(Alfred C. McIntosh) (06/26/89)
Subject: Data Techonology Disk controller fix. 1. DTC5150CRH controller card with ST-225 and ST-251 hard disks. 2. Problems: a. could not find partition table b. could not build nodes c. fsck would not check d. fdisk messed up the dos partitions. 3. Fixes: Not necessarily in the order of problems. a. Disk controller card. Make sure the W6 jumpers select the correct disk dirve parameters. These jumpers identify the disk to wini.c when it reads port 0x322 (WIN_SELECT). The switch information is on page 7 of the installation guide. b. Change xt_wini.c to match the attached diff listing. These changes correct an error in the 1.2 distribution (copy_param should be copy_params), calculates disk drive types type_0 and type_1 to match the DTC rom table, and increased the size of the phys_copy from 64 to 256 to also accomodate the DTC rom table. 4. Notes. a. Fsck must be configured for the disk type being used. i.e. - a six head drive has 102 sectors per cylinder, as written (68 sectors per cylinder) it only will correctly work with a four head drive. b. Fdisk is also written for a four head disk. Change the number of heads to agree with the type of disk used. c. If you use the fdisk program in minix, the system MUST be rebooted to initialize the hard disk parameters in the kernel. -------