[net.unix-wizards] Another way to do multiple trys at dialing in uucico

gill (07/16/82)

Another way to lower DTR on interrupted open calls to DZ lines is
to close the file descriptor UNIX associates with the uncompleted
open. Since the aborted open returned -1, the only way to find
out what this file descritor was is to predict it beforehand.
A simple program illustrates the hack:

#include <signal.h>


	int fd,phantom;
	printf ("Next fd = %d\n",phantom = nextfd());
	signal (SIGALRM,catch);
	alarm (2);
	printf ("Open on cul1 returned %d.\n",open ("/dev/cul1",2));
#ifdef KLUDGE
	close (phantom);
	printf ("Next fd = %d\n",phantom = nextfd());

nextfd()  /* Return the number of the next file desciptor assuming no
	     closes happen until the next open */
	int phantom;

	close (phantom = open("/dev/null",0));
	return (phantom);

If KLUDGE is defined, then you get the same file descriptor both
before and after the aborted open (which returns -1). DTR
is lowered by the close(phantom).  If KLUDGE is undefined, you
get two sequential descriptors, and the DTR lead isn't lowered until you
stop the process (i.e. let the system do the close).

Well, this is conceptually simpler than my fix, which involved forking
off an open prober, but it really violates the abstraction of file
descriptors being numbers passed to and returned by system calls.
It's the close/dup assumption taken to the extreme. If the ordinary UNIX
interface is call/return by value, the use of a predicted file descriptor
which you can't even verify (as you can with dup) is "call/return by
intuition." Yuch. 

Thanx to Peter Honeyman for pointing this alternative out (it's
actually the method used by the research folks in their dialout() routine). 

	Gill Pratt
