[comp.os.minix] Fix for phys_copy by Dale Schumacher

n62@nikhefh.hep.nl (Klamer Schutte) (06/16/89)

(Sorry, can't reply to original article any more)

I found a bug in the phys_copy routine posted by Dale Schumacher
This bug resulted in being unable to boot the rebuilt kernel.
The bug is in the beq done, where the register stored on the stack 
are not restored. (How could this slip through?).
Here is a cdiff (actually, a diff -c) of the old phys_copy();
it is not a fix.
*** physcopy.s	Fri Jun 16 16:09:27 1989
--- physcopy.s.ammended	Fri Jun 16 16:11:53 1989
*** 17,22 ****
--- 17,23 ----
  	btst	#0,d1			! pointers aligned, but odd?
  	beq	check64			! no
  	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+		! copy odd byte
+ ! YUK! not what you want when count == 0 ( but is count ever 0 ? )
  	sub.l	#1,d0			! decrement count
  	move.l	d0,d1
*** 53,58 ****
--- 54,60 ----
  	dbra	d0,loop256		! decrement count, test and loop
  	move.l	d1,d0			! remainder becomes new count
  	beq	done			! more to copy? no!
+ ! big error: done does not restore the registers saved on the stack. 
  	and.l	#0x3F,d1		! count mod 64
  	lsr.l	#6,d0			! count div 64
  	bra	end64
I also found some points of improvement of the assembly. These are:
1 use movem (a0)+,regs
      movem regs,offset(a1)
  because this is both faster and smaller than using lea's
2 use move.[wb] where possible instead of move.l .
  Yes, i know, there is no difference between .b and .w
  on a 68000; so every .b can be a .w .
  But we (i) do not have a 68020; so use [.w.b],not .l
3 arrange code so that no bra.w is neede, only bra.s;
  this does not improve readability ;-)
4 when pointers are not byte-aligned, use a copy loop
  for 16 bytes a time.
5 some trivial bra-order reordening.
Altogether does it look different, but it is essentially the same.

(.signature at end).

Here comes my version of physcopy.s:
.sect .text;.sect .rom;.sect .data;.sect .bss
.extern _phys_copy
.sect .text
	movem.l	(a0)+,d2-d7/a2-a5	! copy 10x4 bytes
	movem.l	d2-d7/a2-a5,(a1)
	movem.l	(a0)+,d2-d7/a2-a5	! copy 10x4 bytes
	movem.l	d2-d7/a2-a5,40(a1)
	movem.l	(a0)+,d2-d7/a2-a5	! copy 10x4 bytes
	movem.l	d2-d7/a2-a5,80(a1)
	movem.l	(a0)+,d2-d7/a2-a5	! copy 10x4 bytes
	movem.l	d2-d7/a2-a5,120(a1)
	movem.l	(a0)+,d2-d7/a2-a5	! copy 10x4 bytes
	movem.l	d2-d7/a2-a5,160(a1)
	movem.l	(a0)+,d2-d7/a2-a5	! copy 10x4 bytes
	movem.l	d2-d7/a2-a5,200(a1)
	movem.l	(a0)+,d2-d5		! copy 4x4 bytes
	movem.l	d2-d5,240(a1)
	lea	256(a1),a1
	dbra	d0,loop256		! decrement count, test and loop
	move.l	d1,d0			! remainder becomes new count
	beq	done			! more to copy? no!
	and.b	#0x3F,d1		! + count mod 64
	lsr.b	#6,d0			! + count div 64
	bra	end64
	move.l  4(a7),a0		! + load source pointer
	move.l	8(a7),a1		! + load destination pointer
	move.l	a0,d0
	move.l	a1,d1
	eor.b	d1,d0
	btst	#0,d0			! pointers mutually aligned?
	bne	copy1			! +
	move.l	12(a7),d0		! +
	beq	end			! if cnt == 0 && pointers both odd ...
	btst	#0,d1			! pointers aligned, but odd?
	beq	check64			! no
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+		! copy odd byte
	sub.l	#1,d0			! decrement count
	move.l	#63,d1			! +
	cmp.l	d1,d0			! +
	ble	copy4			! + count < 64
	movem.l	d2-d7/a2-a5,-(a7)	! save regs for movem use
	clr.l	d1
	move.b	d0,d1			! count mod 256
	lsr.l	#8,d0			! count div 256
	bra	end256
	movem.l	(a7)+,d2-d7/a2-a5	! restore regs for movem use
	movem.l	(a0)+,d2-d7/a4-a5	! copy 8x4 bytes
	movem.l	d2-d7/a4-a5,(a1)
	movem.l	(a0)+,d2-d7/a4-a5	! copy 8x4 bytes
	movem.l	d2-d7/a4-a5,32(a1)
	lea	64(a1),a1
	dbra	d0,loop64		! decrement count, test and loop
	movem.l	(a7)+,d2-d7/a2-a5	! restore regs for movem use
	move.l	d1,d0			! remainder becomes new count
	move.b	d0,d1			! +
	and.b	#3,d1			! +
	lsr.b	#2,d0			! +
	bra	end4
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	dbra	d0,loop4		! decrement count, test and loop
	move.l	d1,d0			! remainder becomes new count
	bra	end1
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	dbra	d0,loop1		! decrement count, test and loop
	move.l	12(a7),d0
! count can be big; test on it !
	move.l	#16,d1			! == moveq; 4
	cmp.l	d1,d0			! 6
	blt	end1		
	move.b	d0,d1
	and.b	#0x0F,d1
	lsr.l	#4,d0
	bra	end16
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+
	dbra	d0,loop16
	move.l	d1,d0
	bra end1
Klamer Schutte      mcvax!nikhefh!{n62,Schutte}     {Schutte,n62}@nikhefh.hep.nl