[comp.os.minix] ST ACK compiler bug 2

V61%DHDURZ1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Ronald Lamprecht) (06/13/89)

The ACK compiler (ST) doesn't apply (unsigned char) casts on char variables :

  char ch;
  unsigned word;

  word = (unsigned char) ch;

Will be compiled with -O -S options to:

.sect .text;.sect .rom;.sect .data;.sect .bss
.extern _test
.sect .text
link    a6,#-4
!Local -4 into d7
move.l d7,-(sp)
move.b -1(a6),d0
ext.w d0
move.w d0, d7
move.l (sp)+,d7
unlk a6

The char byte in d0 is extended with sign to a word (integer) ! I don't know
a general solution for this problem (besides a new compiler), but sometimes
an appropriated cast can help:

char str[]="hello";
  char *ptr;
  unsigned int word;

  word =  *((unsigned char *)ptr);

will be compiled correctly to:

.sect .text;.sect .rom;.sect .data;.sect .bss
.extern _str
.sect .data
.data2    26725
.data2    27756
.extern _test
.data2    28416
.sect .text
link    a6,#-6
!Local -6 into d7
!Local -4 into a5
move.l d7,-(sp)
move.l a5,-(sp)
clr.w -(sp)
move.b (a5),1(sp)
move.w (sp)+,d7
move.l (sp)+,a5
move.l (sp)+,d7
unlk a6

Bitnet:  V61@DHDURZ1                               Ronald Lamprecht
UUCP:    ...!unido!DHDURZ1.bitnet!V61              Theoretische Physik
ARPAnet: V61%DHDURZ1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU       (Heidelberg, West Germany)