,*-4(bp)	| set sp to point to saved si
X+ 	pop	si		| restore saved si
X+ 	pop	di		| restore saved di
X+ 	pop	bp		| restore bp
X+ 	ret			| end of procedure
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				get_chrome				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | This routine calls the BIOS to find out if the display is monochrome or 
X+ | color.  The drivers are different, as are the video ram addresses, so we
X+ | need to know.
X+ _get_chrome:
X+ 	int 0x11		| call the BIOS to get equipment type
X+ 	andb al,#0x30		| isolate color/mono field
X+ 	cmpb al,*0x30		| 0x30 is monochrome
X+ 	je getchr1		| if monochrome then go to getchr1
X+ 	mov ax,#1		| color = 1
X+ 	ret			| color return
X+ getchr1: xor ax,ax		| mono = 0
X+ 	ret			| monochrome return
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				get_ega  				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | This routine calls the BIOS to find out if the display is ega.  This
X+ | is needed because scrolling is different.
X+ _get_ega:
X+ 	movb bl,*0x10
X+ 	movb ah,*0x12
X+ 	int 0x10		| call the BIOS to get equipment type
X+ 	cmpb bl,*0x10		| if reg is unchanged, it failed
X+ 	je notega
X+ 	mov ax,#1		| color = 1
X+ 	ret			| color return
X+ notega: xor ax,ax		| mono = 0
X+ 	ret			| monochrome return
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				vid_copy				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | This routine takes a string of (character, attribute) pairs and writes them
X+ | onto the screen.  For a color display, the writing only takes places during
X+ | the vertical retrace interval, to avoid displaying garbage on the screen.
X+ | The call is:
X+ |     vid_copy(buffer, videobase, offset, words)
X+ | where
X+ |     'buffer'    is a pointer to the (character, attribute) pairs
X+ |     'videobase' is 0xB800 for color and 0xB000 for monochrome displays
X+ |     'offset'    tells where within video ram to copy the data
X+ |     'words'     tells how many words to copy
X+ | if buffer is zero, the fill char (blank_color) is used
X+ _vid_copy:
X+ 	push bp			| we need bp to access the parameters
X+ 	mov bp,sp		| set bp to sp for indexing
X+ 	push si			| save the registers
X+ 	push di			| save di
X+ 	push bx			| save bx
X+ 	push cx			| save cx
X+ 	push dx			| save dx
X+ 	push es			| save es
X+ vid.0:	mov si,4(bp)		| si = pointer to data to be copied
X+ 	mov es,6(bp)		| load es NOW: int routines may NOT ruin it
X+ 	mov di,8(bp)		| di = offset within video ram
X+ 	and di,_vid_mask	| only 4K or 16K counts
X+ 	mov cx,10(bp)		| cx = word count for copy loop
X+ 	mov dx,#0x3DA		| prepare to see if color display is retracing
X+ 	mov bx,di		| see if copy will run off end of video ram
X+ 	add bx,cx		| compute where copy ends
X+ 	add bx,cx		| bx = last character copied + 1
X+ 	sub bx,_vid_mask	| bx = # characters beyond end of video ram
X+ 	sub bx,#1		| note: dec bx doesn't set flags properly
X+ 				| it DOES for jle!!
X+ 	jle vid.1		| jump if no overrun
X+ 	sar bx,#1		| bx = # words that don't fit in video ram
X+ 	sub cx,bx		| reduce count by overrun
X+ vid.1:	push cx			| save actual count used for later
X+ 	testb _snow,#1		| skip vertical retrace test if no snow
X+ 	jz vid.4
X+ |vid.2:	in			| with a color display, you can only copy to
X+ |	test al,*010		| the video ram during vertical retrace, so
X+ |	jnz vid.2		| wait for start of retrace period.  Bit 3 of
X+ vid.3:	in			| 0x3DA is set during retrace.  First wait
X+ 	testb al,*010		| until it is off (no retrace), then wait
X+ 	jz vid.3		| until it comes on (start of retrace)
X+ vid.4:	cmp si,#0		| si = 0 means blank the screen
X+ 	je vid.7		| jump for blanking
X+ 	lock			| this is a trick for the IBM PC simulator only
X+ 	inc vidlock		| 'lock' indicates a video ram access
X+ 	rep			| this is the copy loop
X+ 	movw			| ditto
X+ vid.5:	pop si			| si = count of words copied
X+ 	cmp bx,#0		| if bx < 0, then no overrun and we are done
X+ 	jle vid.6		| jump if everything fit
X+ 	mov 10(bp),bx		| set up residual count
X+ 	mov 8(bp),#0		| start copying at base of video ram
X+ 	cmp 4(bp),#0		| NIL_PTR means store blanks
X+ 	je vid.0		| go do it
X+ 	add si,si		| si = count of bytes copied
X+ 	add 4(bp),si		| increment buffer pointer
X+ 	j vid.0			| go copy some more
X+ vid.6:	pop es			| restore registers
X+ 	pop dx			| restore dx
X+ 	pop cx			| restore cx
X+ 	pop bx			| restore bx
X+ 	pop di			| restore di
X+ 	pop si			| restore si
X+ 	pop bp			| restore bp
X+ 	ret			| return to caller
X+ vid.7:	mov ax,_blank_color	| ax = blanking character
X+ 	rep			| copy loop
X+ 	stow			| blank screen
X+ 	j vid.5			| done
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*			      wait_retrace				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | Wait until we're in the retrace interval.  Return locked (ints off).
X+ | But enable them during the wait.
X+ _wait_retrace: push dx
X+ 	pushf
X+ 	mov dx,_vid_port
X+ 	or dx,#0x0A
X+ wtre.3:	sti
X+ 	nop
X+ 	nop
X+ 	cli	
X+ 	in			| 0x3DA bit 3 is set during retrace.
X+ 	testb al,*010		| Wait until it is on.
X+ 	jz wtre.3
X+ 	pop ax	 		| return flags for restoration later
X+ 	pop dx
X+ 	ret			| return to caller
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				scr_up  				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | This routine scrolls the screen up one line
X+ | 
X+ | The call is:
X+ |     scr_up(videoseg,source,dest,count)
X+ | where
X+ |     'videoseg'	is the segment of screen memory
X+ _scr_up:
X+ 	push bp			| we need bp to access the parameters
X+ 	mov bp,sp		| set bp to sp for indexing
X+ 	push si			| save the registers
X+ 	push di			| save di
X+ 	push cx			| save cx
X+ 	push es			| save es
X+ 	push ds			| save ds
X+ 	mov si,6(bp)		| si = pointer to data to be copied
X+ 	mov di,8(bp)		| di = offset within video ram
X+ 	mov cx,10(bp)		| cx = word count for copy loop
X+ 	mov ax,4(bp)		| set source and target segments to videoseg
X+ 	mov ds,ax
X+ 	mov es,ax
X+ 	rep			| this is the copy loop
X+ 	movw			| ditto
X+ 	pop ds			| restore ds
X+ 	pop es			| restore es
X+ 	pop cx			| restore cx
X+ 	pop di			| restore di
X+ 	pop si			| restore si
X+ 	pop bp			| restore bp
X+ 	ret			| return to caller
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				  scr_down				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | This routine scrolls the screen down one line
X+ | 
X+ | The call is:
X+ |     scr_down(vidoeseg,source,dest,count)
X+ | where
X+ |     'videoseg'	is the segment of screen memory
X+ _scr_down:
X+ 	push bp			| we need bp to access the parameters
X+ 	mov bp,sp		| set bp to sp for indexing
X+ 	push si			| save the registers
X+ 	push di			| save di
X+ 	push cx			| save cx
X+ 	push es			| save es
X+ 	push ds			| save ds
X+ 	mov si,6(bp)		| si = pointer to data to be copied
X+ 	mov di,8(bp)		| di = offset within video ram
X+ 	mov cx,10(bp)		| cx = word count for copy loop
X+ 	mov ax,4(bp)		| set source and target segments to videoseg
X+ 	mov ds,ax
X+ 	mov es,ax
X+ 	std			| reverse to avoid propagating 1st word
X+ 	rep			| this is the copy loop
X+ 	movw			| ditto
X+ 	cld			| restore direction flag to known state
X+ 	pop ds			| restore ds
X+ 	pop es			| restore es
X+ 	pop cx			| restore cx
X+ 	pop di			| restore di
X+ 	pop si			| restore si
X+ 	pop bp			| restore bp
X+ 	ret			| return to caller
X+ |===========================================================================
X+ |                		em_xfer
X+ |===========================================================================
X+ |
X+ |  This file contains one routine which transfers words between user memory
X+ |  and extended memory on an AT or clone.  A BIOS call (INT 15h, Func 87h)
X+ |  is used to accomplish the transfer.  The BIOS call is "faked" by pushing
X+ |  the processor flags on the stack and then doing a far call through the
X+ |  saved vector table to the actual BIOS location.  An actual INT 15h would
X+ |  get a MINIX complaint from an unexpected trap.
X+ |  This particular BIOS routine runs with interrupts off since the 80286
X+ |  must be placed in protected mode to access the memory above 1 Mbyte.
X+ |  So there should be no problems using the BIOS call, except it may take
X+ |  too long and cause interrupts to be lost.
X+ |
X+ 	.text
X+ gdt:				| Begin global descriptor table
X+ 					| Dummy descriptor
X+ 	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
X+ 	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
X+ 	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
X+ 	.byte 0		| access rights byte
X+ 	.word 0		| reserved
X+ 					| descriptor for GDT itself
X+ 	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
X+ 	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
X+ 	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
X+ 	.byte 0		| access rights byte
X+ 	.word 0		| reserved
X+ src:					| source descriptor
X+ srcsz:	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
X+ srcl:	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
X+ srch:	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
X+ 	.byte 0x93	| access rights byte
X+ 	.word 0		| reserved
X+ tgt:					| target descriptor
X+ tgtsz:	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
X+ tgtl:	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
X+ tgth:	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
X+ 	.byte 0x93	| access rights byte
X+ 	.word 0		| reserved
X+ 					| BIOS CS descriptor
X+ 	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
X+ 	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
X+ 	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
X+ 	.byte 0		| access rights byte
X+ 	.word 0		| reserved
X+ 					| stack segment descriptor
X+ 	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
X+ 	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
X+ 	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
X+ 	.byte 0		| access rights byte
X+ 	.word 0		| reserved
X+ |
X+ |
X+ |  Execute a transfer between user memory and extended memory.
X+ |
X+ |  status = em_xfer(source, dest, count);
X+ |
X+ |    Where:
X+ |       status => return code (0 => OK)
X+ |       source => Physical source address (32-bit)
X+ |       dest   => Physical destination address (32-bit)
X+ |       count  => Number of words to transfer
X+ |
X+ |
X+ |
X+ _em_xfer:
X+ 	push	bp		| Save registers
X+ 	mov	bp,sp
X+ 	push	si
X+ 	push	es
X+ 	push	cx
X+ |
X+ |  Pick up source and destination addresses and update descriptor tables
X+ |
X+ 	mov ax,4(bp)
X+ 	seg cs
X+ 	mov srcl,ax
X+ 	mov ax,6(bp)
X+ 	seg cs
X+ 	movb srch,al
X+ 	mov ax,8(bp)
X+ 	seg cs
X+ 	mov tgtl,ax
X+ 	mov ax,10(bp)
X+ 	seg cs
X+ 	movb tgth,al
X+ |
X+ |  Update descriptor table segment limits
X+ |
X+ 	mov cx,12(bp)
X+ 	mov ax,cx
X+ 	add ax,ax
X+ 	seg cs
X+ 	mov tgtsz,ax
X+ 	seg cs
X+ 	mov srcsz,ax
X+ | The BIOS call doesn't preserve the flags!!!
X+ | Worse, it enables interrupts internally.
X+ | This mainly hurts the call from db via p_dmp() and phys_copy(), which
X+ | is only invoked for protected mode.
X+ | Disable interrupts using the interrupt controller, and save the flags.
X+ | On 386's, the extended flags and registers are destroyed.
X+ 	push	ax
X+ 	movb	al,#0xFF	| mask everything
X+ 	pushf
X+ |
X+ |  Now do actual DOS call
X+ |
X+ 	push cs
X+ 	pop es
X+ 	mov si,#gdt
X+ 	movb ah,#EM_XFER_FUNC
X+ 	pushf			| fake interrupt
X+ 	callfarptr(_vec_table+4*EM_XFER_VEC)
X+ | Restore flags and interrupt controller.
X+ 	popf
X+ 	pop	ax
X+ |
X+ |  All done, return to caller.
X+ |
X+ 	pop	cx		| restore registers
X+ 	pop	es
X+ 	pop	si
X+ 	mov	sp,bp
X+ 	pop	bp
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================
X+ |*				ack_char
X+ |*===========================================================================
X+ | Acknowledge character from keyboard for PS/2
X+ _ack_char:
X+ 	push dx
X+ 	mov dx,#0x69
X+ 	in
X+ 	xor ax,#0x10
X+ 	out
X+ 	xor ax,#0x10
X+ 	out
X+ 	mov dx,#0x66
X+ 	movb ah,#0x10
X+ 	in
X+ 	notb ah
X+ 	andb al,ah
X+ 	out
X+ 	jmp frw1
X+ frw1:	notb ah
X+ 	orb al,ah
X+ 	out
X+ 	jmp frw2
X+ frw2:	notb ah
X+ 	andb al,ah
X+ 	out
X+ 	pop dx
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				save_tty_vec				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | Save the tty vector 0x71 (PS/2)
X+ _save_tty_vec:
X+ 	push es
X+ 	xor ax,ax
X+ 	mov es,ax
X+ 	seg es
X+ 	mov ax,452
X+ 	mov tty_vec1,ax
X+ 	seg es
X+ 	mov ax,454
X+ 	mov tty_vec2,ax
X+ 	pop es
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				reboot & wreboot			     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | This code reboots the PC
X+ _reboot:
X+ 	cli			| disable interrupts
X+ 	mov ax,#0x20		| re-enable interrupt controller
X+ 	out 0x20
X+ 	call _eth_stp		| stop the ethernet chip
X+ 	cmp	_pc_at,#0
X+ 	jz	old_reboot
X+ new_reboot:
X+ 	sub	bx,bx		| phys_copy(reboot_magic, 0x472L, 2L)
X+ 	mov	ax,#2		| to stop memory test
X+ 	push	bx		| can't load ds = 0x40 in protected mode
X+ 	push	ax		| push 2L
X+ 	mov	ax,#0x472
X+ 	push	bx		| push 0x472L
X+ 	push	ax
X+ 	seg	cs
X+ 	mov	ax,kernel_ds	| need real ds not necessarily current ds
X+ 	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT  | calculate bx:ax = ax * HCLICK_SHIFT
X+ 	rol	ax,cl
X+ 	movb	bl,al
X+ 	andb	bl,#HCHIGH_MASK
X+ 	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
X+ 	add	ax,#reboot_magic  | then bx:ax += &reboot_magic
X+ 	adc	bx,#0
X+ 	push	bx
X+ 	push	ax
X+ 	call	_phys_copy
X+ 	movb	al,#0xFE	| complemented 0x01 bit
X+ 	out	0x64		| tells keyboard controller to reset processor
X+ | That should do it for AT's.  A solution for PS/2's remains to be found.
X+ old_reboot:
X+ 	call resvec		| restore the vectors in low core
X+ into_reboot:
X+ 	mov ax,#0x40
X+ 	push ds
X+ 	mov ds,ax
X+ 	mov ax,#0x1234
X+ 	mov 0x72,ax
X+ 	pop ds
X+ 	test _ps,#0xFFFF
X+ 	jnz r.1
X+ 	mov ax,#0xFFFF
X+ 	mov ds,ax
X+ 	mov ax,3
X+ 	push ax
X+ 	mov ax,1
X+ 	push ax
X+ 	reti
X+ r.1:
X+ 	mov ax,_port_65		| restore port 0x65
X+ 	mov dx,#0x65
X+ 	out
X+ 	mov dx,#0x21		| restore interrupt mask port
X+ 	mov ax,#0xBC
X+ 	out
X+ 	sti			| enable interrupts
X+ 	int 0x19		| for PS/2 call bios to reboot
X+ _wreboot:
X+ 	cli			| disable interrupts
X+ 	mov ax,#0x20		| re-enable interrupt controller
X+ 	out 0x20
X+ 	call _eth_stp		| stop the ethernet chip
X+ 	cmp	_pc_at,#0
X+ 	jz	old_wreboot
X+ 	call	_scan_keyboard	| ack any old input
X+ waitkey:
X+ 	in	0x64		| test this keyboard status port
X+ 	testb	al,#0x01	| this bit is set when data is ready
X+ 	jz	waitkey
X+ 	j	new_reboot
X+ old_wreboot:
X+ 	call resvec		| restore the vectors in low core
X+ 	mov	ax,#0x70	| restore the standard interrupt bases
X+ 	push	ax
X+ 	mov	ax,#8
X+ 	push	ax
X+ 	call	_init_8259
X+ 	pop	ax
X+ 	pop	ax
X+ 	movb	al,#notop(KEYBOARD_MASK)	| allow keyboard int (only)
X+ 	out	INT_CTLMASK	| after sti in int 0x16
X+ 	xor ax,ax		| wait for character before continuing
X+ 	int 0x16		| get char
X+ 	j into_reboot
X+ | Restore the interrupt vectors in low core.
X+ resvec:
X+ 	mov cx,#2*71
X+ 	mov si,#_vec_table
X+ 	xor di,di
X+ 	mov es,di
X+ 	rep
X+ 	movw
X+ 	mov ax,tty_vec1		| Restore keyboard interrupt vector for PS/2
X+ 	seg es
X+ 	mov 452,ax
X+ 	mov ax,tty_vec2
X+ 	seg es
X+ 	mov 454,ax
X+ 	ret
X+ | Some library routines use exit, so this label is needed.
X+ | Actual calls to exit cannot occur in the kernel.
X+ | Same for .fat
X+ | Same for .trp.
X+ .fat:
X+ .trp:
X+ _exit:	sti
X+ 	j _exit
X+ .data
X+ vidlock:	.word 0		| dummy variable for use with lock prefix
X+ splimit:	.word 0		| stack limit for current task (kernel only)
X+ stkoverrun:	.ascii "Kernel stack overrun, task = "
X+ 		.byte 0
X+ em_bad:		.ascii "Bad call to phys_copy with extended memory, error "
X+ 		.byte 0
X+ 		.space 3	| align
X+ _vec_table:	.space VECTOR_BYTES	| storage for interrupt vectors
X+ tty_vec1:	.word 0		| storage for vector 0x71 (offset)
X+ tty_vec2:	.word 0		| storage for vector 0x71 (segment)
X+ reboot_magic:	.word 0x1234	| to stop memory test
X+ 		.space 2	| align
X+ 	.text
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				check_mem				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC phys_bytes check_mem(phys_bytes base, phys_bytes size);
X+ | Check a block of memory, return the valid size.
X+ | Only every 16th byte is checked.
X+ | The memory and initial size must be <= 1M for non-protected mode.
X+ | An initial size of 0 means everything.
X+ | This really should do some alias checks.
X+ _check_mem:
X+ 	push	bp
X+ 	mov	bp,sp
X+ 	push	ds
X+ 	mov	dx,4+2(bp)	| base in dx:ax
X+ 	sub	ax,ax		| prepare for early exit
X+ 	test	dx,#notop(HCHIGH_MASK)
X+ 	jnz	cm_1exit	| can't handle bases above 1M
X+ 	mov	ax,4(bp)	| ax = base segment = base / 16 % 0x10000
X+ 	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
X+ 	orb	al,dl
X+ 	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT
X+ 	ror	ax,cl
X+ 	mov	bx,4+4(bp)	| size in dx:bx
X+ 	mov	dx,4+4+2(bp)
X+ 	test	dx,#notop(HCHIGH_MASK)
X+ 	jz	over_cm_reduce
X+ 	movb	dl,#HCHIGH_MASK
X+ 	mov	bx,#0xFFFF
X+ over_cm_reduce:
X+ 	andb	bl,#HCLOW_MASK	| cx = size in hclicks = size / 16 % 0x10000
X+ 	orb	bl,dl
X+ 	ror	bx,cl
X+ 	mov	cx,bx
X+ 	push	cx		| save size in clicks
X+ 	mov	bx,4(bp)	| bx = base offset = base % 16
X+ 	and	bx,#OFF_MASK
X+ cm_loop:
X+ 	mov	ds,ax
X+ 	movb	dl,#TEST1PATTERN
X+ 	xchgb	dl,(bx)		| write test pattern, remember original value
X+ 	xchgb	dl,(bx)		| restore original value, read test pattern
X+ 	cmpb	dl,#TEST1PATTERN	| must agree if good real memory
X+ 	jnz	cm_exit		| if different, memory is unusable
X+ 	movb	dl,#TEST2PATTERN
X+ 	xchgb	dl,(bx)
X+ 	xchgb	dl,(bx)
X+ 	cmpb	dl,#TEST2PATTERN
X+ 	jnz	cm_exit
X+ 	inc	ax		| next segment, test for wraparound at 1M
X+ 	loopnz	cm_loop
X+ cm_exit:
X+ 	pop	ax
X+ 	sub	ax,cx		| verified size in phys_clicks
X+ cm_1exit:
X+ 	movb	dl,ah		| convert to phys_bytes in dx:ax
X+ 	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT
X+ 	shl	ax,cl
X+ 	shr	dx,cl
X+ 	and	dx,#HCHIGH_MASK
X+ 	pop	ds
X+ 	pop	bp
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				cim_at_wini				     *
X+ |*				cim_floppy				     *
X+ |*				cim_printer				     *
X+ |*				cim_xt_wini				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | All these routines are meant to be called from the task level where
X+ | interrupts should not be globally disabled, so they return with interrupts
X+ | enabled.
X+ | PUBLIC void cim_at_wini();
X+ | Clear the AT winchester interrupt mask.
X+ _cim_at_wini:
X+ 	cli
X+ 	in	INT2_MASK
X+ 	andb	al,#notop(AT_WINI_MASK)
X+ 	out	INT2_MASK
X+ 	sti
X+ 	ret
X+ | PUBLIC void cim_floppy();
X+ | Clear the AT winchester interrupt mask.
X+ .define _cim_floppy
X+ _cim_floppy:
X+ 	cli
X+ 	andb	al,#notop(FLOPPY_MASK)
X+ 	sti
X+ 	ret
X+ | PUBLIC void cim_printer();
X+ | Clear the printer interrupt mask.
X+ _cim_printer:
X+ 	cli
X+ #ifdef ASLD
X+ 	andb	al,#notop(PRINTER_MASK)
X+ #else
X+ 	andb	al,#notop(PRINTER_MASK) & 0xFF
X+ #endif
X+ 	sti
X+ 	ret
X+ | PUBLIC void cim_xt_wini();
X+ | Clear the xt_wini interrupt mask.
X+ _cim_xt_wini:
X+ 	cli
X+ 	andb	al,#notop(XT_WINI_MASK)
X+ 	sti
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				get_extmemsize				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC void get_extmemsize();
X+ | Ask the BIOS how much extended memory there is.
X+ _get_extmemsize:
X+ 	movb	ah,#GET_EXTMEM_FUNC
X+ 	int	GET_EXTMEM_VEC	| returns size (in K) in ax for AT's
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				get_phys_byte				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC int get_phys_byte(phys_bytes offset);
X+ | Fetch a byte from anywhere in memory.
X+ | Get_byte() was inadequate above 1MB and the segment arithmetic to set up
X+ | its arguments used the wrong CLICK_SIZE.
X+ | This and its protected mode version provide a uniform interface.
X+ _get_phys_byte:
X+ 	pop	dx		| return addr
X+ 	pop	ax		| source addr in cx:ax
X+ 	pop	cx
X+ 	sub	sp,#4		| adjust for parameter popped
X+ 	mov	bx,ax		| bx = source offset = address % 16
X+ 	and	bx,#OFF_MASK
X+ 	andb	cl,#HCHIGH_MASK	| ds = source segment = address / 16 % 0x10000
X+ 	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
X+ 	orb	al,cl
X+ 	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT
X+ 	ror	ax,cl
X+ 	mov	cx,ds		| save ds
X+ 	mov	ds,ax
X+ 	movb	al,(bx)		| fetch the byte
X+ 	subb	ah,ah		| zero-extend to int
X+ 	mov	ds,cx
X+ 	jmpreg	(dx)
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				get_memsize				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC void get_memsize();
X+ | Ask the BIOS how much normal memory there is.
X+ _get_memsize:
X+ 	int	GET_MEM_VEC	| this returns the size (in K) in ax
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				phys_copy				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBlIC void phys_copy( long source, long destination, long bytecount);
X+ | Copy a block of physical memory.
X+ DESTHI	=	10
X+ SRCLO	=	4
X+ SRCHI	=	6
X+ _phys_copy:
X+ 	push	bp		| save only registers required by C
X+ 	mov	bp,sp		| set bp to point to source arg less 4
X+ | check for extended memory
X+ 	mov	ax,SRCHI(bp)
X+ 	or	ax,DESTHI(bp)
X+ 	test	ax,#EM_MASK
X+ 	jnz	to_em_xfer
X+ 	push	si		| save si
X+ 	push	di		| save di
X+ 	push	ds		| save ds
X+ 	push	es		| save es
X+ 	mov	ax,SRCLO(bp)	| dx:ax = source address (dx is NOT segment)
X+ 	mov	dx,SRCHI(bp)
X+ 	mov	si,ax		| si = source offset = address % 16
X+ 	and	si,#OFF_MASK
X+ |	andb	dl,#HCHIGH_MASK	| ds = source segment = address / 16 % 0x10000
X+ 				| mask is unnecessary because of EM_MASK test
X+ 	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
X+ 	orb	al,dl		| now bottom 4 bits of dx are in ax
X+ 	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT | rotate them to the top 4
X+ 	ror	ax,cl
X+ 	mov	ds,ax
X+ 	mov	ax,DESTLO(bp)	| dx:ax = destination addr (dx is NOT segment)
X+ 	mov	dx,DESTHI(bp)
X+ 	mov	di,ax		| di = dest offset = address % 16
X+ 	and	di,#OFF_MASK
X+ |	andb	dl,#HCHIGH_MASK	| es = dest segment = address / 16 % 0x10000
X+ 	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
X+ 	orb	al,dl
X+ 	ror	ax,cl
X+ 	mov	es,ax
X+ 	mov	ax,COUNTLO(bp)	| dx:ax = remaining count
X+ 	mov	dx,COUNTHI(bp)
X+ | copy upwards (can't handle overlapped copy)
X+ pc_loop:
X+ 	mov	cx,ax		| provisional count for this iteration
X+ 	test	ax,ax		| if count >= 0x8000, only do 0x8000 per iter
X+ 	js	pc_bigcount	| low byte already >= 0x8000
X+ 	test	dx,dx
X+ 	jz	pc_upcount	| less than 0x8000
X+ pc_bigcount:
X+ 	mov	cx,#0x8000	| use maximum count per iteration
X+ pc_upcount:
X+ 	sub	ax,cx		| update count
X+ 	sbb	dx,#0		| can't underflow, so carry clear now for rcr
X+ 	rcr	cx,#1		| count in words, carry remembers if byte
X+ 	jnc	pc_even		| no odd byte
X+ 	movb			| copy odd byte
X+ pc_even:
X+ 	rep			| copy 1 word at a time
X+ 	movw			| word copy
X+ 	mov	cx,ax		| test if remaining count is 0
X+ 	or	cx,dx
X+ 	jnz	pc_more		| more to do
X+ 	pop	es		| restore es
X+ 	pop	ds		| restore ds
X+ 	pop	di		| restore di
X+ 	pop	si		| restore si
X+ 	pop	bp		| restore bp
X+ 	ret			| return to caller
X+ pc_more:
X+ 	sub	si,#0x8000	| adjust pointers so the offset doesn't
X+ 	mov	cx,ds		| overflow in the next 0x8000 bytes
X+ 	add	cx,#0x800	| pointers end up same physical location
X+ 	mov	ds,cx		| the current offsets are known >= 0x8000
X+ 	sub	di,#0x8000	| since we just copied that many
X+ 	mov	cx,es
X+ 	add	cx,#0x800
X+ 	mov	es,cx
X+ 	j	pc_loop		| start next iteration
X+ to_em_xfer:			| source or target is above 1M, join em_xfer
X+ 	sub	bx,bx		| build error code here
X+ 	mov	ax,COUNTHI(bp)	| convert count to words
X+ 	rcr	ax,#1		| carry is clear from  previous test instruct
X+ 	rcr	COUNTLO(bp),#1
X+ 	pop	bp		| stack frame now agrees with em_xfer's
X+ 	jc	pc_panic	| count was odd
X+ 	inc	bx
X+ 	test	ax,ax
X+ 	jnz	pc_panic	| count is too big
X+ 	inc	bx
X+ 	cmp	_processor,#286
X+ 	jb	pc_panic	| not 286 or 386	
X+ 	jmp	_em_xfer
X+ pc_panic:
X+ 	push	bx		| error code
X+ 	mov	ax,#em_bad	| string to print
X+ 	push	ax
X+ 	call	_panic
X+ pc_1panic:
X+ 	j	pc_1panic	| this should not be necessary
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				porti_out				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC void porti_out(int portpair, int indexpair, int datapair);
X+ | Set a port-index pair. For hardware like 6845's.
X+ _porti_out:
X+ 	pop	cx		| return adr
X+ 	pop	dx		| portpair
X+ 	pop	ax		| indexpair
X+ 	pop	bx		| datapair
X+ 	sub	sp,#6		| adjust for 3 parameters popped
X+ 	xchgb	ah,bl		| low byte of data in ah, high index in bl
X+ 	pushf			| don't let interrupt separate the halves
X+ 	cli			
X+ 	outw			| low index and data at once
X+ 				| (may depend on 8 bit bus & speed?)
X+ 	xchg	ax,bx		| high index in al, high byte of data in ah
X+ 	outw			| high index and data at once
X+ 	popf
X+ 	jmpreg	(cx)
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				port_read				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC void port_read(port_t port, long destination, unsigned bytcount);
X+ | Transfer data from (hard disk controller) port to memory.
X+ _port_read:
X+ 	push	bp
X+ 	mov	bp,sp
X+ 	push	cx
X+ 	push	dx
X+ 	push	di
X+ 	push	es
X+ 	mov	ax,4+2(bp)	| destination addr in dx:ax
X+ 	mov	dx,4+2+2(bp)
X+ 	mov	di,ax		| di = dest offset = address % 16
X+ 	and	di,#OFF_MASK
X+ 	andb	dl,#HCHIGH_MASK	| es = dest segment = address / 16 % 0x10000
X+ 	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
X+ 	orb	al,dl
X+ 	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT
X+ 	ror	ax,cl
X+ 	mov	es,ax
X+ 	mov	cx,4+2+4(bp)	| count in bytes
X+ 	shr	cx,#1		| count in words
X+ 	mov	dx,4(bp)	| port to read from
X+ 	rep
X+ 	insw
X+ 	pop	es
X+ 	pop	di
X+ 	pop	dx
X+ 	pop	cx
X+ 	mov	sp,bp
X+ 	pop	bp
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				port_write				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC void port_write(port_t port, long source, unsigned bytcount);
X+ | Transfer data from memory to (hard disk controller) port.
X+ _port_write:
X+ 	push	bp
X+ 	mov	bp,sp
X+ 	push	cx
X+ 	push	dx
X+ 	push	si
X+ 	push	ds
X+ 	mov	ax,4+2(bp)	| source addr in dx:ax
X+ 	mov	dx,4+2+2(bp)
X+ 	mov	si,ax		| di = source offset = address % 16
X+ 	and	si,#OFF_MASK
X+ 	andb	dl,#HCHIGH_MASK	| ds = source segment = address / 16 % 0x10000
X+ 	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
X+ 	orb	al,dl
X+ 	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT
X+ 	ror	ax,cl
X+ 	mov	ds,ax
X+ 	mov	cx,4+2+4(bp)	| count in bytes
X+ 	shr	cx,#1		| count in words
X+ 	mov	dx,4(bp)	| port to read from
X+ 	rep
X+ 	outsw
X+ 	pop	ds
X+ 	pop	si
X+ 	pop	dx
X+ 	pop	cx
X+ 	mov	sp,bp
X+ 	pop	bp
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				sim_printer				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC void sim_printer();
X+ | Set the printer interrupt mask.
X+ | This is meant to be called from the task level, so it returns with
X+ | interrupts enabled, like cim_printer().
X+ _sim_printer:
X+ 	cli
X+ 	orb	al,#PRINTER_MASK
X+ 	sti
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				tasim_printer				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC int tasim_printer();
X+ | Set the printer interrupt mask, indivisibly with getting its old value.
X+ | Return old value.
X+ | Although this is meant to be called from the clock interrupt handler via
X+ | a call to pr_restart(), it returns with interrupts enabled since the
X+ | clock handler has them enabled.
X+ | This might not work for multiple processors, unlike test_and_set().
X+ _tasim_printer:
X+ 	cli
X+ 	movb	ah,al
X+ 	orb	al,#PRINTER_MASK
X+ 	sti
X+ 	movb	al,ah
X+ 	and	ax,#PRINTER_MASK
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				test_and_set				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC int test_and_set( int *flag );
X+ | Set the flag to TRUE, indivisibly with getting its old value.
X+ | Return old flag.
X+ _test_and_set:
X+ 	pop	dx
X+ 	pop	bx
X+ 	sub	sp,#2
X+ 	mov	ax,#1
X+ 	xchg	ax,(bx)
X+ 	jmpreg	(dx)
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				unlock					     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC void unlock();
X+ | Enable CPU interrupts.
X+ _unlock:
X+ 	sti			| enable interrupts
X+ 	ret			| return to caller
X+ #ifndef DEBUGGER
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				codeseg					     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC phys_clicks codeseg();
X+ | Return the current code segment.
X+ _codeseg:
X+ 	mov	ax,cs
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				dataseg					     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC phys_clicks dataseg();
X+ | Return the current data segment.
X+ _dataseg:
X+ 	mov	ax,ds
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				get_processor				     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC unsigned get_processor();
X+ | Decide processor type among 8088=8086, 80188=80186, 80286, 80386.
X+ | Return 86, 186, 286 or 386.
X+ | Preserves all registers except the flags and the return register ax.
X+ | Method:
X+ | 8088=8086 and 80188=80186 push sp as new sp, 80286 and 80386 as old sp.
X+ | All but 8088=8086 do shifts mod 32 or 16.
X+ | 386 stores 0 for the upper 8 bits of the GDT pointer in 16 bit mode,
X+ | while 286 stores 0xFF.
X+ _get_processor:
X+ 	push	sp
X+ 	pop	ax
X+ 	cmp	ax,sp
X+ 	jz	new_processor
X+ 	push	cx
X+ 	mov	cx,#0x0120
X+ 	shlb	ch,cl		| zero tells if 86
X+ 	pop	cx
X+ 	mov	ax,#86
X+ 	jz	got_processor
X+ 	mov	ax,#186
X+ 	ret
X+ new_processor:
X+ 	push	bp
X+ 	mov	bp,sp
X+ 	sub	sp,#6		| space for GDT ptr
X+ 	defsgdt	(-6(bp))	| save 3 word GDT ptr
X+ 	add	sp,#4		| discard 2 words of GDT ptr
X+ 	pop	ax		| top word of GDT ptr
X+ 	pop	bp
X+ 	cmpb	ah,#0		| zero only for 386
X+ 	mov	ax,#286
X+ 	jnz	got_processor
X+ 	mov	ax,#386
X+ got_processor:
X+ 	ret
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ |*				inportb					     *
X+ |*===========================================================================*
X+ | PUBLIC unsigned inportb( port_t port );
X+ | Read an (unsigned) byte from the i/o port  port  and return it.
X+ _inportb:
X+ 	pop	bx
X+ 	pop	dx
X+ 	dec	sp
X+ 	dec	sp
X+ 	in
X+ 	subb	ah,ah
X+ 	jmpreg	(bx)
X+ #endif /* DEBUGGER */
if test 39670 -ne `wc -c <'kerneldif/klib88.x.cdif'`; then
    echo shar: \"'kerneldif/klib88.x.cdif'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'kerneldif/klib88.x.cdif'
echo shar: End of archive 5 \(of 10\).
cp /dev/null ark5isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 10 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0
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