[comp.os.minix] Another uu and some docs

sampson@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Steve Sampson) (07/22/89)

This is a dump to the Minix group.  It's where I'm going to start with a
uucp mail machine, hopefully someone can use this.  It worked in a slightly
different version on a UniFLEX machine.  It contains the docs that some were
looking for.  It's kinda verbose and should provide some porting help for 68K
machines (It worked on a 68020).  I had to do some masking and such to insure
certain things worked.  See the lowest level and the checksum routine for
examples.  You may want to just take parts and chuck the rest, as maybe the
UUPC might be easier.  At any rate it should be of interest to some for ideas.
The only thing I wish the UUPC upload did was have everything reference to
Ver 1.3.  It left a lot of work for 1.3 people.  Tough cookies eh?

# shar:    Shell Archiver
#       Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#       readme
#       mail.c
#       rmail.c
#       uucp.h
#       uucico.c
#       uuxqt.c
#       uucp1.doc
#       uucp2.doc
# This archive created:  On Earth as in Heaven
cat << \SHAR_EOF > readme

                        Unix(tm) Mail Machine
                       Version 2.4, August 1989
                           S. R. Sampson

This archive of files is the basis for sending mail using the uucp 'G'
Protocol.  It is based on the DCP program by Richard Lamb as posted on

The files are:

README          This file
Makefile        ## NOT INCLUDED (BROKE) ##
uucp.h          Header file for Operating System specifics
mail.c          Remote/Local mail front-end
rmail.c         Remote mail work file generator (simple bang mode)
lmail           Local mail handler
uucico.c        G Protocol dialup machine
uuxqt.c         Work file execution machine
.Systems        A sample dialing directory
.Devices        A sample dialing port setup
.Config         A sample configuration setup

Put the files in a source code directory and simply execute 'make'.
This will almost completely build the mail machine.  You will have to
manually edit the /etc/log/password file to change the default shell to
'/etc/uucico'.  Then run 'password uucp' and assign the account a password.
Following that, find a Unix machine to talk to and setup the .Config,
.Systems, and .Devices files for your serial ports.

The format for the .Devices file is:

/dev/ttyxx Baudrate Type Status

Where:  xx is the TTY number
        Baudrate is the setting of the port
        Type is MODEM or DIRECT
        Status is FREE or USED

You initially create the file with everything FREE and have it set up like so:

/dev/tty02 1200 MODEM FREE
/dev/tty03 2400 DIRECT FREE

The format for the .Systems file is:

Machine-Name Call-Time Baudrate Type Dialup-Sequence

Where:  Machine-name is 6 character significance
        Call-Time is Any (Not implemented)
        Baudrate is the machines (or your modems) maximum speed
        Type is MODEM or DIRECT which is used when looking for a port
        Dialup-Sequence is a send/receive sequence for logging on

The format for the .Config file is:

User-Name       (The owner of the files (eg. 'uucp'))
Machine-Name    (6 character significance (eg. 'test'))
Error-Name      (Who gets mail when problems are found (eg. 'root', 'system'))

The uucp directory will contain all the work files to be sent and received.
The log file will contain information written by the programs as they run.
This information can be useful when debugging.  The file is recreated each
time and not appended to.  Need to fix this when more than one uucico is
running at the same time!!

This version will automatically run in the slave mode upon login to the uucp
account.  IT WON'T TAKE MULTIPLE SLAVE LOGINS YET!!  An example cron entry to
run uucico in the master mode with a debug level 9 would look like so:

0 * * * * /etc/uucico master 9

If you have problems check on all permissions and ownership:

/usr/bin/mail                   system   rwxr-x
/usr/bin/lmail                  system   rwxr-x SUID
/usr/bin/rmail                  uucp     rwxr-x SUID
/etc/uucico                     uucp     rwx--- SUID
/etc/uuxqt                      uucp     rwx--- SUID
/gen/spooler/uucp               uucp    drwxr-x
/gen/spooler/uucp/.Log          uucp    drwx---
/gen/spooler/uucp/.Systems      uucp     rw----
/gen/spooler/uucp/.Devices      uucp     rw----
/gen/spooler/uucp/.Config       uucp     rw----

Sometimes the .Devices file may become corrupt.  Make sure you view it for
problems such as no FREE device, or missplaced writes.

To send remote mail try something like:

mail myconnect!nextconnect!...
This is a test
.    <- '.' or EOF and mail will be spooled.

Where myconnect is the name of the Unix(tm) machine you dial up.

/* EOF */
cat << \SHAR_EOF > mail.c
 *      mail.c
 *      Version 2.4, August 1989
 *      Public Domain by S. R. Sampson
 *      This program checks for local or remote indication
 *      and then sends mail using rmail or lmail.

/* Defines */

#define FALSE   0
#define TRUE    ~FALSE

/* Includes */

#include "uucp.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pwd.h>

/* Globals */

long    stamp;
char    dfile[140], from[16], tmp[140];
int     remote;

/* The program */

main(argc, argv)
int     argc;
char    *argv[];
        register FILE   *fdfile;
        register char   *ptr;
        struct passwd   *name;

        if (argc == 1)  {
                execl("/usr/bin/lmail", "mail", (char *)NULL);

        strcpy(dfile, "/tmp/msXXXXXX");

        if ((fdfile = fopen(dfile, "w")) == (FILE *)NULL)  {
                perror("mail 1");

         *      If address has a '!' character flag address as remote
         *      else local.

        if ((ptr = strchr(argv[1], '!')) == (char *)NULL)
                remote = FALSE;
                remote = TRUE;

         *      Find out who we are and generate the required
         *      "From name date" line

        if (remote)  {
                name = getpwuid(getuid());
                strcpy(from, name->pw_name);

                sprintf(tmp, "From %s %s", from, ctime(&stamp));

                fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fdfile);

         *      Copy stdin to a /tmp file

        for (;;)  {
                if (fgets(tmp, sizeof tmp, stdin) == (char *)NULL)

                if (strlen(tmp) == 1 && tmp[0] == '.')

                fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fdfile);


        if (remote)
                sprintf(tmp, "rmail %s <%s >/dev/null", argv[1], dfile);
                sprintf(tmp, "lmail %s <%s >/dev/null", argv[1], dfile);

        if (system(tmp) != 0)  {
                fprintf(stderr, "mail: Fatal - Could not exec() mailer\n");

#ifndef DEBUG

/* EOF */
cat << \SHAR_EOF > rmail.c
 *      rmail.c
 *      Mini Remote Mail Handler
 *      Version 2.4, Public Domain August 1989
 *      This program is executed by either 'mail' or 'uuxqt'.
 *      The standard mail doesn't handle remote addresses so I made a
 *      new program called mail and renamed the old mail to lmail.  Now
 *      if the new mail finds a remote address it calls rmail, else lmail.
 *      Usage:
 *        rmail remotesystem!remoteuser myname (test myname)
 *        rmail remotesystem!remoteuser (.Config myname)
 *        rmail localuser
 *      Limitation:
 *        Will only do bang '!' addresses.

/* Defines */

#define FALSE   0
#define TRUE    ~FALSE

/* Includes */

#include "uucp.h"

#include <sys/modes.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pwd.h>

/* Globals */

extern  char    *tzname[2];             /* contains two strings CDT or CST   */
extern  int     daylight;               /* array index for above             */

struct  passwd  *names;
FILE    *fbfile, *fcfile, *fdfile;
long    stamp;
int     remote;
char    bfile[32], cfile[32], dfile[32], xfile[32];
char    rmtname[16], rmtuser[128], myname[16], user[16];
char    datetime[48], ofrom[256], from[256], tmp[256], sys[32];
char    errorname[8], *p, *ptr, *mfgets(), *fgets();

/* The program */

main(argc, argv)
int     argc;
char    *argv[];
        if (argc < 2 || argc > 3)  {
                fprintf(stderr, "Usage: rmail [remote!]user [testname]\n");

         *      Read Configuration file

        if ((fcfile = fopen(CONFIG, "r")) != (FILE *)NULL)  {
                mfgets(user, sizeof user, fcfile);
                mfgets(myname, sizeof myname, fcfile);
                mfgets(errorname, sizeof errorname, fcfile);

        if (argc == 3)                  /* useful for debuging               */
                strcpy(myname, argv[2]);

         *      If address has a '!' character flag address as remote
         *      else local.

        if ((ptr = strchr(argv[1], '!')) == (char *)NULL)
                remote = FALSE;
        else  {
                *ptr = '\0';
                remote = TRUE;

         *      "Should" change file creation mask to rwx------

        umask(S_IOREAD | S_IOWRITE | S_IOEXEC);

         *      Change to working directory


         *      Calculate the time

        strcpy(datetime, ctime(&stamp));
        datetime[strlen(datetime) - 1] = '\0';
        strcat(datetime, " ");
        strcat(datetime, tzname[daylight]);     /* add in CDT or CST         */

         *      See if this mail was generated locally
         *      or came from somewhere else.  Local mail
         *      has a "From x y" header, remote has a 
         *      "From x y remote from z" header.

        strcpy(from, "");
        strcpy(ofrom, "");

        fgets(tmp, sizeof tmp, stdin);  /* get a line from stdin             */

         *  First line should be a From line.  Our goal is to change from this:
         *      From a!b (date) remote from c
         *  To this:
         *      From c!a!b (date) remote from d
         *  Alternatively we may get a line from mail:
         *      From a (date)
         *  Now we must add on the machine name:
         *      From a (date) remote from b
         *  No 'from line' causes an error

        if (strncmp(tmp, "From ", 5) != 0 && strncmp(tmp, ">From ", 6) != 0)  {
                strcpy(dfile, "/tmp/rmXXXXXX");

                if ((fdfile = fopen(dfile, "w")) == (FILE *)NULL)  {
                        perror("rmail 1");

                /* write out old 'from' line */

                fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fdfile);

                 *      Copy file from stdin to the temporary file

                for (;;)  {
                        if (fgets(tmp, sizeof tmp, stdin) == (char *)NULL)

                        fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fdfile);


                 *      Send a letter to manager about this

                SendMail("No From Line\n\n", TRUE);

         *  Get the (now) garbage "From" into sys
         *  and the remote address into ofrom

        sscanf(tmp, "%s %s ", sys, ofrom);
        p = tmp;

         *  Parse line to seek out "remote from"

        for (;;)  {
                p = strchr(p + 1, 'r');
                if (p == NULL)  {

                         * You get here after parsing to the end of the string
                         * and didn't find "remote from" text.  The only other
                         * option is the basic "From" from mail.


                if (strncmp(p, "remote from ", 12) == 0)

        if (p == NULL)
                strcat(from, ofrom);
        else  {
                sscanf(p, "remote from %s", from);
                strcat(from, "!");
                strcat(from, ofrom);

        if (remote)  {

                /* spool a remote file */

                strcpy(rmtname, argv[1]);
                strcpy(rmtuser, ptr + 1);

                sprintf(dfile, "D.%.6sXXXXXX", myname);

                if ((fdfile = fopen(dfile, "w")) == (FILE *)NULL)  {
                        perror("rmail 2");

                sprintf(tmp, "From %s %s remote from %s\n",
                                                     from, datetime, myname);

                /* put out new from */

                fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fdfile);

                sprintf(tmp, "Received: by %s on %s\n", myname, datetime);
                fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fdfile);

        } else  {
                /* set up a local file */

                strcpy(dfile, "/tmp/rmXXXXXX");

                if ((fdfile = fopen(dfile, "w")) == (FILE *)NULL)  {
                        perror("rmail 3");

                fwrite(">", sizeof(char), 1, fdfile);
                fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fdfile);

         *      uuxqt and mail will call with:
         *      "rmail [remote!]user <D.xxx >/dev/null"
         *      Copy the stdin to the spool or /tmp file

        for (;;)  {
                if (fgets(tmp, sizeof tmp, stdin) == (char *)NULL)

                fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fdfile);

        if (!remote)  {

                 *      See if destination user name exists on this machine

                names = getpwnam(argv[1]);

                if (names == (struct passwd *)NULL)  {
                        SendMail("Unknown User\n\n", FALSE);
                        sprintf(tmp, "mail %s <%s", argv[1], dfile);

                if (system(tmp) != 0)

#ifndef DEBUG
        }  else  {

                 *      Now forward the mail, if user does not exist
                 *      or the remote machine is not known
                 *      then send mail to system manager and sender
                 *      The senders name is now in the global from[] string
                 *      See if we talk to requested remote machine

                if (CheckLegalName(rmtname) == FALSE)  {
                        SendMail("Unknown Machine\n\n", FALSE);

                /* make the spool files for uucico */

                sprintf(bfile, "B.%.6sXXXXXX", rmtname);

                if ((fbfile = fopen(bfile, "w")) == (FILE *)NULL)  {
                        perror("rmail 4");

                sprintf(tmp, "U %s %s\nF %s\nI %s\nC rmail %s\n",
                                       user, myname, dfile, dfile, rmtuser);
                fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fbfile);


                sprintf(xfile, "X.%.6sXXXXXX", rmtname);
                sprintf(cfile, "C.%.6sXXXXXX", myname);

                if ((fcfile = fopen(cfile, "w")) == (FILE *)NULL)  {
                        perror("rmail 5");

                sprintf(tmp,"S %s %s %s - %s 0666\nS %s %s %s - %s 0666\n",
                        dfile, dfile, user, dfile, bfile, xfile, user, bfile);
                fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fcfile);


        fprintf(stderr, "rmail: Fatal - Could not exec() mailer\n");

 *      Send mail to system manager upon errors
 *      Mail is contained in a file referenced
 *      by Global variable 'dfile'

SendMail(str, mgronly)
char    *str;
int     mgronly;
        strcpy(cfile, "/tmp/rmtXXXXXX");

        fcfile = fopen(cfile, "w");
        fdfile = fopen(dfile, "r");

        strcpy(tmp, "Subject: ");
        strcat(tmp, str);
        fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fcfile);

        while (fgets(tmp, sizeof tmp, fdfile) != (char *)NULL)  {
                fwrite("> ", sizeof(char), 2, fcfile);
                fwrite(tmp, sizeof(char), strlen(tmp), fcfile);


#ifndef DEBUG
         *      Return mail to system manager
         *      (and sender if mgronly == FALSE)

        if (!mgronly)  {
                sprintf(tmp, "mail %s <%s >/dev/null", from, cfile);
                if (system(tmp) != 0)

        sprintf(tmp, "mail %s <%s >/dev/null", errorname, cfile);

        if (system(tmp) != 0)

#ifndef DEBUG

 *      Check the machine name by reading the SYSTEMS file
 *      returns FALSE if not found, else TRUE

register char   *name;
        register FILE   *fd;
        char            line[132], tmp[16];

        if ((fd = fopen(SYSTEMS, "r")) == (FILE *)NULL)

        while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fd) != NULL)  {
                sscanf(line, "%s ", tmp);

                if (strncmp(name, tmp, 6) == 0)  {



 *      mfgets (modified fgets)
 *      Same as fgets() only this version deletes '\n'

char *mfgets(s, n, iop)
register char   *s;
register int    n;
register FILE   *iop;
        register int    c;
        register char   *cs;

        cs = s;
        while (--n > 0 && (c = getc(iop)) != EOF)  {
                if (c == '\n')  {
                        *cs = '\0';
                } else
                        *cs++ = c;

        return((c == EOF && cs == s) ? (char *)NULL : s);

/* EOF */
cat << \SHAR_EOF > uucp.h
 *      uucp.h
 *      Header file for Unix(tm) mail machine

 *      Spool Directory

#define SPOOLDIR        "/usr/spool/uucp"

 *      Configuration file (in spooldir directory) format
 *      1.      user                    uucp
 *      2.      myname                  test
 *      3.      errorname               system

#define CONFIG          "/usr/spool/uucp/.Config"

 *      Systems file (in spooldm2directory) format
 *      1.      rmtname         ihnp4
 *      2.      cctime          2300-2359
 *      3.      ttype           MODEM
 *      4.      tspeed          2400
 *      5.      loginseq        xx gin: uucp\n sword: secret\n

#define SYSTEMS         ".Systems"      /* file with calling info            */

 *      Devices file (in spooldir directory) format
 *      1.      Name            /dev/ttyxx
 *      2.      Max-Speed       75 - 19200 Baud
 *      3.      Type            MODEM or DIRECT
 *      4.      Status          USED or FREE

#define DEVICES         ".Devices"      /* file with terminal info           */

 *      Error log files (relative to spooldir)

#define SYSLOG          ".Log/uucico"   /* error log file for uucico         */
#define XQTLOG          ".Log/uuxqt"    /* error log file for uuxqt          */

/* EOF */
cat << \SHAR_EOF > uucico.c
 *      uucico.c
 *      Copy In - Copy Out 'G' Protocol
 *      Version 2.4, August 1989
 *      Based on dcp.c Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987 by Richard H. Lamb
 *      Changes are Public Domain by S. R. Sampson
 *      Called by 'cron', 'at', or 'uucp login'.
 *      Define DEBUG to prevent unlinking of C. files

/* Includes */

#include "uucp.h"

#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <sys/sgtty.h>
#include <sys/modes.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pwd.h>

/* General purpose defines */

#define FALSE           0
#define TRUE            ~FALSE

#define MAXLINE         132
#define MAXLOGTRY         4
#define MSGTIME          20
#define MAXTRY            5
#define PKTTIME          10
#define PKTSIZE          64
#define PKTSIZ2           2
#define HDRSIZE           6
#define WNDSIZE           1
#define DLE              16

/* Main Switching states */

#define INITIAL         000
#define DEVICE          001
#define LOGIN           002
#define HANDSHAKE       003
#define MASTER          004
#define SLAVE           005
#define END             006
#define ABORT           007

/* Master/Slave states */

#define MS_INIT         020
#define MS_SCANDIR      021
#define MS_SEND         022
#define MS_HANGUP       023
#define MS_RECEIVE      024
#define MS_ABORT        025
#define MS_CHKWORK      026
#define MS_END          027

/* Switching States */

#define SS_HEADER       030
#define SS_DATA         031
#define SS_EOF          032
#define SS_END          033
#define SS_ABORT        034

 *      Control Packet Defines
 *      xxx     name    yyy
 *      001     CLOSE   n/a
 *      002     RJ      last correctly received sequence number
 *      004     RR      last correctly received sequence number
 *      005     INITC   window size
 *      006     INITB   data seqment size
 *      007     INITA   window size

#define DATA            000     /* The packet is data */
#define CLOSE           001     /* CLOSE, Comunications complete */
#define RJ              002     /* RJ Reject, detected an error */
#define RR              004     /* RR Receiver ready, detected no errors */
#define INITC           005
#define INITB           006
#define INITA           007

#define MODEM           000     /* TTY device types */
#define DIRECT          001

/* Global Variables */

struct passwd   *pw;

struct  {
        int     baudrate;
        char    *code;
} rates[] = {                   /* what I use the most */
    B300,       "300",
    B1200,      "1200",
    B2400,      "2400",
    B9600,      "9600",
    B19200,     "19200",
    0,          ""

#define DEFAULT_BAUD    B1200

struct  sgttyb  NewSetting,

long    Dpos;

FILE    *fd,

int     type,

char    InPacket[PKTSIZE],
        Cfilename[MAXNAMLEN+1],         /* defined in dir.h */

char    *rcverr[] = {
        "Input Buffer Empty",
        "Bad Header",
        "Packet Timeout",
        "Checksum Error",
        "Wrong Packet Size"

/* Forward Declarations */

unsigned checksum();
char     *mfgets(), *gtime();
jmp_buf  env;

 *      Usage:
 *        uucico mode debug
 *        Where mode is 'master' or 'slave'
 *        And debug is an integer from 0 to 9
 *        Defaults are slave mode and level 0 debug

main(argc, argv)
int     argc;
char    **argv;
        register int    state;

         *      Read Configuration file

        if ((log = fopen(CONFIG, "r")) != (FILE *)NULL)  {
                mfgets(user, sizeof user, log);
                mfgets(myname, sizeof myname, log);

         *      Change to the spool directory


         *      Open the error log file

        log = fopen(SYSLOG, "w");
        setbuf(log, (char *)NULL);      /* log file should be unbuffered */

         *      Setup defaults

        master = FALSE;
        debug_level = 0;
        fd = fdC = (FILE *)NULL;

         *      Process the two command line arguments
         *      The first is "master" or "slave", the second
         *      is an integer debug level between 0 and 9.

        if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "master") == 0)
                master = TRUE;

        if (argc > 2)  {
                debug_level = abs(atoi(argv[2]));
                if (debug_level > 9)
                        debug_level = 9;

        state = INITIAL;
        while (TRUE)  {
                switch(state)  {
                        case INITIAL:
                                if (master)
                                        state = GetSystem();
                                        state = HandShake();
                        case DEVICE:
                                state = GetTTY();
                                if (state == ABORT)
                                  fprintf(log,"Main(): No Device Available %s",
                        case LOGIN:
                                state = Login();
                        case HANDSHAKE:
                                state = HandShake();
                        case MASTER:
                                state = Master();
                        case SLAVE:
                                state = Slave();
                        case END:
                                state = SendOO();

                if (state == ABORT)

        if (master)


        /* go execute any transfered work files */

        execl("/etc/uuxqt", "uuxqt", (char *)NULL);

 *      uucico Subroutines

register char   *string;
        register int    i, len;
        char            c[MAXLINE];

        len = strlen(string);
        c[len--] = 0;

        while (strcmp(string, c) != 0)  {
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
                        c[i] = c[i+1];

                if (ReadTTY(&c[i], 1, MSGTIME) == 0)  {
                       fprintf(log,"GetReply(): Input timed out %s", gtime());
                       fprintf(log," Wanted %s got %s\n", string, c);
                       return FALSE;


        return TRUE;

 *      mfgets (modified K&R fgets)
 *      Same as fgets() only this version deletes '\n'

char *mfgets(s, n, iop)
register char   *s;
register int    n;
register FILE   *iop;
        register int    c;
        register char   *cs;

        cs = s;
        while (--n > 0 && (c = getc(iop)) != EOF)  {
                if (c == '\n')  {
                        *cs = '\0';
                        *cs++ = c;

        return((c == EOF && cs == s) ? (char *)NULL : s);

char *gtime()
        long    value;


        register FILE   *fdsys;
        char            line[MAXLINE], tmp[16];

        if ((fdsys = fopen(SYSTEMS, "r")) == NULL)  {
                fprintf(log,"CheckName(): Can't open %s %s", SYSTEMS, gtime());
                return FALSE;

        while (mfgets(line, sizeof line, fdsys) != (char *)NULL)  {
                sscanf(line, "%s ", tmp);

                if (strncmp(Rmtname, tmp, 6) == 0)  {
                        return TRUE;

        fprintf(log, "CheckName(): Unknown system %s attempted login %s",
                                Rmtname, gtime());
        return FALSE;

register char   *time;
        return TRUE;

 *      uucico High Level State Switching routines

        register FILE   *fdsys;
        char            line[MAXLINE], ttype[8], cctime[16];

        if ((fdsys = fopen(SYSTEMS, "r")) == NULL)  {
                fprintf(log,"GetSystem(): Can't open %s %s", SYSTEMS, gtime());
                return ABORT;

        do {
                if (fgets(line, sizeof line, fdsys) == (char *)NULL)  {
                        return ABORT;           /* no more systems */

                sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s",
                        Rmtname, cctime, ttype, speed, Loginseq);
                type = strcmp(ttype, "MODEM") ? DIRECT : MODEM;
        } while ( !strcmp(cctime, "Slave") || !CheckTime(cctime) );


        return DEVICE;                  /* go get a device and login */

 *      Find the next device of the type and speed requested
 *      in the DEVICES file

        register FILE   *fdtty;
        int             Type, Used;
        char            line[MAXLINE], Types[8], Useds[8], Bauds[8];

        if ((fdtty = fopen(DEVICES, "r+")) == (FILE *)NULL)  {
                fprintf(log,"GetTTY(): Can't open %s %s", DEVICES, gtime());
                return ABORT;

        do  {
                if (mfgets(line, sizeof line, fdtty) == (char *)NULL)  {
                        fprintf(log,"GetTTY(): No devices available %s",
                        return ABORT;

                sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s", Device, Bauds, Types, Useds);
                Type = strcmp(Types, "MODEM") ? DIRECT : MODEM;
                Used = strcmp(Useds, "FREE");
        } while (Type != type || strcmp(Bauds, speed) || Used);

         *      This is a hack until I figure out what I'm doing...

        fseek(fdtty, -5L, 1);
        Dpos = ftell(fdtty);            /* Dpos is used in CloseTTY() */
        fputs("USED", fdtty);

        if (OpenTTY() == FALSE)
                return ABORT;

        return LOGIN;

        register int    k, j, trys;
        register char   *last;
        char            buffer[MAXLINE];
        int             flag;

        j = k = 0;

         *      First move everything to 'buffer', changing text
         *      newlines to binary

        while(Loginseq[j] != '\0')  {
                if (Loginseq[j] == '\\' && Loginseq[j+1] == 'n')  {
                        buffer[k++] = '\n';
                        j += 2;

                buffer[k++] = Loginseq[j++];

        buffer[k] = j = 0;
        flag = TRUE;    /* start by sending */

        while (buffer[j])  {
                k = j;

                while (buffer[k] != '-' && buffer[k] != '\0')

                if (buffer[k] == '\0')
                        buffer[k+1] = '\0';

                buffer[k] = '\0';

                if (flag)  {
                        last = &buffer[j];
                        WriteString(&buffer[j], FALSE);
                        flag = FALSE;
                } else  {
                        trys = 1;
                        while (GetReply(&buffer[j]) == FALSE)  {
                           if (trys >= MAXLOGTRY)  {
                              fprintf(log,"Login(): Failed login on remote %s",
                              return ABORT;

                           /* try resending the last sequence */

                           WriteString(last, FALSE);

                        flag = TRUE;

                j = k + 1;

        return HANDSHAKE;

        char    t1[16], t2[16];

        if (master)  {
                if (ReadString(InPacket, MSGTIME) == 0)
                        return ABORT;

                if (strncmp(InPacket + 6, Rmtname, 6))  {
                        fprintf(log,"HandShake(): System name match error %s",
                        return ABORT;

                sprintf(OutPacket, "S%.6s", myname);
                WriteString(OutPacket, TRUE);

                if (ReadString(InPacket, MSGTIME) == 0)
                        return ABORT;

                if (strncmp(InPacket + 1, "OK", 2))  {
hserr1:                 fprintf(log,"HandShake(): Don't like name %s",gtime());
                        return ABORT;

                if (ReadString(InPacket, MSGTIME) == 0)
                        return ABORT;

                if (InPacket[0] != 'P' && strchr(InPacket[1], 'g') == 0)  {
                        WriteString("UN", TRUE);
hserr2:                 fprintf(log,"HandShake(): G Protocol not available %s",
                        return ABORT;

                WriteString("Ug", TRUE);
                return MASTER;
        } else {
                input = stdin;
                output = stdout;

                SetTTY(fileno(input), 0);
                SetTTY(fileno(output), 0);

                sprintf(OutPacket, "Shere=%.6s", myname);
                WriteString(OutPacket, TRUE);

                if (ReadString(InPacket, MSGTIME) == 0)
                        return ABORT;

                sscanf(InPacket, "S%s %s %s", Rmtname, t1, t2);
                sscanf(t2, "-x%d", &debug_level);

                if (CheckName() == FALSE)
                        goto hserr1;

                WriteString("ROK", TRUE);       /* Republic Of Korea         */
                WriteString("Pg", TRUE);

                if (ReadString(InPacket, MSGTIME) == 0)
                        return ABORT;

                if (strcmp(InPacket, "Ug") != 0)
                        goto hserr2;

                return SLAVE;

        register int    i;
        char            msg[MAXLINE];

        WriteString("OOOOOO", TRUE);
        if (ReadString(msg, MSGTIME) == 0)
                WriteString("OOOOOO", TRUE);

        if (master)
                return INITIAL;
                return ABORT;

 *      uucico Medium Level State Switching routines

        register int    state;

        state = MS_INIT;

        while (TRUE)  {
                switch (state)  {
                case MS_INIT:
                        state = SendInit();
                case MS_SCANDIR:
                        state = ScanDirectory();
                case MS_SEND:
                        state = Send();
                case MS_HANGUP:
                        state = MasterHangup();
                case MS_RECEIVE:
                        state = Receive();
                case MS_ABORT:
                        return ABORT;
                case MS_END:
                        return END;

        register int    state;

        state = MS_INIT;

        while (TRUE)  {
                switch (state)  {
                case MS_INIT:
                        state = RcvInit();
                case MS_RECEIVE:
                        state = Receive();
                case MS_CHKWORK:
                        state = CheckForWork();
                case MS_HANGUP:
                        state = SlaveHangup();
                case MS_SCANDIR:
                        state = ScanDirectory();
                case MS_SEND:
                        state = Send();
                case MS_ABORT:
                        return ABORT;
                case MS_END:
                        return END;

 *      uucico Low Level State Switching routines

        register int    state;

        state = SS_HEADER;

        while (TRUE)  {         /* Do this as long as necessary */
                switch (state)  {
                case SS_HEADER:
                        if (fd != (FILE *)NULL)  {
                                  "Send(): File already open in SS_HEADER %s",
                                state = SS_ABORT;
                                state = SendFileHeader();
                case SS_DATA:
                        state = SendData();
                case SS_EOF:
                        state = SendEof();
                case SS_END:
#ifndef DEBUG
                        fdC = (FILE *)NULL;
                        return MS_SCANDIR;
                case SS_ABORT:
                        return MS_ABORT;

        register int    state;

        state = SS_HEADER;

        while (TRUE)  {
                switch (state)  {
                case SS_HEADER:
                        state = RcvFileHeader();
                case SS_DATA:
                        state = RcvData();
                case SS_ABORT:
                        return MS_ABORT;
                case SS_END:
                        return MS_CHKWORK;

        int     len;

        strcpy(OutPacket, "H");
        if (SendPacket(OutPacket, PKTSIZE, TRUE) == FALSE)
                return ABORT;

        if (RcvPacket(InPacket, &len) == FALSE)
                return ABORT;

        if (strncmp(InPacket, "HN", 2) != 0)
                return MS_RECEIVE;

        return MS_END;

        strcpy(OutPacket, "HY");
        SendPacket(OutPacket, PKTSIZE, 2); /* don't wait for Acknowledge */

        return MS_END;

register char   *header;
        register int    i;
        char            line[MAXLINE];

        if (mfgets(line, sizeof line, fdC) == (char *)NULL)  {
                fprintf(log,"GetFile(): Unexpected End Of File %s", gtime());
                return FALSE;

        sscanf(&line[2], "%s ", Filename);

        for (i = 0; line[i]; i++)
                if (strncmp(&line[i], "066", 3) == 0)

        line[i+4] = '\0';
        strcpy(header, line);   /* now contains the whole line up past 066x */

        return TRUE;

        register int    c;

        c = ScanDirectory();
        if (c == MS_ABORT)
                return MS_ABORT;

        if (c == MS_SEND)  {
                strcpy(OutPacket, "HN");
                if (SendPacket(OutPacket, PKTSIZE, TRUE) == FALSE)
                        return MS_ABORT;
                        return MS_SEND;
        else /* c == MS_END */
                return MS_HANGUP;

        register DIR            *dir;
        register struct direct  *pdir;

        strcpy(Cfilename, "C.");
        strncat(Cfilename, Rmtname, 6);

        if ((dir = opendir(SPOOLDIR)) == (DIR *)NULL)  {
                fprintf(log, "ScanDirectory(): Could not open %s %s",
                                        SPOOLDIR, gtime());
                return MS_ABORT;

        while ((pdir = readdir(dir)) != (struct direct *)NULL)  {
                if (strncmp(pdir->d_name, Cfilename, MAXNAMLEN) == 0) {
                        strncpy(Cfilename, pdir->d_name,(int)(pdir->d_namlen));

                        if (fdC == (FILE *)NULL)  {
                           if ((fdC = fopen(Cfilename, "r")) == (FILE *)NULL) {
                                "ScanDirectory(): Could not open %s %s",
                                Cfilename, gtime());
                                  return MS_ABORT;
                        } else  {
                                   "ScanDirectory(): File already open %s",
                                return MS_ABORT;

                        return MS_SEND;

        return MS_END;

 *      uucico G protocol High Level packet routines

        if (OpenPacket() == FALSE)
                return MS_ABORT;
                return MS_SEND;

        if (OpenPacket() == FALSE)
                return MS_ABORT;
                return MS_RECEIVE;

        int     len;
        char    header[MAXLINE];

        /* get next file from current work */

        if (GetFile(header) == FALSE)
                return SS_END;                  /* end sending session */

        if ((fd = fopen(Filename, "r")) == NULL)  {
                fprintf(log, "SendFileHeader(): Can't open %s %s", Filename,
                return SS_ABORT;

         *      Send the header

        if (SendPacket(header, PKTSIZE, TRUE) == FALSE)
                return SS_ABORT;

         *      Get the reply from remote

        if (RcvPacket(InPacket, &len) == FALSE)
                return SS_ABORT;

         *      Abort if remote doesn't say yes

        if (strncmp(InPacket, "SY", 2) != 0)  {
                fprintf(log,"SendFileHeader(): Remote refused request %s",
                return SS_ABORT;

         *      Change to DATA state

        return SS_DATA;

        int     len;
        char    fromfile[MAXLINE];

        if (RcvPacket(InPacket, &len) == FALSE)
                return SS_ABORT;

        if (InPacket[0] == 'H')
                return SS_END;

        sscanf(&InPacket[2], "%s %s ", fromfile, Filename);

        if ((fd = fopen(Filename, "w")) == (FILE *)NULL)  {
                fprintf(log, "RcvFileHeader(): Can't create %s %s", Filename,
                strcpy(OutPacket, "SN4");
                if (SendPacket(OutPacket, PKTSIZE, TRUE) == FALSE)
                        return SS_ABORT;
                        return SS_HEADER;

        strcpy(OutPacket, "SY");
        if (SendPacket(OutPacket, PKTSIZE, TRUE) == FALSE)
                return SS_ABORT;

         *      Change to DATA state

        return SS_DATA;

         *      Get data from file

        if ((size = fread(OutPacket, sizeof(char), PKTSIZE, fd)) < 1)
                return SS_EOF;

        if (SendPacket(OutPacket, size, FALSE) == FALSE)
                return SS_ABORT;

        return SS_DATA;

        int     len;

        OutPacket[0] = '\0';
        if (SendPacket(OutPacket, 0, FALSE) == FALSE)
                return SS_ABORT;

        if (RcvPacket(InPacket, &len) == FALSE)
                return SS_ABORT;        /* rec CY or CN */

        fd = (FILE *)NULL;

        if (strncmp(InPacket, "CY", 2) != 0)  {
                fprintf(log, "SendEof(): Rcvd %s expected CY %s",
                                        InPacket, gtime());
                return SS_ABORT;

        return SS_HEADER;               /* go get the next file to send */

        int     len;

        if (RcvPacket(InPacket, &len) == FALSE)
                return SS_ABORT;

        if (len == 0)  {
                fd = (FILE *)NULL;

                strcpy(OutPacket, "CY");
                if (SendPacket(OutPacket, PKTSIZE, TRUE) == FALSE)
                        return SS_ABORT;

                return SS_HEADER;

        fwrite(InPacket, sizeof(char), len, fd);

        return SS_DATA;

 *      uucico G protocol Medium Level packet routines

        char    tmp[PKTSIZE];

        spack(CLOSE, 0, 0, 0, tmp);
        spack(CLOSE, 0, 0, 0, tmp);

 *      INITA - INITC Handshake

        register int    i, j;
        unsigned int    npkrec, npksent, len;
        char            tmp[PKTSIZE];

        pkrec   = 0;
        pksent  = 1;
        pknerr  = 0;

        for (j = INITA; j >= INITC; j--)  {
                for (i = 0; i < MAXTRY; i++)  {
                        spack(j, 0, 0, 0, tmp);
                        if (rpack(&npkrec, &npksent, &len, tmp) == j)
                                goto nextinit;

                fprintf(log,"OpenPacket(): Could not INIT Handshake %s",
                return FALSE;

        return TRUE;

RcvPacket(data, len)
register char   *data;
register int    *len;
        register int    i;
        unsigned int    npkrec, npksent, nlen, nakflg, val;
        char            tmp[PKTSIZE];

        nakflg = FALSE;

        for (i = 0; i < MAXTRY; i++)  {
                switch (val = rpack(&npkrec, &npksent, &nlen, data))  {
                case DATA:
                        pkrec = (pkrec + 1) % 8;
                        if (npksent != pkrec)

                        *len = nlen;

                        if (nakflg)
                                spack(RJ, pkrec, 0, 0, tmp);
                                spack(RR, pkrec, 0, 0, tmp);

                        return TRUE;
                case CLOSE:
                        fprintf(log,"RcvPacket(): Rcvd CLOSE from remote %s",
                        return FALSE;
                        nakflg = TRUE;
                          "RcvPacket(): rpack() returned %s %s",
                           rcverr[abs(val) - 1], gtime());

        if (++pknerr >= MAXTRY)  {
                fprintf(log,"RcvPacket(): Too many packet errors %s",
                return FALSE;

        return TRUE;

 *      flg = 2      Just send the packet with no wait for ACK.
 *      flg = TRUE   Zero out the unused part of the buffer (for "msg" pkts).
 *      flg = FALSE  Normal data

SendPacket(data, len, flg)
register char   *data;
register int    len, flg;
        register int    i;
        unsigned int    nlen, npkrec, npksent, val;
        char            tmp[PKTSIZE];

         *      If Flag set then NULL fill to PKTSIZE

        if (flg)
                for (i = strlen(data); i < PKTSIZE; i++)
                        data[i] = '\0';

        for (i = 0; i < MAXTRY; i++)  {
                spack(DATA, pkrec, pksent, len, data);

                if (flg == 2)
                        return TRUE;

                switch (val = rpack(&npkrec, &npksent, &nlen, tmp))  {
                case RR:
                case RJ:
                        if (npkrec != pksent)
                                break;  /* Retry on wrong Packet Numbers */

                        pksent = (pksent + 1) % 8;
                        return TRUE;
                case CLOSE:
                        fprintf(log,"SendPacket(): Rcvd CLOSE from remote %s",
                        return FALSE;
                        fprintf(log,"SendPacket(): rpack() returned %s %s", rcverr[abs(val) - 1], gtime());

        if (++pknerr >= MAXTRY)  {
                fprintf(log,"SendPacket(): Too many packet errors %s",
                return FALSE;

        return TRUE;

 *      Send a Packet

spack(type, npkrec, npksent, len, packet)
unsigned  type, npkrec, npksent, len;
char      *packet;
        unsigned int    c, check, i;
        char            pkt[HDRSIZE];

        if (len == 0)
                *packet = '\0';

        pkt[0] = DLE;
        pkt[4] = (type << 3) & 0xFF;
        type  &= 0x07;

        switch (type)  {
                case CLOSE:
                case RR:
                case RJ:
                        pkt[4] |= npkrec;
                case INITA:
                case INITC:
                        pkt[4] |= WNDSIZE;      /* window size */
                case INITB:
                        pkt[4] |= 1;            /* segment size (1 = 64) */
                case DATA:
                        pkt[4] = (0x80 | (npksent << 3) | npkrec) & 0xFF;

                         *      If packet length is less than 64
                         *      then first byte needs to indicate the
                         *      difference.  So shift everything right
                         *      and put the difference in first byte

                        if (c = PKTSIZE - len)  {
                                pkt[4] = (pkt[4] | 0x40) & 0xFF;
                                for (i = PKTSIZE - 1; i > 0; i--)
                                        packet[i] = packet[i - 1];

                                packet[0] = c & 0xFF;

        if (type != DATA)  {
                pkt[1] = 9;             /* control packet, size = 0 */
                check = pkt[4] & 0xFF;
        } else {
                pkt[1] = PKTSIZ2;       /* data packet, size = 64 */
                check = checksum(packet, PKTSIZE) & 0xFFFF;
                check = (check ^ (pkt[4] & 0xFF)) & 0xFFFF;

        check  = (0xAAAA - check) & 0xFFFF;
        pkt[2] = check & 0xFF;
        pkt[3] = (check >> 8) & 0xFF;
        pkt[5] = (pkt[1] ^ pkt[2] ^ pkt[3] ^ pkt[4]) & 0xFF;

        WriteTTY(pkt, HDRSIZE);       /* header is 6-bytes long */

        if (pkt[1] != 9)
                WriteTTY(packet, PKTSIZE);   /* data is always 64 bytes long */

 *      Read Packet
 *      Returns:
 *      +n      Okey-Dokey;
 *      -1      Input buffer empty;
 *      -2      Bad header;
 *      -3      Lost packet timeout;
 *      -4      Checksum error;
 *      -5      Wrong packet size

rpack(npkrec, npksent, len, packet)
register unsigned int   *npkrec, *npksent, *len;
register char           *packet;
        register unsigned type, check, checkchk;
        register int      i;
        char              c, pkt[HDRSIZE];

        c = 0;
        while ((c & 0x7F) != DLE)
                if (ReadTTY(&c, 1, PKTTIME) == 0)
                        return(-1);     /* input buffer empty */

        if (ReadTTY(&pkt[1], HDRSIZE - 1, PKTTIME) < (HDRSIZE - 1))
                return(-1);             /* input buffer empty */

        /* header is 6-bytes long */

        if ((pkt[1] ^ pkt[2] ^ pkt[3] ^ pkt[4] ^ pkt[5]) & 0xFF)
                return(-2);             /* bad header */

        if ((pkt[1] & 0x7F) == 9)  {    /* control packet */
                *len     = 0;
                type     = ((unsigned)pkt[4] >> 3) & 0x7F;
                *npkrec  = pkt[4] & 0x07;
                *npksent = *packet = check = checkchk = 0;
        else {                          /* data packet */
                if (pkt[1] != PKTSIZ2)
                        return(-5);   /* can't handle other than size 64 */

                type     = DATA;
                c        = pkt[4] & 0x3F;
                *npksent = ((unsigned)c >> 3) & 0x07;
                *npkrec  = c & 0x07;

                if (ReadTTY(packet, PKTSIZE, PKTTIME) < PKTSIZE)
                        return(-3);     /* packet timeout */

                /* 64 byte packets even if partial */

                check    = ((pkt[3] << 8) | (pkt[2] & 0xFF)) & 0xFFFF;
                checkchk = checksum(packet, PKTSIZE) & 0xFFFF;
                checkchk = 0xAAAA-(checkchk^((pkt[4] | 0x80) & 0xFF)) & 0xFFFF;

                if (checkchk != check)

                 *      See if a "short" packet was received
                 *      If so, delete the size difference in first byte

                if (pkt[4] & 0x40)  {
                        *len = PKTSIZE - *packet;
                        for (i = 0; i < *len; i++)
                                packet[i] = packet[i + 1];
                        *len = PKTSIZE;

                packet[*len] = '\0';

        return type;

unsigned checksum(data, n)
register char   *data;
register int    n;
        register unsigned short t;
        register short          sum, x;

        sum = -1;
        x = 0;

        do  {
                if (sum < 0)  {
                        sum <<= 1;
                        sum <<= 1;

                t    = sum;
                sum += (unsigned short)(*data++ & 0xFF);
                x   += sum ^ n;

                if ((unsigned short)sum <= t)
                        sum ^= x;

        } while (--n > 0);

        return (unsigned)sum;

 *      uucico G protocol Low Level packet routines

WriteString(msg, syn)
register char   *msg;
register int    syn;
        if (syn)
                WriteTTY("\020", 1);

        WriteTTY(msg, strlen(msg));

        if (syn)
                WriteTTY("", 1);

ReadString(msg, seconds)
register char   *msg;
register int    seconds;
        register int    i;
        char            c;

        do {
                if (ReadTTY(&c, 1, seconds) == 0)  {
rperr:                  fprintf(log, "ReadString(): Input timed out %s",
                        return 0;
        } while ((c = toascii(c)) != DLE);

        for (i = 0; i < MAXLINE && c ; i++)  {
                if (ReadTTY(&c, 1, seconds) == 0)
                        goto rperr;

                if ((c = toascii(c)) == '\n')
                        msg[i] = c = '\0';
                        msg[i] = c;


 *      uucico TTY I/O routines

ReadTTY(data, len, seconds)
register char   *data;
register int    len, seconds;
        register int    count;
        int             ClkInt();

        if (setjmp(env))
                return 0;

        signal(SIGALRM, ClkInt);        /* execute ClkInt() if alarm         */
        alarm(seconds);                 /*      goes off                     */

        if ((count = fread(data, sizeof(char), len, input)) < 1)  {
                return 0;

        return count;

WriteTTY(data, len)
register char   *data;
register int    len;
        fwrite(data, sizeof(char), len, output);

        longjmp(env, 1);

        register int    i, baud;

        i = 0;
        baud = DEFAULT_BAUD;

         *      Check baud rate entry against table
         *      change 'baud' to new code

        do  {
                if (strcmp(speed, rates[i].code) == 0)  {
                        baud = rates[i].baudrate;
        } while (rates[++i].baudrate != 0);

        input  = fopen(Device, "r");
        output = fopen(Device, "w");

        if (input == NULL || output == NULL)  {
                fprintf(log, "OpenTTY(): Failure opening device %s %s",
                                        Device, gtime());
                return FALSE;

        SetTTY(fileno(input), baud);
        SetTTY(fileno(output), baud);

        return TRUE;

        register FILE   *fdtty;

        stty(fileno(input), &OldSetting);
        stty(fileno(output), &OldSetting);


        if ((fdtty = fopen(DEVICES, "r+")) == (FILE *)NULL)  {
                fprintf(log, "CloseTTY(): Can't re-open %s %s", DEVICES, gtime());

        fseek(fdtty, Dpos, 0);  /* Dpos is computed in GetTTY() */
        fputs("FREE", fdtty);

SetTTY(tty, baud)
register int    tty, baud;
        gtty(tty, &OldSetting);                 /* get the TTY settings      */
        gtty(tty, &NewSetting);                 /* copy old settings to new  */

        NewSetting.sg_speed = D8S1NONE;         /* 8 Bits No Parity One Stop */
        NewSetting.sg_flag  = RAW & ~ECHO;      /* no echo and no processing */

        if (baud)                               /* 0 Means Slave Mode        */
           NewSetting.sg_prot  = baud & 0x0F;   /* slap in the given baud    */

        stty(tty, &NewSetting);                 /* set the TTY new settings  */

/* EOF */
cat << \SHAR_EOF > uuxqt.c
 *      uuxqt.c
 *      Command File Execute
 *      Version 2.4 August 1989
 *      Based on dcp.c Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987 by Richard H. Lamb
 *      Changes are Public Domain by S. R. Sampson
 *      This program searches for work files in the spool directory and
 *      executes them.  Work files have a X. prefix.
 *      It is executed by 'uucico', 'cron', or 'at'

/* Includes */

#include "uucp.h"

#include <sys/modes.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>            /* defines MAXNAMLEN and directory stuff */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pwd.h>

/* Defines */

#define MAXLINE         256

/* Globals */

long    stamp;
char    command[MAXLINE], input[MAXLINE], output[MAXLINE], line[MAXLINE];
char    Cfilename[MAXNAMLEN+1], filename[MAXNAMLEN+1], ltime[32];
char    systemname[16], username[16], user[16];

/* Forward Declarations */

char    *mfgets();

main(argc, argv)
int     argc;
char    **argv;
        register char           *p;
        register FILE           *fdC, *log;
        register DIR            *dd;
        register struct direct  *dir;
        struct   passwd         *pw;
        int                     inull, onull;

         *      Read Configuration file

        if ((log = fopen(CONFIG, "r")) != (FILE *)NULL)  {
                mfgets(user, sizeof user, log);

         *      Change to spool directory


        if ((dd = opendir(SPOOLDIR)) == (DIR *)NULL)

        while ((dir = readdir(dd)) != (struct direct *)NULL)  {
                if (strncmp(dir->d_name, "X.", 2) != 0)

                strncpy(Cfilename, dir->d_name, dir->d_namlen);

                if ((fdC = fopen(Cfilename, "r")) == (FILE *)NULL)

                inull = onull = TRUE;

                while (mfgets(line, sizeof line, fdC) != NULL)  {
                        switch (line[0])  {
                        case 'C':
                                strcpy(command, &line[2]);

                         *      See if all required files are present

                        case 'F':
                                strcpy(filename, &line[2]);
                                p = filename;

                                while ((*p != ' ') && *p)

                                *p = '\0';

                                if (access(filename, 0) == -1)  {

                                         * All files not present, go check
                                         * other work files and give up
                                         * on this one till next time

                                        goto not_ready;


                        case 'I':
                                strcpy(input, &line[2]);
                                inull = FALSE;

                        case 'O':
                                strcpy(output, &line[2]);
                                onull = FALSE;

                        case 'U':
                                strcpy(username, &line[2]);
                                p = username;

                                while ((*p != ' ') && *p)

                                *p++ = '\0';
                                strcpy(systemname, p);

                if (inull)
                        strcpy(input, "/dev/null");

                if (onull)
                        strcpy(output, "/dev/null");

                sprintf(line,"%s <%s >%s", command, input, output);

                if ((log = fopen(XQTLOG, "a")) != (FILE *)NULL)  {
                        strcpy(ltime, ctime(&stamp));
                        ltime[strlen(ltime) - 1] = '\0';

                        fprintf(log, "%s %s %s %s\n",
                                ltime, systemname, username, line);


                if (system(line) != -1)  {
#ifndef DEBUG

                        if (!inull)

                        if (!onull)

not_ready:      fclose(fdC);



 *      mfgets (modified K&R fgets)
 *      Same as fgets() only this version deletes '\n'

char *mfgets(s, n, iop)
register char   *s;
register int    n;
register FILE   *iop;
        register int    c;
        register char   *cs;

        cs = s;
        while (--n > 0 && (c = getc(iop)) != EOF)  {
                if (c == '\n')  {
                        *cs = '\0';
                } else
                        *cs++ = c;

        return((c == EOF && cs == s) ? (char *)NULL : s);

/* EOF */
cat << \SHAR_EOF > uucp1.doc
Packet Driver Protocol
.sp 1
G. L. Chesson
Bell Laboratories
.in +.5i
These notes describe the packet driver link
protocol that was supplied
with the
Seventh Edition of
and is used by the UUCP program.
.in -.5i
Information flow between a pair of machines
may be regulated by
representing the data 
as sequence-numbered 
of data 
and then establishing conventions that
govern the use of sequence numbers.
packet driver,
is a particular instance of this type of
flow-control discipline.
The technique depends on the notion of a transmission
to determine upper and lower bounds for valid
sequence numbers.
The transmitter is allowed to retransmit packets
having sequence numbers
within the window until the receiver indicates that
packets have been correctly received.
Positive acknowledgement from the receiver moves the
negative acknowledgement or no acknowledgement
causes retransmission.
The receiver must ignore duplicate transmission, detect
the various errors that may occur,
and inform the transmitter when packets are 
correctly or incorrectly received.
The following paragraphs describe the packet formats,
message exchanges,
and framing
used by the protocol as coded
in the UUCP program and the
Although no attempt will be made here to present
internal details of the algorithms that were used,
the checksum routine is supplied
for the benefit of other implementors.
Packet Formats
The protocol is defined in terms of message
transmissions of 8-bit bytes.
Each message includes one
byte plus a
data segment
of zero or more information bytes.
The allowed data segment sizes range
between 32 and 4096 as determined by the formula
32(2\uk\d) where
k is a 3-bit number.
The packet sequence numbers are likewise constrained
to 3-bits; i.e. counting proceeds modulo-8.
The control byte is partitioned into three fields as
depicted below.
.in 1i
.ls 1
bit     7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
        t       t       x       x       x       y       y       y
.ls 1
.in -1i
bits indicate a packet type and
determine the interpretation to be placed on
The various interpretations are as follows:
.in +1i
.ls 1
tt      interpretation
00      control packet
10      data packet
11      `short' data packet
01      alternate channel
.ls 1
.in -1i
A data segment accompanies all non-control packets.
Each transmitter is constrained to observe the maximum
data segment size
established during initial synchronization by the
receiver that it sends to.
Type 10 packets have maximal size data segments.
Type 11, or `short', packets have zero or more data
bytes but less than the maximum.
The first one or two bytes of the data segment of a
short packet are `count' bytes that
indicate the difference between the
maximum size and the number of bytes in the short
If the difference is less than 127, one count
byte is used.
If the difference exceeds 127,
then the low-order seven bits of the difference
are put in the first data byte and the high-order
bit is set as an indicator that the remaining
bits of the difference are in the second byte.
Type 01 packets are never used by UUCP
and need not be discussed in detail here.
The sequence number of a non-control packet is
given by the
Control packets are not sequenced.
The newest sequence number,
excluding duplicate transmissions,
accepted by a receiver is placed in the
field of non-control packets sent to the
`other' receiver.
There are no data bytes associated with a control packet,
field is interpreted as a control message,
and the
field is a value accompanying the control message.
The control messages are listed below in decreasing priority.
That is, if several control messages are to be sent,
the lower-numbered ones are sent first.
.in +1i
.ls 1
xxx     name            yyy

1       CLOSE   n/a
2       RJ              last correctly received sequence number
3       SRJ             sequence number to retransmit
4       RR              last correctly received sequence number
5       INITC   window size
6       INITB   data segment size
7       INITA   window size
.in -i
.ls 1
The CLOSE message indicates that the communications channel
is to be shut down.
The RJ, or
message indicates that the receiver has detected an error
and the sender should retransmit after using the 
field to update the window.
This mode of retransmission is usually
referred to as a
`go-back-N' procedure.
The SRJ, or
selective reject,
message carries with it the sequence number of
a particular packet to be retransmitted.
The RR, or
receiver ready,
message indicates that the receiver has detected
no errors; the
field updates the sender's window.
The INITA/B/C messages are used
to set window and data segment sizes.
Segment sizes are calculated by the formula
as mentioned above,
and window sizes may range between 1 and 7.
Measurements of the protocol running on communication
links at rates up to 9600 baud showed that
a window size of 2 is optimal
given a packet size greater than 32 bytes.
This means that the link bandwidth can be fully utilized
by the software.
For this reason the SRJ message is not as important as it
might otherwise be.
Therefore the
implementations no longer generate or respond to SRJ
It is mentioned here for historical accuracy only,
and one may assume that SRJ is no longer part of the protocol.
Message Exchanges
Messages are exchanged between four cooperating
entities: two senders and two receivers.
This means that the communication channel is thought of
as two independent half-duplex data paths.
For example the window and segment sizes need not
be the same in each direction.
Initial synchronization is accomplished
with two 3-way handshakes: two each of
Each sender transmits INITA messages repeatedly.
When an INITA message is received, INITB is
sent in return.
When an INITB message is received
an INITB message has been sent,
an INITC message is sent.
The INITA and INITB messages carry 
with them the packet and window size that
each receiver wants to use,
and the senders are supposed to comply.
When a receiver has seen all three
INIT messages, the channel is 
considered to be open.
It is possible to design a protocol that starts up using
fewer messages than the interlocked handshakes described above.
The advantage of the more complicated design lies in its use as
a research vehicle:
the initial handshake sequence is completely symmetric,
a handshake
can be initiated by one side of the link while the
connection is in use, and the software to do this can
utilize code that would ordinarily be used only once
at connection setup time.
These properties were used in experiments with dynamically
adjusted parameters.
That is attempts were made to adapt the window and segment
sizes to changes observed in traffic while a link was in use.
Other experiments used the initial
handshake  in a different way
for restarting the protocol without data loss
after machine crashes.
These experiments never worked well in the packet driver and
basically provided the impetus for other protocol designs.
The result 
as far as UUCP is concerned is that initial synchronization
uses the two 3-way handshakes, and the INIT
messages are ignored elsewhere.
        Data Transport
After initial synchronization each receiver
sets a modulo-8 incrementing counter R to 0;
each sender sets a similar counter S to 1.
The value of R is always the number of the most recent
correctly received packet.
The value of S is always the first sequence number in
the output window.
Let W denote window size.
Note that the value of W may be different for each sender.
A sender may transmit packets with sequence numbers
in the range S to (S+W-1)\ mod-8.
At any particular time a receiver expects
arriving packets to have numbers in the range
(R+1)\ mod-8 to (R+W)\ mod-8.
Packets must arrive in sequence number order
are are only acknowledged in order.
That is,
the `next' packet a receiver
will acknowledge must have
sequence number (R+1)\ mod-8.
A receiver acknowledges receipt of data packets
by arranging for the value of its R counter to be
sent across the channel
where it will be used to update an S counter.
This is done in two ways.
If data is flowing in both directions across a
channel then each receiver's current R value is
carried in the
field of non-control packets.
Otherwise when there is no bidirectional
data flow,
each receiver's R value is transmitted across the link
as the
field of an RR control packet.
Error handling is up to the discretion
of the receiver.
It can ignore all errors in which case
transmitter timeouts must provide for
The receiver may also generate RJ 
error control packets.
field of an incoming RJ message replaces
the S value of the local sender and
constitutes a request for retransmission to start
at that sequence number.
field of an incoming SRJ message selects a particular
packet for retransmission.
The resemblance between the flow control procedure in the
packet driver and that defined for X.25 is no accident.
The packet driver protocol began life as an attempt at
cleaning up X.25.
That is why, for example,
control information is uniform in length (one byte),
there is no RNR message (not needed),
and there is but one timeout defined
in the sender.
The CLOSE message is used to terminate communications.
Software on either or both ends of the communication
channel may initiate termination.
In any case when one end wants to terminate it sends
CLOSE messages until one is received from the other end
or until a programmable limit on the number of CLOSE
messages is reached.
Receipt of a CLOSE message causes a CLOSE message to be sent.
In the 
it also causes the SIGPIPE or
`broken pipe' signal to be sent to
the local process using the communication channel.
The term
is used to denote the technique by which the
beginning and end of a message is detected
in a byte stream;
error control
denotes the method by which transmission
errors are detected.
Strategies for framing and error control depend
additional information being transmitted along
with the control byte and data segment,
and the choice of a particular strategy usually
depends on characteristics of input/output
devices and transmission media.
Several framing techniques are in used in support
of PK protocol implementations,
not all of which can be described in detail here.
The technique used on asynchronous serial lines
will be described.
A six byte
is constructed using the control byte
C of a packet and five other bytes as
depicted below.
.in +1i
.in -1i
The <DLE> symbol denotes the ASCII ctrl/P character.
If the envelope is to be followed by a data segment,
<k> has the value
i.e. 1 \(<= k \(<= 8.
If k is 9, then the envelope represents a control packet.
The <c0> and <c1> bytes are the low-order and high-order
bytes respectively of a 16-bit checksum of the data segment,
if there is one.
For control packets <c1> is zero and <c0> is the same
as the control byte C.
The <x> byte is the exclusive-or of <k><c0><c1><C>.
Error control is accomplished by checking 
a received framing envelope for compliance with the definition,
and comparing a checksum function of the data segment
with <c0><c1>.
This particular framing strategy assumes data segments
are constant-sized:
the `unused' bytes in a short packet are actually
This creates a certain amount of overhead which
can be eliminated by a more complicated framing technique.
The advantage of this strategy is that i/o
devices can be programmed to take advantage of the
constant-sized framing envelopes and data segments.
The checksum calculation is displayed below as a C function.
Note that the code is not truly portable because
the definitions of
.I short
.I char
are not necessarily uniform across all machines
that might support this language.
This code assumes that
.I short
.I char
are 16 and 8-bits respectively.
.in +.5i
.ft CW
.ls 1
/* [Original document's version corrected to actual version] */
register char *s;
register n;
        register short sum;
        register unsigned short t;
        register short x;

        sum = -1;
        x = 0;

        do {
                if (sum<0) {
                        sum <<= 1;
                } else
                        sum <<= 1;
                t = sum;
                sum += (unsigned)*s++ & 0377;
                x += sum^n;
                if ((unsigned short)sum <= t) {
                        sum ^= x;
        } while (--n > 0);

.in -.5i
.ft R
cat << \SHAR_EOF > uucp2.doc
I am posting this over the network because I believe that others are interested
in knowing the protocols of UUCP.  Below is listed all the information that I
have acquired to date. This includes the initial handshaking phase, though not
the login phase. It also doesn't include information about the data transfer
protocol for non-packet networks (the -G option left off the uucico command
line). But, just hold on - I am working on that stuff.

For a point of information : the slave is the UUCP site being dialed, and the
master is the one doing the calling up.  The protocols listed in the
handshaking and termination phase are independent of any UUCP site : it is
universal.  The stuff in the work phase depends on the specific protocol
chosen.  The concepts in the work phase are independent of protocol, ie. the
sequences are the same. It is just the lower level stuff that changes from
protocol to protocol. I have access only to level g and will document it as I
begin to understand it.  Most of the stuff you see here is gotten from the
debug phase of the current BSD UUCP system.

I hope this is useful. Maybe this will get some of the real 'brains' in UUCP
to get off their duffs and provide some real detail.  In any case, if you have
any questions please feel free to contact me.  I will post any questions and
answers over the network.

Chuck Wegrzyn


                        UUCP Handshake Phase

Master                                                  Slave
------                                                  -----

                                        <-----          \020Shere\0     (1)

(2)  \020S<mastername> <switches>\0     ----->

                                        <-----          \020RLCK\0      (3)

                                        <-----          \020P<protos>\0 (4)

(5) \020U<proto>\0                      ----->

(6) ...

(0) This communication happens outside of the packet communication that
        is supported. If the -G flag is sent on the uucico line, all
        communications will occur without the use of the packet
        simulation software. The communication at this level is just
        the characters listed above.

(1) The slave sends the sequence indicated, while the master waits for
        the message.

(2) The slave waits for the master to send a response message. The message
        is composed of the master's name and some optional switches.
        The switch field can include the following

                        -g              (set by the -G switch on the
                                         master's uucico command line.
                                         Indicates that communication
                                         occurs over a packet switch net.)
                        -xN             (set by the -x switch on the
                                         master's uucico command line.
                                         The number N is the debug level
                        -QM             (M is really a sequence number
                                         for the communication.)

        Each switch is separated from the others by a 'blank' character.

(3) The slave will send one of the many responses. The meanings appear to
        be :


                This message implies that a 'lock' failure occurred:
                a file called LCK..mastername couldn't be created since
                one already exists. This seems to imply that the master
                is already in communication with the slave.


                This message will be sent out if the slave requires a
                call back to the master - the slave will not accept a
                call from the master but will call the master instead.


                This message will be returned if the sequence number that
                was sent in the message, attached to the -Q switch, from 
                the master is the same as that computed on the slave.


                Happens if the sequence numbers do not match.

        (Notes on the sequence number - if a machine does not keep
         sequence numbers, the value is set to 0. If no -Q switch
         is given in the master's line, the sequence number is
         defaulted to 0.

         The sequence file, SQFILE, has the format

                <remotename> <number> <month>/<day>-<hour>:<min>

         where <remotename> is the name of a master and <number>
         is the previous sequence number. If the <number> field
         is not present, or if it is greater than 9998, it is
         set to 0. The <number> field is an ascii representation
         of the number. The stuff after the <number> is the time
         the sequence number was last changed, this information
         doesn't seem important.)

(4) The slave sends a message that identifies all the protocols that
        it supports. It seems that BSD supports 'g' as the normal case.
        Some sites, such as Allegra, support 'e' and 'g', and a few
        sites support 'f' as well. I have no information about these
        protocols. The exact message sent might look like


        where efg indicates that this slave supports the e,f and g 

(5) The slave waits for a response from the master with the chosen
        protocol. If the master has a protocol that is in common the
        master will send the message


        where <proto> is the protocol (letter) chosen. If no protocol
        is in common, the master will send the message


(6) At this point both the slave and master agree to use the designated
        protocol. The first thing that now happens is that the master
        checks for work.


                        UUCP Work Phase

Master                                                  Slave
------                                                  -----

(a) Master has UUCP Work

        (1) X file1 file2       ----->

                                        <-----          XN              (2)

        When the master wants the slave to do a 'uux' command
        it sends the X message. If the slave can't or won't
        do it, the slave will send an XN message. Otherwise
        it will send an XY message.

(b) Master wants to send a file

        (1) S file1 file2 user options  ----->

                                        <-----          SN2             (2)

                        <---- <data exchanged>---->                     (3)

                                        <-----          CY              (4)

        If the master wishes to send a file to the slave, it will
        send a S message to the slave. If the slave can or will do
        the transfer, it sends a SY message. If the slave has a
        problem creating work files, it sends a SN4 message. If
        the target file can't be created (because of priv's etc)
        it sends a SN2 message.

        The file1 argument is the source file, and file2 is the
        (almost) target filename. If file2 is a directory, then
        the target filename is composed of file2 concatenated
        with the "last" part of the file1 argument. Note, if the
        file2 argument begins with X, the request is targeted to
        UUX and not the normal send.

        The user argument indicates who, if anyone, is to be notified
        if the file has been copied. This user must be on the slave

        I am not sure what the options argument does.

        After the data has been exchanged the slave will send one of
        two messages to the master. A CY message indicates that every-
        thing is ok. The message CN5 indicates that the slave had
        some problem moving the file to it's permanent location. This
        is not the same as a problem during the exchange of data : this
        causes the slave to terminate operation.

(c) Master wishes to receive a file.

        (1) R file1 file2 user  ----->

                                                <-----  RN2             (2)
                                                        RY mode

        (3)             <---- <data exchanged> ---->

        (4)     CY              ----->

        If the master wishes the slave to send a file, the master sends
        a R message. If the slave has the file and can send it, the
        slave will respond with the RY message. If the slave can't find
        the file, or won't send it the RN2 message is sent. It doesn't
        appear that the 'mode' field of the RY message is used.

        The argument file1 is the file to transfer, unless it is a
        directory. In this case the file to be transferred is built
        of a concatenation of file1 with the "last" part of the file2

        If anything goes wrong with the data transfer, it results in
        both the slave and the master terminating.

        After the data has been transferred, the master will send an
        acknowledgement to the slave. If the transfer and copy to the
        destination file has been successful, the master will send the
        CY message. Otherwise it will send the CN5 message.

(d) Master has no work, or no more work.

        (1) H                   ----->

                                <-----                          HY      (2)

        (3) HY                  ----->

                                <----                           HY      (4)

        (5) ...

        The transfer of control is initiated with the master sending
        a H message. This message tells the slave that the master has
        no work, and the slave should look for work.

        If the slave has no work it will respond with the HY message.
        This will tell the master to send an HY message, and turn off
        the selected protocol. When the HY message is received by the
        slave, it turns off the selected protocol as well. Both the
        master and slave enter the UUCP termination phase.

        If the slave does have work, it sends the HN message to the
        master. At this point, the slave becomes the master. After
        the master receives the HN message, it becomes the slave.
        The whole sequence of sending work starts over again. Note,
        the transmission of HN doesn't force the master to send any
        other H messages : it waits for stuff  from the new master.


                        UUCP Termination Sequence

 Master                                                         Slave
 ------                                                         -----

 (1) \020OOOOOO\0               ----->

                                <-----                  \020OOOOOOO\0 (2)

        At this point all conversation has completed normally.


                        UUCP Data Transfers

        After the initial handshake the systems send messages in one
        of two styles : packet and not packet. A Packet protocol is
        just raw data transfers : there is no protocol or acknowledgements;
        this appears to assume that the lower level is a packet network
        of some type. If the style is not Packet, then extra work is
        done. I am still working on this stuff.


                   ** summary of UUCP packets ** 

note that all transmissions end with a null, not shown here

(master)                (slave)

 ... dials up ...       <DLE>Shere              says "hello"

<DLE>S<sysname> <opts>                          says who he is

                |       <DLE>ROK                says ok to talk
                |       <DLE>RLCK               says locked out
                |       <DLE>RCB                says will call back
                |       <DLE>RBADSEQ            says bad seq num

                        <DLE>P<protos>          what protocols he has

<DLE>U<proto>   |                               which to use
<DLE>UN         |                               use none, hang up

packet driver is turned on at this time, if not told otherwise

 -- if master has work --

to send file to slave...
S <mfilenm> <sfilenm> <user> <opts>             request to send file

                |       SY                      ok -- i'll take it
                |       SN2                     not permitted
                |       SN4                     can't make workfile

<data>                                          the file is transmitted

                |       CY                      finished OK
                |       CN5                     can't move into place

to recv file from slave...
R <sfilenm> <mfilenm> <user>                    request to recv file

                |       RY<mode>                ok -- here is prot mode
                |       RN2                     not permitted

                        <data>                  file is transmitted

CY              |                               worked
CN5             |                               can't move into place

to do UUX on slave...
X <file1> <file2>                               request to exec file

                |       XY                      ok -- will do
                |       XN                      nopers

to indicate that he has no more work...
H                                               no more work

                |       HN                      reverse roles
                |       HY                      no work here either

to accept slave's claim of no more work...

HY                                              agrees to hang up

the rest of the hang-up is done OUTSIDE of packet driver
<DLE>OOOOOO                                     signs off (6*'O')

                        <DLE>OOOOOOO            signs off (7*'O')

If the slave has work, then the roles are reversed, and the
session proceeds from the label 'loop1' above.  The system
which was the slave is now the master, and the old master is
just the slave.

The <opts> which follow the system name for the start-up sequence
        -g              don't use packet driver (command line -G)
        -xN             debug level (command line -Xn)
        -QN             seq number (if systems use this)

The filenames for <mfilenm> should be complete filenames with
path information; otherwise they are assumed to be in /usr/spool/uucp.
The filenames for <sfilenm> should be either complete filenames
or directory names.  If directory names are used, then the final
componant of <mfilenm> is appended to form the complete filename.

The 'X' command to do UUX on a slave is more than a little unclear.
It doesn't seem to work here, but that may be a microsoft "feature".

Protocol "g", which seems to be the one most commonly used, is supposed
to be a slightly munged version of level 2 of X.25; an article was just
posted in net.unix-wizards (which you probably have already seen) to
this effect.  The article didn't provide any details on the protocol,
but merely mentioned the modifications.

The "packet" mode, with no protocol, does not work under microsoft
implementations, and may have *lots* of trouble working anywhere
else as well.  It evidently requires that zero-length reads happen
every so often to delimit things, such as files being transferred.
This of course can't happen without the packet driver, which was long
gone by the time sys-3 or sys-5 or <your current version> came along.

New Info:

I got the answer that version 7 and its descendants use only Shere
while SVR2 uses Shere=xxx (or is it the other way around).  Anyway,
the correct change would be to check if there is a '=' then verify
the remote name.

/* EOF */
#       End of shell archive
exit 0