[comp.os.minix] which command

pcc@minster.york.ac.uk (05/18/89)

following is a modified version of `which` which was
posted to the atari source group.

have fun
	pete cooper
-----------------------------cut here--------------------------------
# To unbundle, sh this file
echo 'readme' >&2
sed 's/^-//' >readme << 'End of readme'
-This is an ST adaptation of a "which" program somone posted to 
-net.sources many years ago to replace the agonisingly slow
-BSD "which" script with a program.  I've used  it on our un*x
-system for years, and finally decided I couldn't do without
-it on the ST any longer..  Anyway, here it is (with source,
-its trivial enough.)  To use it just say
-% which haha
-and it'll add in the ".prg" or ".tos" or ".ttp" while checking for the file.  
-(it'll look for all three.)  It works with the Mark Williams C "msh" PATH,
-but you can easily modify it for your favourite shell, just change the comma
-in the #define for DELIMETERat the top to whatever the delimeter is for
-the PATH in your shell.
End of readme
echo 'which.c' >&2
sed 's/^-//' >which.c << 'End of which.c'
-#define DELIMETER ':'
-#include <stdio.h>
-char *getenv();
-char *index();
-char **av;
-    char *path, *cp;
-    char buf[400];
-    char prog[400];
-    char patbuf[512];
-    int quit, none;
-    if (ac < 2) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s cmd [cmd, ..]\n", *av);
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    av[ac] = 0;
-    for(av++ ; *av; av++) {
-        quit = 0;
-        none = 1;
-	if ((path = getenv("PATH")) == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Null path.\n");
-	    exit(0);
-	}
-        strcpy(patbuf, path);
-        path = patbuf;
-        cp = path;
-        while(1) {
-            cp = index(path, DELIMETER);
-            if (cp == NULL) 
-                quit++;
-            else
-                *cp = '\0';
-	    if (strcmp(path,"") == (char *)NULL && quit == 0) {
-		sprintf(buf, "%s./%s", path, *av);
-	    } else 
-		sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", path, *av);
- /* fprintf(stderr,"Trying %s, path %s\n",buf,path); */
-            path = ++cp;
-            if (access(buf, 1) == 0) {
-                printf("%s\n", buf);
-                none = 0;
-            }
-            sprintf(prog, "%s.%s", buf, "prg");
-            if (access(prog, 1) == 0) {
-                printf("%s\n", prog);
-                none = 0;
-            }
-            sprintf(prog, "%s.%s", buf, "ttp");
-            if (access(prog, 1) == 0) {
-                printf("%s\n", prog);
-                none = 0;
-            }
-            sprintf(prog, "%s.%s", buf, "tos");
-            if (access(prog, 1) == 0) {
-                printf("%s\n", prog);
-                none = 0;
-            }
-            if (quit) {
-                if (none)
-                    printf("No %s in %s\n", *av, getenv("PATH"));
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    exit(0);
End of which.c
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